
SE Illinois News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Carmi City Council met June 2

Meeting 02

City of Carmi City Council met June 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The Carmi City Council met at 5:30 p.m. via phone conference due to COVID-19.

Prior to opening the council meeting, Mayor Pollard asked Alderman Winkleman to give the invocation.

Mayor Pollard presided with the following Aldermen present: Steve Winkleman, Mark W. Blake, Tracy Nelson, James Totten, Jeremy Courson, Sheila Jo Headlee, Mike Knight, and Doug Hays.

The minutes from the May 19, 2020, council meeting were presented. Motion was made by Alderman Headlee and seconded by Alderman Hays to approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”

For council consideration, discussion, and possible approval

Resolution 060220; A resolution committing local funds for the Fast Track – Rebuild Illinois competitive public infrastructure application for the 8th Street/Hillsdale project in the amount of $233,200. This is the grant the City of Carmi is applying for which was previously discussed at the May 19th council meeting. Alderman Totten made a motion to approve Resolution 060220, A resolution committing local funds for the Fast Track – Rebuild Illinois competitive public infrastructure application. The motion was seconded by Alderman Knight. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”

Resolution 060320; A resolution committing local funds for the Rebuild Illinois Competitive PI component. This is the grant assistance to allow the City to undertake the 8th Street/Hillsdale area project. Alderman Headlee made a motion to approve Resolution 060320; A resolution committing local funds or the Rebuild Illinois Competitive PI component. The motion was seconded by Alderman Totten. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”

The pay request for Samron Midwest Contracting for the Industrial Drive project in the amount of $148,439.25 was presented for approval. Alderman Winkleman made a motion to approve the pay request as submitted. The motion was seconded by Alderman Totten. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”

The pay request for Brown and Roberts Engineering for the Industrial Drive project in the amount of $18,733.62 was presented for approval. Alderman Headlee made a motion to approve the pay request as presented. The motion was seconded by Alderman Knight. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”

Lindy Satterfield, owner of Danny’s Pool Room, had requested to be on the agenda to ask for approval to close the alley behind his establishment but he called and withdrew his request.

Mayor Pollard opened the discussion regarding the Carmi Summer Recreational League practicing ball by stating he had been in contact with Jeremy Courson who is the president of the league. Mayor Pollard stated Mr. Courson had been in contact with the Illinois Health Department in Eldorado, IL regarding being able to have summer recreational ball practices. The health department advised Mr. Courson that they did not see a problem as long as they followed the Governor’s recommendations but advised him to take it before the City Council. Mayor Pollard stated Mr. Courson has presented the City with the proper documentation from the league’s insurance company showing coverage. Clerk Attebury had been in contact with the City insurance and since the Governor is allowing practices, the City insurance was in effect as well. Mayor Pollard then turned the conversation over the Alderman/President of the summer league Jeremy Courson. Alderman Courson stated the Mayor had covered most everything. He added that it would be practice only until the state of Illinois hits phase 4 of the reopening phases. With no further discussion, Alderman Knight made a motion to approve the Carmi Summer Recreational League program to begin practicing. Alderman Totten seconded the motion. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman stating “yes” except for Alderman Courson who abstained from voting.

Ordinance #1565; an ordinance to vacate part of a platted street/roadway in the Carmi Industrial Park was presented for approval. The legal description is as follows: Carmi Industrial Park, being part of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of Section Twenty-Three (23), Township Five (5) South, Range Nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian. Mayor Pollard stated this is the area which is behind Southeastern Illinois College (SIC). He went on to say the road would only be vacated directly behind the college toward Commerce Street and the area toward Industrial Drive would be left as is. The college is requesting this to be vacated as they have applied for the Fast Track- Rebuild Illinois grant to add onto the current building. Karen Weiss, PhD- Vice President of Academic Affairs for SIC stated even if they did not receive the grant, the college is still committed to building; possibly for vocational needs in the future. Mrs. Weiss also thanked the City for all their help in the application process. With no further discussion, Alderman Hays made a motion to adopt Ordinance #1565; an ordinance to vacate part of a platted street/roadway in the Carmi Industrial Park. The motion was seconded by Alderman Totten. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”

Reports and/or updates from Mayor Pollard

Mayor Pollard thanked Niki Lamont for painting the traffic light boxes down Main Street.

The Dog Park is getting closer to being done. The shelter is complete. The next step will be installing the fence and the dog exercise equipment which has been delivered.

The Electronic Recycling day was a huge success. The City is look to host another event in September.

There continues to be an issue at the yard waste site. People are leaving the gate open during the week again and dumping yard waste in unapproved areas. If this continues, we will be forced to only allow the yard waste site to be open on Saturdays to the public.

In an effort to help the downtown business on the social distancing, we have ordered 10 more benches for the downtown area.

We are on the final stages of the new City of Carmi App which will be free. It is available to be installed off the play store for Google and Apple.

Reports from Standing Committees

Alderman Knight stated over the weekend, Burrell Park Campground had 18 campers.

Alderman Headlee stated she had gotten several calls regarding how nice the cemeteries looked over Memorial Day.


At 5:55 p.m. Alderman Headlee made a motion to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Alderman Knight. The motion carried on roll call by each Alderman answering “yes.”
