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Community Unit School District 200 Board of Education Met August 12


Community Unit School District 200 Board of Education met Aug. 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The first regular meeting of the month of August of the Board of Education of Community Unit School District 200, DuPage County, Illinois, was called to order at 7:00 PM. at the Hubble Middle School, 3S600 Herrick Rd, Warrenville, IL by Board President Brad Paulsen.


Upon the roll being called, the following were present:

Board Members:       Brad Paulsen

Chris Crabtree

Rob Hanlon

Susan Booton

Ginna Ericksen

Dave Long

Jim Mathieson

Also in Attendance:  Dr. Jeff Schuler, Superintendent

Mr. Bill Farley

Dr. Charlie Kyle

Mrs. Erica Loiacono

Mr. Rodney Mack

Mrs. Melissa Murphy

Dr. Chris Silagi


Board Clerk Dianna Hutchison led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Approval to Open the Public Hearing on the 2020-21 Budget

The Board of Education must hold a Public Hearing on the 2020-21 Budget.


Member Hanlon moved, Member Mathieson seconded to open the Public Hearing on the 2020-21 Budget. Upon a roll call being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0.

The motion carried 7-0.



Approval to Close the Public Hearing on the 2020-21 Budget

The Board of Education must approve closing the 2020-21 Public Hearing at the conclusion of comments.


Member Ericksen moved, Member Booton seconded to close the Public Hearing on the 2020-21 Budget. Upon a roll call being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0. The motion carried 7-0.




President Paulsen once again thanked the community members that shared their opinions and concerns with the Board regarding the District 200 reopening plans for the 2020-21 school year. The Board recognizes this is a difficult issue and has received feedback from parents, grandparents, teachers, former teachers and staff spanning all perspectives. The Board and administration have nothing but the best interest of the students, teachers and staff at the heart of all decisions.

PUBLIC COMMENTS – Procedures for Public Comments for August 12, 2020 Due to the ongoing pandemic and continued interest in re-opening plans for schools, the Board temporarily amended public comment procedures for this August 12, 2020 meeting. In accordance with Board Policy 2.230, members of the public attending in person had the opportunity to make public comments at the beginning of the meeting on agenda items with another opportunity later in the agenda for public comments on non-agenda items.

Community members not attending this meeting in person, and who wanted to provide comments to the Board of Education, had the opportunity to send an email to the Board between the posting of this Agenda and 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 12, 2020. All Board Members received and will have read these emails. It was noted on the posted agenda and the website that these emails were to include in the subject line that they were intended for acknowledgement at the August 12, 2020 Board of Education Meeting. These emails were acknowledged, but not read in their entirety, during the meeting and will be placed in the Board Communications Log as a matter of public record. Any specific questions regarding District 200’s plans for the 2020-21 school year should be sent to communications@cusd200.org.

As with all comments, please be aware that it is the Board’s regular practice, to not directly discuss, ask questions or take action on public comments until the time has been taken to gather adequate information. The Board is there to listen. Lack of action or a direct response following public comments does not imply any lack of interest in what is being shared.

Per Board Policy, the Board allocated 30 minutes for public comments, and comments on any one subject may be limited to 20 minutes. The Board may shorten the time allocation for each person to less than 3 minutes to allow the maximum number of people the opportunity to speak.

In addition, to preserve confidentiality, the Board and its President reserve the right to request that items relating to either personnel or students be provided to the Board privately or in writing for consideration in a future closed session, if necessary.

The Board must protect the civility and decorum of the meeting. The public was reminded to please be respectful for the duties of the Board, our District Leadership Team, and the democratic process in public comment:

- Please include your name and whether you are a resident of the District.

- Please limit your email comments to a length that can be read in 3 minutes.

- Please be factual and courteous, and do not include statements that are personally disrespectful or condescending to members of the Board or staff.

The public was thanked for their understanding of the need for this temporary procedure for the August 12, 2020 meeting and for their interest in providing feedback to the Board of Education.


Mary Beth Lang

Jessica Banaszek

Jennifer Glowacki

Bryce Cann (WWEA President)

Margaret Votava

Morgan Bainbridge


Reopening Plan Feedback


Bob Hupp (Student Excellence Foundation)


Gifts / Funding

It was noted the Board had received public comment emails from the following individuals which were acknowledged by Dr. Schuler.

Emails Sent By:

Dean Burau

Katie Wood

Amy Claus

Kristin McCoyd

John Garceau

Kate Schleyer

Susan Malcheski

Claire Annes

Jay Mehta

Amber Hardy

Mary Ellen Schwartzhoff

Erin Groth

Lesley Dausey

Gus and Tracy Arceo

Katie Wood

Doug Gilmour

Dianna Duddy

Jessica Banaszek

Nick and Kara Baker

Mary Ellen Schwartzhoff

Jeff Chan

Kathleen Ryan

Janice Gilmour

Michelle Graham

Rosealie Jennings

Jennifer Glowacki


Reopening Plan Feedback


Dr. Schuler reported the following:

· The District received the fourth quarter categorical payment from the state from the last school year. This will be recognized in the fiscal year it was intended for (FY20) per audit requirement. All categorical payments for FY20 have now been received.

· A meeting tomorrow will take place with the proposed developers for the property behind the Nokia property. This property sits on the boundary between D200 and Naperville District 203. This proposed development has both multi-family townhomes and 205 single-family lots, the latter of which sits in the D200 side of the boundary line. The Board was informed that while this is not a done deal and the homes are not yet built, a development of approximately 200 homes, has potentially 400-450 kids which would come into the District. While not an immediate concern, this would lead to a discussion on elementary boundaries in the future. Also, in the southern end of the District, in Warrenville, there are a number of housing developments which are building quickly.


1. Acceptance of Gifts from Sandburg Elementary School PTA – Recommend acceptance of gifts from Sandburg PTA as presented.

2. Acceptance of Gifts from Student Excellence Foundation – Recommend acceptance of gifts from the Student Excellence Foundation as presented.

3. Approval of Resolution Approving Travel, Meal and Lodging Expenses – Recommend approval of resolution approving travel, meal and lodging expenses as presented.

4. Approval of Annual Certification of Serious Safety Hazard Bus Routes – Recommend approval of annual certification of serious safety hazard bus routes as presented.

5. Approval of Food Service Management Emergency Contract for High Schools – Recommend approval of food service management emergency contract for high schools as presented.

6. Approval of Modifications to the 2020-21 High School Parking Fee – Recommend approval of the modifications to the 2020-21 high school parking fee as presented.

7. Approval of Cisco SmartNet/HANS Renewal – Recommend approval of Cisco SmartNet/HANS renewal as presented.

8. Approval of the Microsoft Volume Licensing Agreement Renewal – Recommend approval of the Microsoft Volume licensing agreement renewal as presented.

9. Approval of Bills Payable and Payroll – Recommend approval of the bills payable and payroll as presented.

10. Approval of Minutes – July 8, 2020, Open, July 29, 2020 Open, and Approval to Destroy Recordings of Closed Sessions Prior to March 2019 As Allowable by Law – Recommend approval of the minutes as presented and approval to destroy recordings of closed sessions prior to March 2019 as allowable by law.

11. Approval of Personnel Report to Include Employment, Resignation, Retirement, and Leave of Absence of Administrative, Certified, Classified and Non-Union Staff – Recommend approval of the personnel report as presented.

There were questions and/or discussion on the following:

· #1 & 2: Gifts to be approved - items are generous gifts from the Sandburg PTA and Student Excellence Foundation, representing about $25,000 in gifts to be accepted by the Board.

· #3: Resolution approving travel, meal and lodging expenses – do not anticipate the policy being used this year, but this resolution is required to be passed every year at the time of the budget being approved, and is merely setting parameters for the approval of these expenses.

· #11: Personnel Report:

o The new hire report includes a relative of a District Administrator. Mr. Farley’s son has been recommended for hire in the District. Per Board policy, this needs to be disclosed to the Board prior to approval of the Consent Agenda. Dr. Schuler assured the Board the hiring process was reviewed and was done entirely by the building.

o COVID related leaves, resignations, retirements; and hiring of staff to cover these staff members in order to go to in-person learning.

o Hiring for the upcoming year is currently taking place and may not be included on this personnel report.


Member Crabtree moved, Member Ericksen seconded to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0.

The motion carried 7-0.


1. Approval to Post Revised Policy 4:150 Facility Management and Building Programs for Public Review and Comment – Recommend approval to post revised policy 4:150 for public review and comment as presented.

2. Approval of Revised Policy 2:125 Board Member Compensation; Expenses – Recommend approval of revised policy 2:125 as presented.

3. Approval of Revised Policy 2:160 Board Attorney – Recommend approval of revised policy 2:160 as presented.

4. Approval of Revised Policy 5:60 Expenses – Recommend approval of revised policy 5:60 as presented.

5. Approval of Revised Policy 5:150 Personnel Records – Recommend approval of revised policy 5:150 as presented.

6. Approval of Revised Policy 5:280 Duties and Qualifications – Recommend approval of revised policy 5:280 as presented.

7. Approval of Revised Policy 6:135 Accelerated Placement Program – Recommend approval of revised policy 6:135 as presented.

8. Approval of Revised Policy 7:70 Attendance and Truancy – Recommend approval of revised policy 7:70 as presented.

9. Approval of Revised Policy 7:90 Release During School Hours – Recommend approval of revised policy 7:90 as presented.

10. Approval of Revised Policy 8:10 Connection with the Community – Recommend approval of revised policy 8:10 as presented.

11. Approval of Revised Policy 8:30 Visitors to and Conduct on School Property – Recommend approval of revised policy 8:30 as presented.

12. Approval of Revised Policy 8:110 Public Suggestions and Concerns – Recommend approval of revised policy 8:110 as presented.

There were questions and/or discussion on the following:

· #11: Policy 8:30 – asking for this policy to be revisited to ensure the district is following the policy regarding visitors to and conduct on school property and to ensure the enforcement of the policy is happening at all buildings and is communicated to members of the community.

· #1: Policy 4:150 - proposed revision to policy as to how improvements to landscaping will be done on school grounds.

· #2: Policy 2:125 – parameters around board member compensation - they are volunteers and there is no compensation.


Member Hanlon moved, Member Booton seconded to accept the Policy Posting Consent Agenda as presented. Upon a roll call vote being taken, the vote was: AYE 7, NAY 0.

The motion carried 7-0.


Provide Update on District 200 Reopening Plans for 2020-21 School Year

E-Learning was implemented by District 200 schools beginning on March 17, 2020 in response to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. On April 17, in-person instruction was suspended for the remainder of the school year by Governor Pritzker. In May, District 200 formed a reopening team comprised of administrators, teachers, and a member of the Board of Education to develop plans for reopening school in 2020-2021. The reopening team contains eight sub teams each dedicated to the many facets to reopening school in 2020-2021. On June 23 the Illinois State Board of Education released requirements and recommendations for schools to resume in-person learning this fall while keeping students, and staff safe and healthy. The guidance continues to evolve through clarification provided by Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and the DuPage County Health Department. The reopening plans were presented to the Board of Education at the July 8, 2020 meeting, and again updated at the July 29, 2020 meeting.

Several iterations of guidance documents that have continued to be released this summer, with the latest being at 4:00 pm this afternoon which does have significant implications to the reopening plans. The guidance has been fluid and causes the District to adjust and readjust plans several times. It was reiterated that all plans have been built on five foundational beliefs that the District has not wavered from: the health and safety of the staff and students remains front and center; the need to make sure that our plans are sustainable – not only to get schools open, but also to keep schools open; we are balancing or providing appropriate rigor to academic programs and SEL programs for students; it is essentially important to prioritize to re-establish relationships with our students and meeting their SEL needs; and any plan needs to be compliant with all state and local directives.

Dr. Schuler and members of the Senior Leadership Team provided an update to the Board on a couple of key areas with regard to reopening school for 2020-2021, specifically on updated health metrics, staffing, and remote learning 2.0 (Virtual Academy) and included information on the following:

· Health Metrics:

o The letter to the community last Friday noted two critical hurdles to in-person learning: current community transmissions as tracked by our local health department and the ability to staff our plan to open our schools.

o Interacting with our students and staff in person can only be done when the local and state health departments tell us it is safe to do so.

o The information on the health metrics dashboard is complicated and can often seem contradictory.

o There are new pieces of information included with each comment that is received from the staff and community members.

o The Board and Administration continue to focus the plan on information that is received from our community partners and our health experts, and not from public pressure.

o All metrics are tracked by the county and based on the “Reopen Illinois Plan” from the State.

o Cases per 100,000 is a metric to watch, as this has increased. All other metrics, including positivity rate, remain in the green zone.

o Cannot say with certainty exactly what other districts have based their opening criteria on.

o It is imperative for the District to rely on information from the DuPage County Health Department.

o Administration is anticipating an increase in numbers on the dashboard/metrics which will be released tomorrow by the county.

o Provided a document that was released this evening from ISBE and IDPH – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) which helps understand the parameters under which we can open schools. Our local health department will help us determine how long those schools can remain open. This is the entity that will respond to us when there are any confirmed cases, or will be doing any type of contact tracing or notification.

o It is important to have mitigation strategies in order to contain COVID cases. o New pieces of guidance that came out suggesting individuals having a symptom(s) need to stay home and have an evaluation done.

o Updated guidance on contact tracing – particularly for secondary level schools

(middle and high schools) – consecutive vs. cumulative minutes with an individual during the course of the day.

o ISBE guidance on bus/transportation – if there is a positive case, what area/space would define close contact?

o Cleaning protocols in buildings/classrooms if a positive case arises – clearing space for 24 hours prior to cleaning; closing building for 24 hours? o Revisions on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Dr. Schuler wanted to make sure the community is aware that this is the Board’s only opportunity to engage in dialogue on the reopening plans as this is a public meeting.

There were questions or comments on the following:

· Buses – the range of capacity; the ability to add buses; tracking who has indicated they will require bus transportation; assigned seating on buses – what will that look like and who will be assigning the seats?

· If students are sent home with specific symptoms – siblings to also be sent home? Isolation period and other thresholds they have to cross.

· The challenges for parents.

· Contract tracing – process of how this will work and who will be involved.

· Evaluation of students – who will conduct evaluation? Who will decide if students go home?

· Notification process – who will send out? Who does it go to? Under what conditions/when do notifications go out?

· The appreciation for teachers, the union, and the commitment to students.

· The delay in guidance document being received is putting the Board in the position of making health-related decisions.

· Conflicting messages from ISBE, IDPH and DuPage County Health Department – stressful for school districts.

· The shift in language as to what is defined as “close contact” and the amount of time that defines this (consecutive minutes vs. cumulative minutes of contact).

· The movement points during the day where students are going to congregate with others – this is different for elementary vs. middle and high school levels.

· The district has built a plan on guidelines that change and plans have to change as a result.

· The end product will not be known until we test it – in about two weeks; related to the sustainability of schools to remain open.

· Staffing:

o Currently staffing the virtual academy – number of teachers hired; number of candidates/applicants.

· There were questions or comments on the following:

o Number of staff requests for medical leaves; numbers moved to virtual academy. o Financial implication if staff member leaves; backfilling of positions.

o The implications on staffing if there are last minute childcare leaves that are not anticipated; numbers.

o Employee leaves – salary and benefits (health insurance) for those on leave?

o Hiring of permanent substitutes and daily substitute pool – numbers.

o Working on addressing avenues for childcare; as more districts begin their year remotely, this is creating childcare issues for other districts.

o Self-certification notices for parents and staff – the request for including a sign- off for in-person students and staff to agree to wear face coverings.

o Virtual academy – number of existing staff members signed up for virtual academy; teach from home or classroom; accountability and monitoring.

o The ripple effect on staffing if families change from in-person to virtual academy due to a change in guidelines – there are some extenuating circumstances; the need to set a cutoff date in order to staff.

· Remote 2.0 – Virtual Academy (PowerPoint Presentation included the following:) o Universal Elements of E-Learning

o Early Childhood Virtual Academy

§ Stephanie Mangini will serve as the Early Childhood Virtual Academy Administrator

o Early Childhood E-Learning Instructional Framework o Elementary Virtual Academy

§ Danielle Moran will serve as the Elementary Virtual Academy Administrator

o Kindergarten E-Learning Instructional Framework o Grades 1-5 E-Learning Instructional Framework o Middle School Virtual Academy

§ Ian Smith will serve as the Secondary Administrator for Virtual Academy o Middle School Virtual Academy/E-Learning Bell Schedules

o Middle School Virtual Academy/E-Learning Schedule

o High School Virtual Academy

o High School Virtual Academy Schedule

o High School E-Learning Bell Schedules for Hybrid Students

o High School E-Learning Schedule for Hybrid Students

o Virtual Academy Special Education & 504 Services

There was additional information/comments on the following:

· There were 100 teachers committed to this work over the summer.

· Prioritized live lessons in language arts and math at the elementary level; prerecorded interactive lessons will also be used to provide flexibility and create experiences for students.

· Teachers felt strongly about check-ins during the day – live experiences with teacher and peers in their class).

· Family distance survey – multiple questions of what home learning environment will look like so we can be proactive.

· Fast-paced math, reading and science will be offered in grades 6-8.

· 83% of high school students registered for in-person instruction.

There were questions or comments on the following:

· Definition of a “choice board” at the early childhood level.

· Define “learning support” and how this will work at the elementary level.

· Would instructional framework at elementary level be similar if there were a need to go remote?

· Connection piece – how will kids get to know their teachers and vice-versa?

· How many of the 75% that chose in-person instruction at the elementary level will have support at home?

· Occupational therapy (OT)/physical therapy (PT)/related services – how will that work for students/families that have selected virtual academy?

· Compliance with Individualized E-learning Plans (IELPs & IE-504 plans).

· Communication with parents in special education virtual academy – what student’s day will be like.

· Outplaced students- what will their day be like?

· Attendance for Virtual academy at HS level – guidance from state.

· Content specific support period – will have to navigate and work through to ensure all students get the help they need.

· Elementary level and middle school PACE offerings.

· Edgenuity online courses at high school – content provider; asynchronous lessons; daily synchronous content-specific learning support with high school teachers.

· The impact of going remote at HS level and folding kids back into their classes will depend on when/if the remote decision happens.

· The board approved Edgenuity Courseware in July 2020.

· Path to having in-person instruction at Jefferson – what are conditions in play that would allow for this?

· Guidance on what is allowable and not allowable is different at the different levels.

Board members were given an opportunity to comment on the reopening plans and process. The community was reminded that all board members receive and read the emails that are addressed to board@cusd200.org. Individual board members cannot reply to emails. Comments included information on the following:

· Proud of the staff.

· Some things we can solve and some we cannot solve.

· These are challenging times.

· Flexibility – will meet challenges as we go forward.

· Due diligence has been done.

· There are a lot of people that want to be in school.

· The ability to pivot if need to.

· Frustration with lack of guidance from health officials.

· We are in the business of educating students.

· Had to have a line drawn on the calendar to make a decision – need to identify what the needs are before we can staff it.

· Can we safely put children in school and keep our school community safe doing that?

· Appreciate the sharing of information from the teacher’s union.

· What is the role as a school board member? – remind the public the role is to provide education to our students.

· Board principles of operation.

· The impact to our start date if we have to pivot – a reorganization is admittedly involved.

· Believe in our kids and our students.

· Support for the plan that has been presented – puts kids at the center of the planning.

· The new style of teaching comes with a lot of work, so much happens other than content.

· Teachers make their students feel special – how can we do that if we go remote?

· Concern with potential for substance abuse, mental illness if we don’t get face-to-face time.

· Worried about small neighborhood community pods.

· The need to be as creative as we possibly can if we have to pivot and go to all remote learning.

· It is imperative to follow protocols in the schools and in the community – protocols work.

· Reference to the oath of office which board members take and the obligation to the children.

· Meeting the diverse needs of the children that come to us in the District.

· Equity of the students – school serves as an equalizer; the many layers of the needs of all of our students.

· The tireless work of the staff this summer.

· Continuing with the plan that has been recommended if at all possible.

· Virtual academy – monitoring the program as this represents a good portion of the district population.


Continue Discussion on Equity/Proactive Practices Work Plan

The Board of Education received an update on the proactive practice and equity work at the June Board of Education Meeting. The work is aligned with the District Mission Statement to inspire, educate, challenge, and support all students to reach their highest level of learning and personal development. Additionally, the Board of Education heard the action steps that have been identified for 2020-2021. The District 200 Equity/Proactive Practices Work Plan priorities and timeline were reviewed at the July Board meeting.

There were comments and/or questions on the following:

· Board members noted this is a highly important conversation, one that should not be started at 10:00 p.m. It was suggested to move this conversation to the September meeting. It was noted there had been a presentation on this topic at the July 8 meeting with some discussion. The Board collectively felt there needed to be a deeper conversation, which led to this being on tonight’s agenda. Board members agreed to have this discussion item on the September 9 agenda.


Monthly Financial Reports

FOIA Report

ELC Construction Update

Board Communication Log


Board Committee Report

Meeting notes were attached to the Board report for the Board Finance Committee.

Other Reports from Board Members

· The District Equity Task Force had their first meeting last week via Zoom.

· President Paulsen reviewed the Board committee assignments for the 2020-21 school year with Board members, which includes the five standing Board Committees (Teaching & Learning, Finance, Facilities, Community Engagement, and HR/Policy Committee). There are also two special/ad hoc committees – continuing the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Committee and the new Equity/Proactive Practices Committee.

· Adopt-a-school assignments for the 2020-21 school year will be put on hold. Buildings will minimize visitors in the schools and Principals have so much on their plate with this upcoming school year.


2020-21 Budget


September 23, 2020, Committee of the Whole, 7:00 PM, Hubble Middle School


September 9, 2020, 7:00 PM, Hubble Middle School (This is a change in location)

· Given the conversation regarding the potential boulders, the Board was asked to put a hold on next Wednesday, August 19, 2020 as a potential meeting date for any necessary pivots regarding the upcoming school year.

· At the request of the Superintendent, the meetings for the upcoming months will be held at Hubble Middle School, which will be easier given the investment in camera equipment to livestream the meetings to the community.

· There will continue to be “host schools” for the regular meetings, which will include a presentation to the Board so they can hear what is happening in the buildings.

PUBLIC COMMENTS – Non-Agenda Items




There being no further business to come before the Board in Open Session, Member Crabtree moved, Member Hanlon seconded to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voice call being taken, all were in favor and the motion carried 7-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 PM.



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