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Wabash Community Unit School District #348 Board of Education met September 21

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Wabash Community Unit School District #348 Board of Education met Sept. 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Wabash Community Unit School District #348 met in Regular Session on Monday, September 21, 2020 in the Cafetorium of Mt. Carmel Grade School.

President Schuler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Secretary Janice Alka called the roll. In addition to the secretary, those present were Tim Schuler, Kyle Peach, Ryan Peter, Neil Earnest, and Theresa Hocking. Jared Alka was absent.

Also present were Superintendent Dr. Chuck Bleyer, Jake Newkirk –MCJSH Principal, Brianne Foster–MCGS Principal, Sheila Odom– MCES Principal, Kevin Madden –WSJD, Kristi Perry –Teacher, Betsy Ross–WCTA, Linda Snow – WCEA, Rebekah Wall –Student, Marissa Austin –Student, Ambre Norrick –New Hire, Nick Toothman –New Hire, Christy Satava –Teacher, Amanda Metcalf –Teacher, Megan Holcomb –Teacher, Trisha Mobley – Teacher, Kristi Applebey –Teacher, Amy Ferguson –New Hire, Marsha Foshee –Teacher, Elizabeth Kieffer –Teacher, Beth Bunting –Teacher, Danielle Ewald –Teacher, Meredith Alka –Teacher, Jamie Tillotson –Teacher, Colleen Litherland –Teacher, Tara Bruce –

Teacher, Lennette Jones –Teacher, Sarah Dougherty –Teacher, and District Secretary Kim Zimmer.

Schuler led the pledge to the flag.

Consent Agenda

a. Minutes of Past Board Meetings

August 17, 2020 Regular Meeting

August 25, 2020 Special Meeting

b. Monthly Bills

-Invoices Paid August 2020

-Bills Payable September 2020

c. Financial Reports

Account balances were:

Cash Deposits $ 341,709.48

Investments $ 3,722,180.28

4 Fund $ 3,206,314.00

5 Fund $ 3,565,076.00

d. District Employee Handbook

e. Correspondence

-Lana Kendall –MCJHS 7th Grade Language Arts Teacher resigning effective October 10, 2020

f. Administrative Report

-District Curriculum/Grant Coordinator Michael Brewer

-Mt. Carmel Junior High/High School Chief Operations Officer Steve Holt

Approved by the Board of Education on October 19, 2020

-Mt. Carmel Elementary School Principal Sheila Odom

-Mt. Carmel Grade School Principal Brianne Foster

-Superintendent Dr. Chuck Bleyer

Dr. Bleyer noted that we received additional funds through the Digital Equity Grant which we will use to help with our technology needs.

A motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Janice Alka and seconded by Earnest. A roll call vote was taken. All present voted Aye. Motion Carried. Jared Alka was absent.

Reports – Brianna Witsman –District Instructional Technology Coach Ms. Witsman gave a short PowerPoint report explaining her role as the District Instructional Technology Coach.

Executive Session pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act: “The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, dismissal of specific employees or purchase or lease of property.”

At 7:12 p.m. a motion to go into closed session was made by Peach and seconded by Hocking. All present voted Aye. Motion Carried. Jared Alka was absent.

Open Session

A motion to return to open session was made by Hocking and seconded by Janice Alka. All present voted Aye. Motion Carried. Jared Alka was absent. The meeting returned to open session at 8:07 p.m.

Closed Minutes Approved

Janice Alka moved to approve the minutes of the closed session as read in closed session. Peter seconded the motion. All present voted Aye. Motion Carried. Jared Alka was absent.

New Business

2020-2021 Proposed Budget

A motion to approve the 2020-2021 proposed budget as presented was made by Earnest and seconded by Peach. A roll call vote was taken. All present voted Aye. Motion Carried. Jared Alka was absent.

Employment of Personnel

A motion to approve the following employment recommendations was made by Hocking and seconded by Peter:


Nicholas Toothman -MCJHS English Language Arts Teacher beginning October 12, 2020


Lisa Geier -Brownsville Individual Assistant beginning September 22, 2020 Ambre Norrick -MCHS Individual Assistant beginning September 22, 2020 Amy Ferguson -MCJHS RtI Reading Assistant beginning September 22, 2020

Approved by the Board of Education on October 19, 2020


Judy Majors -MCES Individual Assistant beginning September 8, 2020 Robin Jones -MCES Physical Education Assistant beginning September 21, 2020


Angelica Bobbitt -MCJHS Yearbook Co-Sponsor beginning September 21, 2020

Amanda Riggs -MCJHS Yearbook Co-Sponsor beginning September 21, 2020

All present voted Aye. Motion Carried. Jared Alka was absent.

President Schuler thanked all the administrators, parents, teachers, and students for their patience and support throughout this unusual school year.


A motion to adjourn was made by Janice Alka and seconded by Peach. All present voted aye. Motion Carried. Jared Alka was absent. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
