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Saturday, March 29, 2025

City of Belleville City Council Met March 15

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City of Belleville City Council Met March 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Via Phone Conference

Mayor Eckert called this meeting to order.

City Clerk Meyer called roll. Members present on roll call: Alderman Kinsella, Alderman Hazel, Alderwoman Duco, Alderman Pusa, Alderman Randle, Alderman Ferguson, Alderman Anthony, Alderman Ovian (arrived at 710 p.m.), Alderman Dintelman, Alderwoman Schaefer, Alderwoman Stiehl, Alderman Rothweiler, Alderman Elmore, Alderman Weygandt, Alderman Wigginton, Alderman Barfield.


Roll Call Department Heads: Mayor Eckert; City Clerk, Jennifer Gain Meyer; City Treasurer Hardt; City Attorney Hoerner; Assistant Police Chief, Lt. Col. Matt Eiskant Fire Chief Tom Pour; Director of Finance, Jamie Maitret; Director of Maintenance, Ken Vaughn; Director of Public Works, Jason Poole; Director of Wastewater, Randy Smith; Director of Residential and Commercial Development Services, Annissa McCaskill; Director of Library, Leander Spearman; Director of IT, Scott Markovich; City Engineer, Michael Velloff; Human Resource Manager, Emma Qualls. Police Chief Bill Clay excused.


Mayor Eckert led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Jacob Surratt

The police put up a radar detector on West Main Street to monitor speeding. That section of West Main the traffic moves quickly. There are tum offs into residential area with walkers, so the detector is helping.




Alderwoman Stiehl made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Schaefer to approve City Council Minutes March 1, 2021.

Members voting aye on roll call: Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Pusa, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Wigginton, Barfield. (15)


Alderman Ferguson made a motion seconded by Alderman Anthony to approve claims and disbursements in the amount of $1,183,805.10 payroll in the amount of $819,404.49.

Members voting aye on roll call: Hazel, Duco, Pusa, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella. (15)





Alderman Ferguson made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Schaefer to approve bond refunding transaction related to Carlyle/Green Mount.

Members voting aye on roll call: Duco, Pusa, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian( arrived at 7:10 p.m), Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Haul. (15)

Alderman Randle abstained. (1)

Alderman Ovian made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Schaefer to approve medical (BCBS of IL), dental (BCBS of IL) and life insurance ( Standard Life) carriers effective 05/ 012021, as recommend by staff and our insurance broker.

Members voting aye on roll call: Puss, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Wigginton, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco. (15)

Alderman Barfield abstained. (1)

Alderman Rothweiler made a motion seconded by Alderman Dintelman to approve waiving formal bidding procedure and utilizing the Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Alliance for the purchase ofba Bobcat S450 T4 V2 Skid-Steer Loader in the amount of$25,080.06, to include the trade in of a 2011 Bobcat S 130 Skid- Steer Loader for the Sanitation Department.

Members voting aye on roll call: Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Puss. (16)

Alderman Kinsella made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Schaefer to approve budget amendments, as recommended by the Finance Director.

Members voting aye on roll call: Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Puss, Randle. (16)


Alderman Dintelman made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Schaefer to approve the following cases:

07-FEB21 — Bennie H Parr, Jr.: Request for a Sign Installation Permit for Area of Special Control for signage at 113 & 115 East Main Street (08- 22.0- 333- 027; 08- 22. 0-333- 028), located in a" C- 2" Heavy Commercial District (Applicable sections of the Code: 155.052, 155.053) Ward 2 Zoning Board recommended approval by a vote of 6-0.

08-FEB21—Linda Weisenstein: Request for a Special Use Permit to operate a Bed and Breakfast Air BnB) at 620 East Garfield Street (08- 27.0- 134- 015) located in an " A- 1" Single-Family Residence District (Applicable section of the zoning code: 162.094, 162.515) Ward 6 Zoning Board recommended approval by a vote of6- 0.

09-FEB21 —Brandon McGraw: Request for a Special Use Permit for a liquor license at 124 & 126 East Main Street (08- 22.0- 338- 049), located in a " C- 2" Heavy Commercial District. Applicable sections of the Zoning Code: 162.248, 162. 515) Ward 6 Zoning Board recommended approval by a vote of6- 0.

10- FEB21 —Brandon McGraw: Request for a Special Use Permit for outdoor dining at 124 & 126 East Main Street (08- 22.0- 338- 049), located in a " C-2" Heavy Commercial District. Applicable sections of the Zoning Code: 162.248, 162. 515) Ward 6 Zoning Board recommended approval by a vote of6-0.

11- FEB21 — Brandon McGraw: Request for a Sign Installation Permit for Area of Special Control for signage at 124& 126 East Main Street(08- 22. 0- 338-049), located in an" C- 2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable sections of the Code: 155.052, 155.053) Ward 6 Zoning Board recommended approval by a vote of6-0.

13-FEB21— City of Belleville Zoning Code Amendment: Request for amendment of Title XV Land Usage) of the Revised Code Ordinances of the City of Belleville, Illinois, Sections 162.263 Special Use" with the following amendment: "(A) Establishments that hold a Class A, B, C, D, or F liquor license;". Zoning Board recommended approval by a vote of 6- 0.

14- FEB21 - Taylor Belleville CDJR, Inc.: Request for a Special Use Permit for a Used Car Lot at 3795 West State Route 15 (08- 19. 0-400-023; 08- 19.0-000-025) located in a " C- 2" Heavy Commercial District. (Applicable section of the Zoning Code: 162. 515) Ward 8 Zoning Board recommended approval by a vote of6- 0.

Members voting aye on roll call Anthony, Ovian, Dintehnan, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Puss, Randle, Ferguson. (16)

Alderman Ferguson made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Stield to deny 12- FEB21 — Eric Ramsey: Request for a Use Variance for a Home Occupation for the repair and sale of lawn mowers at 540 Mascoutah Ave (08-27.0- 201- 012) located in an " A- 1" Single Family Residence District.(Applicable sections of the Zoning Code: 162. 570, 162.394) Ward 7 No recommendation by a vote of 3-3.


Alderman Weygandt stated he is concerned with the amount of lawn mowers, tires and equipment all over the yard. This has become an eyesore. He does not believe the neighbors would want a business like this in the neighborhood. Down the street is Weissenbom and Jones Boys.

Alderman Ovian made a motion to approve (not seconded) 12- FEB21 —Eric Ramsey: Request for a Use Variance for a Home Occupation for the repair and sale of lawn mowers at 540 Mascoutah Ave (08- 27. 0- 201- 012) located in an " A- 1" Single Family Residence District.

Applicable sections of the Zoning Code: 162. 570, 162.394) Ward 7 No recommendation by a vote of 3- 3.


Alderman Ovian advised he listened to the meeting and there was one individual that didn't have the money to purchase a new lawn mower and Mr. Ramsey allowed her to use one of his lawn mowers. Mr. Ramsey is an asset to the neighborhood. It may be an eyesore; therefore, let him know what he must do.

Alderman Weygandt stated there are 50- 100 lawnmowers in the backyard. He has a small shed he works out of that will not house all the lawnmowers.

Alderman Elmore stated he concurs with Alderman Weygandt. Alderman Elmore also concurs with Alderman Ovian wherein Mr. Ramsey has been kind and good to the neighbors.

Mayor Eckert asked if this has occurred during the pandemic; Alderman Elmore advised yes within the past year. The landlord has other locations he can go. name not stated] neighbor who lives behind Mr. Ramsey and is disappointed he did not get approval from the committee. He asked for a variance for one year until he can afford to have a place of his own. He has not asked to open a forever business. He is trying to get a leg up to start a business. She is interested in her aldermen, both of whom she has emailed, and expressed that his immediate neighbors do not have a problem with him being there.

Alderman Wigginton asked how long he has been in this business; is this his livelihood; Alderman Wigginton recommended a comprise to give a year and work with him to find another location.

Alderman Ferguson made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Stiehl to table for 30 days 12- FEB21—Eric Ramsey: Request for a Use Variance for a Home Occupation for the repair and sale of lawn mowers at 540 Mascoutah Ave (08- 27.0- 201- 012) located in an " A- 1" Single Family Residence District. (Applicable sections of the Zoning Code: 162. 570, 162.394) Ward 7 No recommendation by a vote of 3- 3.

Members voting aye on roll call: Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Pusa, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony. (16)


Alderman Wigginton made a motion seconded by Alderman Hazel to approve amendments to Chapter 93 (Nuisances), Section 93. 003 (C) (Notice to Abate) of the Revised Code of Ordinances.


Mayor Eckert advised there are a few apartment complexes that the housing officers get calls from the public regularly. They receive a constant five (5) day abatement to clean up the area around the dumpsters. This will allow a warning letter and then a ticket will be issued.

Alderman Ovian stated he has a situation on West Main Street that needs to be addressed.

Annissa McCaskill advised after three notices they will be required to enclose the dumpster area.

Members voting aye on roll call: Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Puss, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian. (16)

Alderman Wigginton made a motion seconded by Alderwomat Stiehl to approve amendments to Chapters 150 (Building Code; Building Regulations), Section 150.01 (Adoption of the Building Code) of the Revised Code of Ordinances.

Members voting aye on roll call: Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Pusa, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman. (16)


Alderman Wigginton made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Duco to approve the low bid of 898, 020.78 by Christ Bros. Asphalt for the construction of West Main Street 17th Street to 28th Street.


City Engineer Michael Velloff advised this includes handicap ramps.

Members voting aye on roll call: Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Barfield, Wigginton, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Pass, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer. (16)

Alderman Wigginton made a motion seconded by Alderman Rothweiler authorizing sale/conversion/ scrapping a 2004 Dodge Dakota (VIN #I D7HG32K94S746476) from the Street Department.

Members voting aye on roll call: Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella,

Hazel, Duco, Puss, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl. (16)


Alderman Elmore made a motion seconded by Alderman Weygandt to approve an amended development agreement with Pinnacle Eateries, LLC for the remodeling of the existing facility located at 648 Carlyle Avenue.

Members voting aye on roll call: Elmore, Weygandt, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duces, Pass, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler. (16)


Alderman Kinsella made a motion seconded by Alderman Dintelman to approve an amended development agreement with Dalton& Schell, Inc.

Members voting aye on roll call: Weygandt, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Puss, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore. (16)


Aldemum Ferguson made a motion seconded by Alderman Puss to approve the following Communications:


Request from BASIC Youth Board to hold the Keep Belleville Beautiful City-Wide Litter Pick

Up, Saturday, May 1, 2021, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm as a volunteer extension of Belleville Helping Belleville Day.


Request from Van Man Discs to host the National Amateur Disc Golf Series at Bicentennial Park, Saturday, April 3, 2021, 7:OOam to 8:00 pm. No city services requested.

Members voting aye on roll call: Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Puss, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt. (16)


Alderwoman Duco made a motion second by Alderwoman Schaefer to read Resolutions 3405, 3406, 3407 by title only.

Members voting aye on roll call: Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Puss, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintehnan, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Wigginton. (16)

Alderwoman Stiehl made a motion second by Alderman Ferguson to approve the following



A Resolution amending the annual budget of the City of Belleville, Illinois for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of May 2020 and ending on the 30th day of April 2021 (line item budget).


A Resolution amending the annual budget of the City of Belleville, Illinois for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of May 2020 and ending on the 30' day of April 2021 (supplemental budget).


A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign an Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Local Agency Agreement for the Construction of North Virginia Avenue.

Members voting aye on roll call: Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Pusa, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian,

Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Wigginton, Barfield. (16)


Alderwoman Schaefer made a motion second by Alderman Dintelman to read by tide only Ordinance 8914- 2021.

Members voting aye on roll call: Hazel, Duco, Pusa, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella. (15)

Alderman Randle abstained. (1)

Alderman Puss made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Schaefer to approve ORDINANCE 8914-2021 An Ordinance authorizing the issuance of taxable Tax Increment and Sales Tax Refunding Revenue Bonds, series 2021 A (Carlyle/Green Mount Redevelopment Project) and

Tax Increment and Sales Tax Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2021 B (Carlyle/Green Mount Redevelopment Project) of the City of Belleville, Illinois, and approving certain documents and actions in connection with the issuance of the Bonds.

Members voting aye on roll call: Duco, Puss, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel. (15)

Alderman Randle abstained. (1)

Alderman Ferguson made a motion second by Alderwoman Duco to read by title only and as a group Ordinances 8915- 2021, 8916-2021, 8917- 2021, 8918-2021, 8919-2021, 8920-2021, 8921- 2021, 8922- 2021, 8923- 2021, 8924- 2021, 8925- 2021.

Members voting aye on roll call: Puss, Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco. (16)

Alderman Elmore made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Duco to approve the following Ordinances:

ORDINANCE 8915-2021

An Ordinance prohibiting the use of groundwater as a potable water supply by the installation or drilling of potable water supply wells or by any other method.

ORDINANCE 8916-2021

A ZONING ORDINANCE 07- FEB21 —Bennie H Parr, Jr.

ORDINANCE 8917-2021

A ZONING ORDINANCE 08- FEB21 —Linda Weisenstein

ORDINANCE 8918-2021

A ZONING ORDINANCE 09- FEB21 —Brandon McGraw

ORDINANCE 8919-2021


ORDINANCE 8920- 2021

A ZONING ORDINANCE 11- FEB21 —Brandon McGraw

ORDINANCE 8921- 2021

A ZONING ORDINANCE 13- FEB21 —City of Belleville Zoning Code Amendment

ORDINANCE 8922- 2021

A ZONING ORDINANCE 14- FEB21 - Taylor Belleville CDJR, Inc.

ORDINANCE 8923- 2021

An Ordinance Amending Chapter 93( Nuisances) of the Revised Code of Ordinances of Belleville, Illinois.

ORDINANCE 8924-2021

An Ordinance Amending Title XV (Land Usage), Chapter 150 ( Building Code; Building Regulations), Section 150. 01 (Adoption of Building Code) of the Revised Code of Ordinances of the City of Belleville, as Amended.

ORDINANCE 8925-2021

An Ordinance authorizing sale/ conversion of personal property 2004 Dodge Dakota - Street Department.

Members voting aye on roll call: Randle, Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Puss. (16)


Alderman Elmore stated it was approximately three ( 3) years ago Council told the bars and restaurants that the playing field would be leveled regarding the license fee structure. While their fees were being increased others paid zero. He has asked repeatedly where we are and the surfaced has not been scratched nor has it been brought up in committee. We continually work on cutting budgets and face hiring freezes and try to fix much needed equipment shortage i.e. trash trucks.

The City is understaffed in every department and some departments are underequipped, revenue is clearly needed and that is more revenue than" Shop Belleville First".

The storage pass through sales tax, yet another revenue stream that does not affect the citizens of Belleville, this is a revenue stream that is controlled, and we benefit from.

Alderman Elmore stated he has proposed two revenue streams and is 0- 2.

Alderman Elmore asked the other 15 Aldermen if they have any ideas to generate a revenue stream.

Alderman Wigginton stated Alderman Elmore did not strike out on either proposal. Any additional fees or taxation is a burden on everyone. The revenue stream must come to bring business and industry. Perhaps annex businesses.

Alderman Elmore stated the City lost Schatze' s and the Wine Tap. COVID- 19 was unprecedented and every community in the world has had to deal with; however, it doesn't stop for needing equipment for the Street Department, Sanitation Department. Alderman Elmore stated he has had conversations with the Finance Director, Jamie Maitret, in which she has told Department Heads they are not allowed to hire. Does anyone think our Street and Sanitation Department are staffed appropriately?

Alderman Wigginton stated we need to have a Marketing/Economic Development Department that will promote Highway 15. We need to be leaders, out in front 12 months out of the year.

Alderman Elmore stated if we are not going to do the fee structure licensing that we talked about three (3) years ago, if we are not going to talk about the storage tax, we do not want to be faced with another wheel sticker.

Mayor Eckert stated the City has not given up on the fee structure for licensing, there have been a lot of changes i.e. Building Commissioner, City Engineer, Planner. The City is lean, and some departments would not exist if anything was taken from them.


Alderman Ovian stated on September 16, 2020 at the Housing Meeting he indicated to Director McCaskill that he had ten ( 10) properties that had immediate needs over and above the pilot program. Director McCaskill advised him to send the properties and he emailed her on September 19, 2021 in which he included Mayor Eckert and Lt. Col. Eiskant. On or around February 15, 2021 he called Erin in the Mayor' s office requesting follow up regarding the September 19, 2020 email.

Alderman Ovian commended Lt. Col. Eiskant and Steve Thouvenot who has given a very strong performance.

Alderman Ferguson made a motion seconded by Alderman Pusa to approve the Motor Fuel Claims in the Amount of $27,756.26.

Members voting aye on roll call: Ferguson, Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Pusa, Randle. (16)




Alderman Ferguson made a motion seconded by Alderwoman Stiehl to adjourn at 8: 18 p. m.

Members voting aye on roll call: Anthony, Ovian, Dintelman, Schaefer, Stiehl, Rothweiler, Elmore, Weygandt, Wigginton, Barfield, Kinsella, Hazel, Duco, Pusa, Randle, Ferguson. (16)




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