
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Bailey: 'Pumpkin Carving and a party on the farm, what better way to spend a beautiful October evening?!'


Rep. Darren Bailey (R-Xenia) | Bailey's website

Rep. Darren Bailey (R-Xenia) | Bailey's website

In an Oct. 31 Facebook post, Darren Bailey shared his Halloween events. Bailey has also been active around the state and commented on the achievements of his constituents. 

He also revealed a new endorsement from Tulsi Gabbard. Former Democrat Congresswoman and 2020 presidential candidate, Tulsi Gabbard, endorsed Darren Bailey for Governor by urging independent-minded voters in Illinois to get behind Bailey.

"Pumpkin Carving and a party on the farm, what better way to spend a beautiful October evening?" Bailey said. "I had an absolute blast in Bartlett and Sonny Acres Farm in Chicago last night! #fall #firepritzker #restoreillinois" 

Bailey also discussed what he saw in his trips around the state.

“Thank you to Jim and Tely Nagle, owners of The Drake Hotel in Oak Brook, for hosting Cindy and I at a wonderful impromptu breakfast alongside community leaders,” Bailey said on Facebook. “Your business is absolutely wonderful, and we look forward to working with you in making Illinois a better place for businesses to operate! #restoreillinois #standingwithyouin2022 #firepritzker."

Bailey also took to Facebook to praise a constituent who won Miss America. 

“Congratulations Nicole, press secretary for the Illinois Senate Republican Caucus on a big, big win last night!!,” Bailey wrote in an Aug. 21 Facebook post. “She was crowned Mrs. America!”