
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Norris City-Omaha-Enfield Community Unit School District #3 Board of Education met Dec. 14

Norris City-Omaha-Enfield Community Unit School District #3 Board of Education met Dec. 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Norris City-Omaha-Enfield Community Unit School District #3 of White, Hamilton and Gallatin Counties, Illinois, was called to order by President Joe Lane at 7:00 p.m. in the District Office on Wednesday, December 14, 2022. Matt McArthy was acting Secretary. All members had been previously notified and those answering roll call were: Frank Graves, Lincoln Hobbs, Heath Rush, Mike Hite, Joe Lane, Paul Black by phone, and Matt McArthy. Also attending were Matt Vollman, Carla Carter, Brad Wehlermann, David Reavis, Jessica Jackson, Kathy Sands, Mayor Skip Land, Officer Dustin Dale, Officer Cody Jones, and Officer Brandon Smythe.

Joe Lane made the motion to accept the minutes as presented and Lincoln Hobbs seconded. A unanimous vote followed.

The bills for the month were approved on a motion by Joe Lane and seconded by Frank Graves. Roll Call Vote: Frank Graves, Aye; Lincoln Hobbs, Aye; Heath Rush, Aye; Mike Hite, Aye; Joe Lane, Aye; Paul Black, Aye; and Matt McArthy, Aye. Motion Carried.

During the presentation of the Treasurer's Report, Mr. Vollman pointed out that all funds are in good standing. The district has received almost all property tax money.

Lincoln Hobbs made the motion to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Norris City for School Police Services. Mike Hite seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Frank Graves, Aye; Lincoln Hobbs, Aye; Heath Rush, Aye; Mike Hite, Aye; Joe Lane, Aye; Paul Black, Aye; and Matt McArthy, Aye. Motion Carried.

Principal Reports:

Mr. Wehlermann for NCOE High School- Average attendance was 81.6% and had dipped to 68% for a couple of days due to flu and illness. The student council hosted a winter semi-formal dance, and it was well attended. The Student Council and Red Army held the Christmas Bazaar and Bingo. Tonight, is the band's Chili Supper and Concert. The basketball team will play December 26th at 11:30 at the Eldorado Holiday Tournament.

Mr. Reavis for NCOE Elementary- Attendance was 91.3% due to some illnesses. The PTO held their jingle bell shop and Snacks with Santa. December 19 will be the K-4 Christmas Program at 6:00 pm. Santa will visit the school during lunch on December 19. The students are participating in Christmas themed dress up days this week and next and student council is selling candy cane grams. New history textbooks and workbooks have been ordered for the jr. high.

Mrs. Carter for Booth- Attendance was 89% due to some illness. The PTO had the jingle bell shop and a pastry fundraiser. This is the only fundraiser for the school year and they raised $4200.00. Booth had the Prek-5th Christmas program and there was a large crowd. Mrs. Carter announced that the district is now taking online payments for lunch fees.

Mr. Vollman explained that the district would be having a code yellow drill tomorrow at the start of the school day and at dismissal.

The November Booth Trust report was amended with a balance of $33,417.17. Matt McArthy made the motion to accept the amended report and Lincoln Hobbs seconded. Roll Call Vote: Frank Graves, Aye; Lincoln Hobbs, Aye; Heath Rush, Aye; Mike Hite, Aye; Joe Lane, Aye; Paul Black, Aye; and Matt McArthy, Aye. Motion Carried.

Matt McArthy made a motion to accept the December Booth trust report with a balance of $34,110.64. Lincoln Hobbs seconded. Roll Call Vote: Frank Graves, Aye; Lincoln Hobbs, Aye; Heath Rush, Aye; Mike Hite, Aye; Joe Lane, Aye; Paul Black, Aye; and Matt McArthy, Aye. Motion Carried.

The 2022 tax levy was presented by Mr. Vollman. The amounts to be levied are:

Education Purposes - $1,150,000

Operations, Building and Maintenance Purposes - $200,000

Transportation Purposes - $130,200

Working Cash Purposes - $5,000

Municipal Retirement Fund Purposes - $90,000

Tort Immunity Purposes - $350,000

Special Education Purposes - $26,000

Social Security Purposes - $100,000

Fire Prevention & Safety Purposes. - $30,000

The aggregate amount of taxes estimated to be levied for the year 2022 is $2,259,594. The amount does not exceed 105% of the taxes extended for 2021 and a public hearing is not required. It is necessary to adopt each individual resolution pertaining to the levy amount. Copies of these resolutions follow these minutes.

Joe Lane made the motion to let bids for gas and diesel fuel to be considered at the January 18, 2023 meeting. Lincoln Hobbs seconded. A unanimous vote followed.

The Board held the first reading of updated board policies release #110.

The Board entered executive session at 8:12 pm on a motion by Joe Lane and second by Heath Rush. A unanimous vote followed. The Board returned to open session at 9:41 pm.

Joe Lane made the motion to employ Vicki Anderson as a special education aide. Mike Hite seconded. Roll Call Vote: Frank Graves, Aye; Lincoln Hobbs, Aye; Heath Rush, Aye; Mike Hite, Aye; Joe Lane, Aye; Paul Black, Aye; and Matt McArthy, Aye. Motion Carried.

Joe Lane made the motion to employ Danielle Healy as assistant jr high volleyball coach. Mike Hite seconded. Roll Call Vote: Frank Graves, Aye; Lincoln Hobbs, Nay; Heath

Rush, Nay; Mike Hite, Aye; Joe Lane, Aye; Paul Black, Aye; and Matt McArthy, Present. Motion Carried.

The meeting adjourned at 9:44 p.m. on a motion by Joe Lane and second by Mike Hite. A unanimous vote followed.
