
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Grayville Community Unit School District Board of Education met Dec. 14

Grayville Community Unit School District Board of Education met Dec. 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Public Hearing 

I. Call to Order and Roll Call 

A public hearing was called to order at 6:00p.m. by Stephanie Hatcher. 

Roll Call: 

AB Browning x Hatcher x Risley 

AB Campbell x Kleinschmidt 

x Hall x Rhinehart 

Others Present: 

x Fetcho x Harrelson x Johnson 

Guests in attendance included: Greg O’Neal, Kylee Roosevelt, Torin Lee, Sandy Cline, Cheryl Mosberger, Miranda Morris, Elaine Bogard 

II. Public comments on waiver to allow children of full-time employees who do not reside in the District to attend GCUSD #1 without paying tuition- No Comments were made 

III. Adjourn 

Motion by Hall, second by Risley to adjourn the public hearing at 6:01pm. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 



A regular meeting was called to order at 6:01p.m. by Stephanie Hatcher. 


AB Browning x Hatcher x Risley 

AB Campbell x Kleinschmidt 

x Hall x Rhinehart

Others Present: 

x Fetcho x Harrelson x Johnson 

Guests in attendance included: Greg O’Neal, Kylee Roosevelt, Torin Lee, Sandy Cline, Cheryl Mosberger, Miranda Morris, Elaine Bogard 


● Wednesday, November 16, 2022 - Regular Meeting Minutes 

● Destroy Closed Session Audio Tapes Older Than 18 Months 

● Financial Reports – Bills 

Financial Reports 

Transportation Report 

● Resignations- Zachariah Mitchell & Robin Finch 

Motion by Risley, second by Hall to approve the consent agenda. 

Roll Call: 

x Risley x Hatcher AB Campbell 

AB Browning x Kleinschmidt 

x Hall x Rhinehart 

There being 5 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried 


A. Recognition of Visitors / Public Comments: 

Kylee Roosevelt spoke to the board about the 2023 CEO Program through WVC. Greg O’Neal asked the board to approve a co-ed Bitty Bison basketball program for 1st-4th grades. 

B. Board Members 

C. Staff 

D. Administrative Reports: 

Mr. Johnson: The K-12 Christmas Concert is tonight at 7pm. NHS and the HS Beta Club have collected donations of supplies to present care packages for the residents of Meadowbrook. The presentation of the packages is postponed due to illnesses at the nursing home. Homecoming was last Friday with the presentation for Michael Garbo. Coronation was also held with Tyson Thompson and Shaleigh Duvall as king and queen. Mr. Johnson thanked Kylee Roosevelt for coming to speak to the board about the CEO program. Mr. Johnson will sit on the board of directors this year for the program. The district will be transitioning from Student Data Systems to Teacher Ease this spring and fall. Mr. Johnson also wanted to let the board know that Ms. Carter is doing well as the SPED Coordinator. Ms. Carter has earned her Early Childhood degree in the process this fall and will be heading the Early Childhood program for Prek. 

Mr. Fetcho: The solar proposal with Keystone was reviewed with the board. Motion to proceed with Keystone will be later in the board meeting. 

Mrs. Harrelson: Teachers Institute day will include Safety Care Training and an Active Shooter Drill. Mr. Fetcho and Mrs. Harrleson attended a Legislator Breakfast. Senior Evelyn Rose was recognized as a IL State Scholar-huge accomplishment. Volleyball Poles were ordered to be able to provide a two court system for practices and PE. Kate Speir, former student of Grayville Schools is interested in the Music Department position. Kate doesn’t hold a Music Degree but could be used as a substitute. Board Petitions need to be submitted between Dec 12-19. The Staff Christmas dinner is being provided by Kyle Hosick of Country Financial. 

IV. New Business 

1. Motion to Approve Submission of the Waiver Allowing Children of Full-Time Employees to Attend Tuition Free to ISBE for Consideration and Action 

Motion by Risley, second by Hall to Approve Submission of the Waiver Allowing Children of Full-Time Employees to Attend Tuition Free to ISBE for Consideration and Action as presented. 

Roll Call: 

AB Campbell x Hatcher x Risley 

x Browning (arrived 6:01pm) x Kleinschmidt 

x Hall x Rhinehart 

There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried. 

2. Motion to Approve Board Policy Press Update Issue 110 

Motion by Risley, second by Hall to approve Board Policy Press Update Issue 110 as presented. 

Roll Call: 

x Kleinschmidt x Browning x Hatcher 

x Rhinehart AB Campbell 

x Risley x Hall 

There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried.

3. Motion to Approve Tax Levy 

Motion by Risley, second by Browning to Approve Tax Levy of 4.99% as presented. 

Roll Call: 

x Risley x Hall x Rhinehart 

x Browning x Hatcher 

AB Campbell x Kleinschmidt 

There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried. 

4. Motion to Accept Keystone’s Bid for Solar Installation Pending Board’s Legal Counsel Review 

Motion by Risley, second by Hall to Accept Keystone’s Bid for Solar Installation Pending Board’s Legal Counsel Review. 

Roll Call: 

x Rhinehart AB Campbell x Kleinschmidt 

x Risley x Hall 

x Browning x Hatcher 

There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried. 

5. Motion to Pay Dual Credit IECC Fees Unless Student Fails or Drops Class Motion by Kleinschmidt, second by Risley to Pay Dual Credit IECC Fees Unless Student Fails or Drops Class. 

Roll Call: 

x Kleinschmidt x Browning x Hatcher 

x Rhinehart AB Campbell 

x Risley x Hall 

There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried. 

6. Motion to Approve Bitty Bison Led by Greg O’Neal 

Motion by Risley, second by Hall to Approve Bitty Bison Led by Greg O’Neal as presented. 

Roll Call: 

x Hatcher x Browning x Kleinschmidt 

x Rhinehart AB Campbell 

x Risley x Hall 

There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried.

VI. CLOSED SESSION: Matters relating to: 

1. Personnel Employment, Appointment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal 

2. Student Discipline 

Motion Kleinschmidt, second by Browning to enter into closed session at 6:37p.m. 

Roll Call: 

x Hatcher x Risley x Hall 

x Kleinschmidt x Browning 

x Rhinehart AB Campbell 

There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried. 

Motion by Risley, second by Browning that the Board return to open session at 6:58pm. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 


7. Motion to Hire Stacey Walter 

Motion by Risley, second by Hall to hire Stacey Walter at $15.50/hr. 

Roll Call: 

x Hall x Browning x Risley 

x Hatcher AB Campbell 

x Kleinschmidt x Rhinehart 

There being 6 yeas and 0 nays, the motion carried. 


Motion by Hall, second by Risley to adjourn the meeting at 7:00pm. 

Motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 

Next Regular BOE Meeting: Wednesday, January 18, 2022 at 6:00 P.M.