
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Harrisburg Community Unit School District 3 Board of Education met June 22

Harrisburg Community Unit School District 3 Board of Education met June 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Board of Education Minutes

The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Harrisburg Community Unit School District #3, Saline County, Illinois, was held at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 22, 2023, as announced by posted public notice and by mail. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Chris Penrod, Mr. Kevin Dowdy, Mr. Billy Smith, and Mr. Brandon Henshaw. Mr. Ryan Lambert, Mr. Jonathan Russell were absent.

The following administrators were present: Dr. Amy Dixon, Scott Dewar, Kim Williams, John Crabb, Mallory Wilson, Alesha Allen, Phil Nyberg, Amanda Stone, Elizabeth Dawe and Andy Fehrenbacher. The following Unit #3 staff members were present: Keri Holland, Julie Martin, Kyle Brames, Scott Issacs, Greg Langley, Jennifer Irvin, Kim Reeder, and Joy Butler. The following members of the public were present: Steve Smothers.

With a quorum of the members of the Board being present, President Penrod called the meeting to order and declared the Board to be in session for the transaction of business.

President Penrod led the Board, staff and attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance

Mr. Henshaw moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss: A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees in an educational setting. Act. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

B. The purchase or lease of real property for the use of a public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5).

C. Security procedures, school building safety and security. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(8).

Upon a call of the President for a vote to be taken, it was determined the results of said motion carried. Board entered into Closed Session at 5:01 p.m.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to reconvene in open session at 5:38 p.m. Upon a call of the President for a voice vote to be taken, it was determined the results of said motion carried.

Public Comment - None

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the May 16, 2023 Regular Board Meeting. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to approve the Bills Due and Payable. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.

Mr. Henshaw moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to approve the Expenditure and Revenue Reports. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.

The Board of Education reviewed the monthly Activity Fund Summaries from each building.


Superintendent – Dr. Amy Dixon

▪ All Board members are invited to attend the Joint Annual Conference in Chicago.

BELA – Principal Alesha Allen

West Side Primary - Principal Mallory Wilson

East Side Intermediate - Principal Eric McCollum

Harrisburg Middle School - Principal Debbie McGowan

Harrisburg High School - Principal Scott Dewar

Special Education - Kim Williams

Technology, Media, Grants, Curriculum – Natalie Fry

▪ Evaluwise training will be held in August to help prepare teachers that will be evaluated this year. Transportation – Andy Fehrenbacher

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to approve Steve Smothers to fill the vacant Board Member position. On a call of the roll, the motion received a unanimous vote of yea.

Mr. Smothers recited the Oath of Office.

“I, Steve Smothers, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of member of the Board of Education of Harrisburg Community Unit School District No. 3, in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of Illinois, and the laws of the State of Illinois, to the best of my ability.

I further swear that:

I shall respect taxpayer interests by serving as a faithful protector of the school district’s assets; I shall encourage and respect the free expression of opinion by my fellow board members and others who seek of hearing before the board, while respecting the privacy of students and employees;

I shall recognize that a board member has no legal authority as an individual and that decisions can be made only by a majority vote at a public board meeting; and

I shall abide by majority decisions of the board, while retaining the right to seek changes in such decisions through ethical and constructive channels.”

Mr. Smothers took his seat with the other Board Members.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to approve the Amended Budget. On a call of the roll, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, Mr. Henshaw, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Henshaw moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with Vienna High School District for the Education Career Pathways Grant. On a call of the roll, Mr. Smith, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Dowdy and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to approve the West Side School handbook. On a call of the roll, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to approve the Bid of Tabor Pest Control Services. On a call of the roll, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Approval to dedicate the road right of way from the bike path to HMS to the city of Harrisburg was TABLED.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to approve the HMS and HHS Athletic Handbook changes. On a call of the roll, Mr. Smith, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Dowdy and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to approve the Risk Management Insurance Renewal. On a call of the roll, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Smith and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to approve the Resolution to direct the Superintendent to create the FY24 Budget. On a call of the roll, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to approve the Resolution that Authorizes the Superintendent to spend District Funds Prior to the Adoption of the FY24 Budget. On a call of the roll, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, Mr. Henshaw and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to approve to no longer administer the Illinois Youth Survey. On a call of the roll, Mr. Smith, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Dowdy, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to approve the Executive Session minutes of the May 16, 2023 Regular Board Meeting. On a call of the roll, Mr. Smith, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Dowdy, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to approve the resignation of Vivian Nilsen, MS Cook effective immediately. On a call of the roll, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to approve the resignation of Trinity Cluck as West Side Classroom Aide. On a call of the roll, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, Mr. Henshaw, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to approve the resignation of Hannah Wise as West Side Classroom Aide. On a call of the roll, Mr. Smith, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Dowdy and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to approve the resignation of Jared Butler as High School Soccer Coach. On a call of the roll, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to approve the resignation of Melanie Pittman, Middle School Math Teacher. On a call of the roll, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Smith, Mr. Dowdy, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to approve the resignation of Kailee McRoy, Middle School Special Education Teacher. On a call of the roll, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, Mr. Henshaw, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to approve the resignation of Corrine Bosler, BELA Speech Pathologist. On a call of the roll, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Smith and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to approve the Leave of Rhonda Beckman from January 8, 2024 – April 21, 2024 for student teaching. On a call of the roll, Mr. Smith, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Dowdy and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to approve the retirement of Julie Piche effective end of 2022/23 school year. On a call of the roll, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Smith, Mr. Dowdy, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to employ Steffanie Ferrell as Pre-K Teacher at BELA. On a call of the roll, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to approve the voluntary transfer of Diane Vaughn to 5th Grade Resource. On a call of the roll, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, Mr. Henshaw, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Henshaw moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to approve the voluntary transfer of Hillary DeVisser to High School English Teacher. On a call of the roll, Mr. Smith, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Henshaw, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Henshaw moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to employ Jeff Miller as 5th Grade General Education Teacher. On a call of the roll, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to employ Ashley Burroughs as East Side Classroom Aide. On a call of the roll, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, Mr. Henshaw, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to employ Ashley Gifford as East Side Classroom Aide, pending licensure. On a call of the roll, Mr. Smith, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Dowdy and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to employ Jerika Jones as Middle School Secretary. On a call of the roll, Mr. Smith, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Henshaw, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Dowdy seconded the motion to employ Emily Randolph as High School Classroom Aide, pending licensure. On a call of the roll, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to approve the Principal, Assistant Principal, and Dean of Students contracts. On a call of the roll, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, Mr. Henshaw, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to approve the wage increase for the following. On a call of the roll, Mr. Smith, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Dowdy, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

▪ Head Custodians

▪ Maintenance Director

▪ Food Service/Secretary

▪ Superintendent Secretary

▪ Bookkeeper

Mr. Henshaw moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to approve Jon Sanders as JV Boys Basketball Coach. On a call of the roll, Mr. Smith, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Henshaw, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Henshaw seconded the motion to approve the list of Middle School and High School Volunteer Coaches, excluding HS Boys Soccer. On a call of the roll, Mr. Henshaw, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried.

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to post the following positions. On a call of the roll, Mr. Dowdy, Mr. Smith, Mr. Henshaw, and Mr. Penrod voted yea. Mr. Smothers abstained. Motion carried. ▪ High School Freshman Basketball Coach

▪ 5th Grade Gen. Ed.

▪ HMS Paraprofessional

▪ HHS Boys Soccer Coach

▪ (2) HMS Math Teachers

▪ (3) WS Classroom Aides

▪ HMS Cook

▪ HHS Math Teacher

▪ BELA Early Childhood Sp. Ed. Teacher

▪ BELA Speech Pathologist

▪ West Side Special Education Teacher

▪ HMS Special Education Teacher

▪ HMS English Language Arts Teacher

Mr. Dowdy moved and Mr. Smith seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. Upon a call of the President for a voice vote to be taken, it was determined the result of said motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.
