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City of Harrisburg City Council met July 20

City of Harrisburg City Council met July 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Harrisburg City Council met on July 20, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. at the Harris-Pruett Building located at 107 E. Church Street, Harrisburg, IL.

Mayor John McPeek called the meeting to order. Mayor John McPeek presided over the meeting with Commissioners Raymond Gunning, Rupert Johnson and Cynthia Potter answering roll call. Commissioner Roger Angelly was absent.

Pastor Jerry Wells from the Dorrisville Social Brethren Church led the group in prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to approve the consent agenda.

Regular Meeting Minutes – June 15, 2023

Special Meeting Minutes – June 22, 2023

Check Register and Warrant Report – June 2023

Brown & Roberts, Inc. - $1,324.76 - #2023-143

Barnes Lumber Co. - $16,342.93 - #K43098 – Veterans Dr. TIF

Lane Erectors, Inc. - $32,080.00 - #6850 – Veterans Drive TIF

Prestige Project Mgmt, Inc. - $102,003.00 - #3125 – Business District

Saline County Highway Dept - $6,280.45 - #061623 - MFT

Crossroads 2, LLC - $7,584.31 - #1569 – MFT

Crossroads 2, LLC - $3,678.01 - #1612 – MFT

Crossroads 2, LLC - $4,486.86 - #1611 – MFT

Crossroads 2, LLC - $13,663.73 - #1593 – MFT

Joni & Christine Braden – Relinquish Lake Lot – 1st Addition, Block 2, Lot 9

Todd & Patricia Gilomen – Petition Lease Lake Lot – 1st Addition, Block 2, Lot 9

Cindy Gulley – Relinquish Lake Lot – 4th Addition, Lot 10E

Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Citizen Marc Hodge came before council to talk about the decision council made to do away with the previous Merit Board this past May. He thinks council should have done their diligence in understanding municipalities rules and regulation on how they apply to the merit board. The new board has no experience. There are two other members that were loyal with their time, their understanding and promoting the city.

There were times when Police Chiefs and Fire Chiefs wanted to determine what the merit board did and who they hired. The merit board serves as a focus to include promotions, discipline and eligibility. The merit board depended on the police and fire department, but that does not give them cart blache to say who got hired. There were four laterals hired which saved the city money. We are here to serve the people.

Marc Hodge stated he tested, but made sure he was eligible by talking to the Mayor, Commissioner Gunning, and Attorney Wilson to ensure that it could be done. Some individuals felt it was a conflict. Marc Hodge stated Doug Pyle and Steve Questelle did an awesome job during their term for the city. He encourages council to do their homework and stated he loved the job during his term.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to pass Resolution 23-0720 regarding the use of special allocation funds for the development of a Scooter’s Coffee Shop. Seconded by Commissioner Cynthia Potter. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to authorize Mayor John McPeek to sign the redevelopment agreement with Scooter’s Coffee. Seconded by Commissioner Cynthia Potter. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to pass Resolution 23-0720A the use of special allocation funds for the development of certain property for use by City Limit Motors. Seconded by Commissioner Cynthia Potter. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to authorize Mayor John McPeek to sign the redevelopment agreement with City Limit Motors. Seconded by Commissioner Cynthia Potter. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek opened two sealed bids for the dump truck customization. The first sealed bid was from Woody’s Municipal Supply Co. for $57,562.00. The second sealed bid was from IMPCO for $50,434.84. Commissioner Cynthia Potter questioned if a warranty came with the purchase. Commissioner Rupert Johnson made the motion to accept the sealed bid from IMPCO for $50,434.84 Seconded by Commissioner . A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

There were no sealed bids for 1114 Holland Street.

Mayor John McPeek opened the sealed bids for the house demolition projects.

Sealed bids for 519 W. Sloan Street are as follows:

PDS - $8746.00

Pinoy Construction - $12305.00

Stone’s Outdoor Service - $9400.00

Lane Erectors, Inc. - $6805.00

KL Boatright Excavating - $5375.00

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to accept the sealed bid from KL Boatright Excavating for $5375.00 for 519 W. Sloan Street. Second Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Sealed bids for 521 W. Barnett Street are as follows:

PDS - $9146.00

Lane Erectors - $7434.00

Stone’s Outdoor Service - $9600.00

Pinoy Construction - $12245.00

B & M Land - $15000.00

KL Boatright Excavating - $5175.00

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to accept the sealed bid from KL Boatright Excavating for $5175.00 for 521 W. Barnett Street. Seconded Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Sealed bids for 811 South Main Street are as follows:

PDS - $10846.00

Lane Erectors - $6425.00

Stone’s Outdoor Service - $9600.00

Pinoy Construction - $12240.00

B & M Land - $17000.00

KL Boatright Excavating - $5175.00

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to accept the sealed bid from KL Boatright Excavating for $5175.00 for 811 South Main Street. Seconded Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Sealed bids for 509 S. Granger Street are as follows:

PDS - $6446.00

Lane Erectors - $20529.00

Stone’s Outdoor Service - $8200.00

KL Boatright Excavating - $7175.00

Pinoy Construction - $12300.00

Commissioner Cynthia Potter made the motion to accept the sealed bid from PDS for $6446.00 for 509 S. Granger Street. Seconded Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Sealed bids for 117 South Shaw Street are as follows:

PDS - $13546.00

Lane Erectors - $8550.00

Stone’s Outdoor Service - $13200.00

KL Boatright Excavating - $7000.00

Pinoy Construction - $16740.00

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to accept the sealed bid from KL Boatright Excavating for $7000.00 for 117 South Shaw Street. Second Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek stated council will go into executive session to approve the executive session minutes from December 2022 through June 2023.

Mayor John McPeek stated council will go into executive session to discuss property acquisition.

Attorney Kolby Smithpeters stated the owner of 22 Vine Street has agreed to sell the property to the city for $2500.00 Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to a purchase 22 Vine Street for $2500.00. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Attorney Kolby Smithpeters stated the owner of 518 Lincoln Street has agreed to deed the property over to the city at no cost. This is the same owner of 22 Vine Street. Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to accept the deed for 518 Lincoln Street. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Coy Struckhoff from Security Alarm System gave a presentation to council regarding a camera system. He discussed the difference between buying the system and leasing the system. Council agreed it would be beneficial to lease. This project will be paid out of the business district funds. Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to approve the security alarm lease program in the amount of $10,056.00 and monthly recurring fee of $475.00. Seconded by Commissioner Cynthia Potter. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Justin Dartt presented the FY 20/21 audit to council. This is still the previous treasurer’s audit. Page one is the qualified opinions. Page two is the basis for the opinion. Page six includes the findings. Page seven is the overall summary of activities. Page thirteen is business type activities. Page fourteen is revenue and expenditures for water and sewer. Page sixteen is the fiduciary funds. Page twenty-seven discusses cash/investments. Page fifty-two talks about due to due from. Page sixty-three has a new finding from the Veterans Drive TIF. Page seventy is the breakdown for police and fire department pension funds. Beginning on page seventy-three is the oversight and footnotes.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to accept the FY 20/21. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Fire Chief John Gunning presented a mobile home application to council for 1300 Longley Street. The fees have been paid and they are ready to begin installation. Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to accept the mobile home application for 1300 Longley Street. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Attorney Kolby Smithpeters discussed the dangerous home located at 600 S. Webster Street. This property needs to be demolished. The owner has been living in a camper for quite some time which is in violation of the city ordinance. Letters have been sent and he is refusing to accept them. We can use the expedited process to clean up the property. He is not willing to talk to Attorney Kolby Smithpeters or Fire Chief John Gunning.

Commissioner Cynthia Potter asked if there was anywhere he could be placed. Attorney Kolby Smithpeters stated there is Saline County Housing. There is an application process he needs to start. Commissioner Rupert Johnson said there are enough people living on the street and at least he is living in a camper. He does not feel comfortable putting him out on the street.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated it is important to get the house down. Mayor John McPeek stated the camper needs to be moved. Commissioner Cynthia Potter asked Commissioner Rupert Johnson if this citizen could temporarily be moved to Harrisburg Lake. Commissioner Rupert Johnson responded there is no water at Harrisburg Lake.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to begin the process to take the house down. Seconded by Commissioner Cynthia Potter. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes, except Commissioner Rupert Johnson voting no. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek discussed the burned down dangerous home on 122 W. Sloan Street. Fire Chief John Gunning stated he would look into this because he thinks it might be tied up with an insurance issue. Mayor John McPeek stated it looks terrible and the neighbors are complaining. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated the old bate shop on Granger needs to be addressed.

Commissioner Cynthia Potter made the motion to acquire the following property under the Strong Community Grant: 21 S. Shaw Street, 315 W. South Street, 718 W. Sloan Street, and 25 W. Sloan Street. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

There is a correction from the last meeting. The address should be 212 E. Lincoln Street instead of 511 Lincoln Street.

Commissioner Cynthia Potter presented the annual NPDES, which is the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System, and the fee is $17,500.00. We pay this under protest, but it is required to be paid. Commissioner Cynthia Potter made the motion to pay the annual NPDES fee of $17,500.00 under protest. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes, except Commissioner Rupert Johnson voting no. Motion carried.

Assistant Chief Logan Leverett and City Clerk Terri Jenkins met with Merit Board member Aspen Moss to call the first name on the new hire list. Mark Wilson accepted the position within the police department.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to hire Mark Wilson as a police officer effective August 16, 2023 at the starting rate of $25.12 pending the passing of his physical and drug screen. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

There was a public hearing prior to this council meeting regarding vacating an alley located south of Ray Johnson Lane adjacent to the Tison and Hall property. Commissioner Rupert Johnson made the motion to approve Ordinance 1859 vacating the alley. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson received a petition to vacate an alley located between W. Lincoln Street and Coolidge Street in the 800 block of W. Lincoln Street from the Harrisburg Township Park District. Commissioner Rupert Johnson made the motion to accept the petition to vacate the alley. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson made the motion to authorize the City Clerk to advertise for a public hearing to be held at 7:45 a.m. on August 17, 2023 regarding vacating this alley. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson made the motion to install a street light at the corner of Big Four and Cherry Street. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson made the motion to install a street light on Cherry Tree Place. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek made the motion to appoint Kyle Hodson to the Merit Board for a three-year term. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek thanked the Street/Alley/Public Property for picking up the debris after the storm. He thanked the Water/Sewer Department for their hard work during this hot weather. He also thanked the Police and Fire Department. He knows they have been busy.

Mayor John McPeek said the July 4th celebration was great and everyone enjoyed the fireworks. The amphitheater is coming along. Be watching for an upcoming event. He reminded the citizens that the Sasquatch Festival is October 07. There was a meeting this week and it was very productive and we had a few new volunteers join the group.

Mayor John McPeek made the motion to go into executive session to discuss property acquisition and to approve executive session minutes from December 2022 through June 2023. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Adjourn: 9:04 a.m.

Reconvene: 9:15 a.m.

Mayor John McPeek made the motion to return to open session. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek called the meeting to order. Mayor John McPeek presided over the meeting with Commissioners Raymond Gunning, Rupert Johnson and Cynthia Potter answering roll call. Commissioner Roger Angelly was absent.

Mayor John McPeek made the motion to keep closed the executive session minutes from December 2022 through June 2023. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek made the motion to sell 435 W. Poplar Street for $20,000 plus closing cost. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Cynthia Potter made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Adjourn: 9:16 a.m.




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