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Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Carrier Mills-Stonefort Community Unit School District #2 Board of Education met Sept. 25

Carrier Mills-Stonefort Community Unit School District #2 Board of Education met Sept. 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Regular Meeting

Carrier Mills-Stonefort High School Library

Minutes taken by Mr. Clay Nolen

I) Call to Order by: Mr. Clay Nolen at 7:15 p.m.

II) Roll Call by: Mr. Clay Nolen

Present: Issac Craig, Rhonda Felty, Derek Field, Clay Nolen, and Katie Whiting.

Absent: Scott Figg and Ryan Lewis.

III) Recognition of Visitors: Mr. David Klope, Mr. Brad Ewing, Mrs. Beth Horn, Mrs. Kristina Dunn, Mrs. Laura Dombrow, and Mrs. Kristy Murphy.

IV) Approve Consent Agenda: Motion by Mrs. Whiting, 2nd by Mrs. Felty.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Field, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mr. Figg and Mr. Lewis.

V) Reports

A) High School Principal Report – Mr. Jerrell

Mr. Jerrell explained that the window film for the doors of the High School have been installed. We are now waiting for them to install the window film for the first story windows, which should be completed on October 6. TK Vinyl will add decals to the school security officer vehicle for around $350. Mr. DeNeal would like to utilize REAP funds to purchase a new tractor for his Ag Classroom from MS Implement Company. The cost is around $19,000-$20,000, with the trade in of our John Deer tractor, and will be paid for through the grant.

In PBIS news, Mr. Jerrell explained that the second PBIS Event of the year took place on September 1. Homeroom Challenge #2: The Dodgeball Tournament, took place at 11:00 am. Anderson’s Awesome Ones, the Junior Class, defeated Adams’ All-Stars, the Freshmen Class, in the Championship game. Austin’s Army, the Sophomores, defeated Mathews’ Mighty Marvels, the Seniors, in the Consolation Championship game. After two events, the Junior Class is in 1st Place with 20 points, the Freshmen are in 2nd Place with 16 points, and the Sophomore Class and Senior Class are tied for 3rd Place with 10 points each. The class with the most points after all the Homeroom Challenges will get pizza for lunch on May 3.

Homeroom Challenge #3: The Volleyball Tournament, will take place on Friday, September 29 at 10:00 am. Those students that do not earn more than 12 points from September 4 through September 29 will be eligible to participate in the event. Each class will have one team and each team will have six players (with one substitute). Those students that choose not to play in the volleyball game, can sit on the bleachers with their friends and cheer on their class.

Mr. Jerrell also reported that he wanted to give some praise to our Wildcat Community over the past month. On Friday, September 1 we held a “Hats for the Tackett Family” event. Eldorado High School lost one of their students, Noah Tackett, who was a freshman, along with his parents in a tragic car accident. We told our students, faculty, and staff to wear a hat to school and donate $1.00 to the funeral expenses for this family. We raised almost $500 for this one day event.

Mr. Jerrell was contacted by Mr. Blake Bradley, the principal of the New Hope Christian Academy, a few weeks ago. NHCA has around 100 PreK-12th Grade students. Mr. Bradley asked if we would be interested in a Co-Op with their students for Jr. High and High School sports. New Hope Christian Academy is located at 540 North Commercial Street, Harrisburg, Illinois. The Board is interested in researching this topic further.

B) Grade School Principals Report - Mrs. Kuhlmann

Mrs. Kuhlmann reported that HE Mitchell Construction was at the school on Tuesday, September 12 to evaluate roof issues at the grade school. This should include getting an estimate to fix the cafeteria leak. HSG has also evaluated the air conditioning project and believes if the air conditioner needs to be lifted from the roof to fix the leak, the unit will need to be replaced. HE Mitchell will also be compiling an estimate to fix the panels above the gym causing the leak in the main hallway of the grade school in front of the office door. Once these have been fixed, the tiles will be replaced. The broken tiles in the cafeteria were a result of a water issue coming from the dish washer at the end of the school year last year. They were pulled up to evaluate the problem and have been fixed.

Mrs. Kuhlmann explained that a light bulb in the foyer area was replaced. Brian Walker has ordered LED bulbs for the grade school. These were provided at a discount rate with a grant from Ameren. The janitors have checked the door handles on the front door and all seem secure. The sinks in the elementary wing in both the boys and girl’s bathroom have been fixed. The buttons have been replaced. The flush valve on the toilet in the girl’s bathroom has been replaced. Filters have been changed on all the water fountains. There has been an issue with some of the reset lights. The buttons were replaced on the water fountain next to the nurse’s office.

Mrs. Kuhlmann reported that the parts for the faucet in Mrs. Stone's room have been replaced. The gutters have been cleaned. The building will be washed by Ragsdale Pressure Washing within the next few weeks. The gazebo on the back playground was in disrepair and has been torn down by the shop classes at the high school. Many of the rails were falling off and screws were exposed around the bottom and boards were coming off. We will be getting an estimate to build an outdoor classroom that will hold at least 4 picnic tables. Ron Brachear donated $3000 to get the project started. The grant funded playground equipment purchased this summer has been delivered. I am waiting for an installation date for this equipment. A small outbuilding has been replaced on the pre-k playground.

Also, Mrs. Kuhlmann reported that tutoring began on Tuesday, September 19 and will continue every Tuesday and Thursday throughout the semester. We currently have 12 tutors and 29 students enrolled for tutoring. The tutors are paid by a grant in cooperation with Southeastern Illinois College.

VI) Action Items

A) Approve FY24 Budget and Required Resolutions.

Mr. Jerrell reviewed the FY24 Balanced Budget with the Board. Also, he reminded the Board that the Budget is amended in June to account for all of the revenue and expenditures throughout the year. Mr. Jerrell will take the FY24 Budget and Resolutions to the Saline County and Williamson County Courthouses later this week.

Motion: To approve the FY24 Budget and Required Resolutions.

Motion by Mr. Nolen, 2nd by Mrs. Felty.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Field, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mr. Figg and Mr. Lewis.

B) Approve FY23 Annual Teacher and Administrator Salary and Benefits Report.

Mr. Jerrell reviewed the FY23 annual Teacher and Administrator Salary and Benefits Report.

Motion: To approve the FY23 Annual Teacher and Administrator Salary and Benefits Report.

Motion by Mr. Felty, 2nd by Mrs. Whiting.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Field, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mr. Figg and Mr. Lewis.C) Approve Renewal of Workman’s Comp Policy.

Mr. Jerrell reported that on Tuesday, September 12, he received our quote from Star Insurance Company for this year’s workers compensation insurance. This year it will cost us $28,541, which is $930 more than last year ($27,611). We need to approve this motion tonight, and the policy will go into effect on October 16, 2023.

Motion: To approve the Renewal of the Workman’s Comp Policy.

Motion by Mr. Nolen, 2nd by Mrs. Felty.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Field, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mr. Figg and Mr. Lewis.

D) Approve Activity Fund Accounts.

Mr. Jerrell explained that we need to create an activity fund account for the CMHS Cross Country team.

Motion: To approve Activity Fund Account #56 for CMHS Cross Country.

Motion by Mr. Nolen, 2nd by Mr. Craig.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Field, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mr. Figg and Mr. Lewis.

E) Approve Board Policy (Adoption of Section 2: School Board).

Mr. Jerrell explained that just like we did several years ago, we need to update our current Board Policy Manual. As laws change or new laws are added, PRESS (Policy Reference Education Subscription Service) releases the exact wording that you need to adopt. It is a lot like the updates we get for our student handbooks and extra-curricular handbooks each year. This will take us about four months to completely update our current Board Policy Manual. Once these have been approved, Mr. Jerrell will upload them to the school website.

Motion: To approve the Adoption of Board Policy Section 2: School Board (Policy 2:30, 2:50, 2:80, 2:100, 2:110, 2:170, 2:210, 2:230, and 2:250).

Motion by Mr. Nolen, 2nd by Mrs. Felty.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Field, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mr. Figg and Mr. Lewis.

F) Approve Board Policy (Adoption of Section 3: General School Administration).

Mr. Jerrell explained that we also need to update three policies from Section 3.

Motion: To approve the Adoption of Board Policy Section 3: General School Administration (Policy 3:40, 3:50, and 3:60).

Motion by Mrs. Whiting, 2nd by Mr. Nolen.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Field, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mr. Figg and Mr. Lewis.

VII) Non Action Items

A) Evidence Based Funding.

Mr. Jerrell explained that with the passing of the FY24 Budget, Evidence Based Funding is now in its eighth year of implementation. Evidence Based Funding, at one time, was called General State Aide. Here is a recap of our EBF for the past several years: FY16- $2,232,455 (Last Year of General State Aide), FY17- $2,298,261 (Beginning of EBF; increase of $65,806), FY18- $2,615,787 (increase of $317,526), FY19- $2,753,173 (increase of $137,386), FY20- $2,901,328 (increase of $148,155), FY21- $2,901,328 (no increase due to COVID-19), FY22- $3,123,974 (increase of $222,646), FY23- $3,323,540 (increase of $199,566), and FY24 $3,537,050 (increase of $213,514).

Although these increases look great since FY17 (and the state has actually followed through on paying these amounts), Mr. Jerrell reminded the Board that these increases came after 7-8 years of the state prorating their payments to Illinois school districts. This loss of funding has yet to be paid back. The large increase from FY17 to FY18 was the addition of Evidence Based funding, but also because the state started including Special Education payments with EBF. Also, although we are receiving more funding, just keep in mind that at the same time they have increased the beginning teacher salary to $40,000, minimum wage will increase to $15.00 an hour by January 1, 2025, and the cost of health insurance has significantly increased as well.

B) ESSER III Grant and Spending Plan.

Mr. Jerrell explained the history of the ESSER III grant. Also, he explained that we have $862,612 left to spend in ESSER III. $396,324 will be spent on salaries for 2023-2024, which leaves us with $466,288 to spend by September 30, 2024. Mrs. Betz, Mr. DeNeal, and Mr. Jerrell will meet this week to complete the amendment for this grant, which may include some of the following projects: 1) An outdoor restroom/concession stand/storage room at the baseball field, 2) New translucent panels on the north side of the gym, 3) New translucent panels on the south side of the gym, 4) An outdoor classroom at the Grade School, and 5) Fixing the roof and/or the air conditioning unit on the roof of the Grade School Cafeteria.

C) Girls’ Basketball Program.

Mrs. Katie Whiting addressed the Board in regards to starting a girls’ basketball program. Mrs. Whiting stated that Mr. Zack Essex started a Future Bulldogs Youth League in Harrisburg for students from grades K-6th that begins in September and ends in December. This is a co-ed league. Mrs. Whiting stated that Kyle Hollemon, Jalen Stewart, and Jake Stewart may be willing to help us get a girls’ program started. Mr. Clay Nolen reminded the Board members that this has been a discussion off-and-on for over ten years, and in the past we just have not had enough interest to start a program. Also, Mr. Jerrell reminded the Board that at the Grade School we currently have one more girls’ sport (softball and volleyball) then boys’ sports (baseball), since boys and girls can both participate in Jr. High basketball, cheerleading, and 5th/6th grade basketball. At the High School, we also have one more girls’ sport (volleyball and softball) then boys’ sports (baseball), since both boys and girls can participate in cross country, basketball, and cheerleading.

Several other questions were brought up, including: What grade level should we start at? Should we set a minimum number of participants before starting a team? How will we coordinate practices between all of the teams since we only have one gym at the Grade School and one at the High School? If we look to co-op, will we need conference approval? Will the cheerleaders be allowed to cheer and play basketball?

Mrs. Whiting stated that she did not expect us to be able to start a girls’ basketball team as soon as this year, but would like to see if we had enough interest to start a team in the future. The Board was in agreement, so Mr. Vinyard will survey the Grade School students, 5th-8th grades, to see who is interested in participating in girls’ basketball.

VIII) Closed Session

Closed Session

Motion to move to closed session at 8:14 pm for #1, 2, 9, 10, 11, and 14 from the closed meetings act (see attached) by Mrs. Whiting, 2nd by Mr. Field.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Field, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mr. Figg and Mr. Lewis.

Move to Closed Session Minutes

Motion to return to open session at 8:36 pm by Mr. Field, 2nd by Mrs. Whiting.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Field, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mr. Figg and Mr. Lewis.

Motion to approve the closed meeting minutes as read by Mrs. Whiting, 2nd by Mr. Craig.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Field, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mr. Figg and Mr. Lewis.

IX) Action on Closed Session Items

A) Motion: To Table the Motion to accept resignations because no one resigned this month.

B.1) Motion: To hire Mrs. Beth Kidd as a Jr. High Student Council Sponsor for the 2023-2024 school year.

Motion by Mr. Field, 2nd by Mrs. Felty.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Field, Mr. Nolen, Mrs. Whiting.

Nay: None.

Absent: Mr. Figg and Mr. Lewis.

B.2) Motion: To hire Mr. Scott Figg as a High School Softball Coach for the 2023-2024 school year.

Motion by Mrs. Felty, 2nd by Mr. Nolen.

Roll Call By: Mr. Nolen

Aye: Mr. Craig, Mrs. Felty, Mr. Nolen.

Nay: Mr. Field and Mrs. Whiting.

Absent: Mr. Figg and Mr. Lewis.

X) Adjourn

Motion: To Adjourn at 8:39 p.m. by Mr. Nolen, 2nd by Mr. Craig.

Voice Vote: All approved Motion Passed



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