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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

New Hope Consolidated Community School District #6 Board of Education met April 16

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Wayne County Courthouse in Fairfield | WikipediA

Wayne County Courthouse in Fairfield | WikipediA

New Hope Consolidated Community School District #6 Board of Education met April 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The New Hope Board of Education met on April 16, 2024 at 7:00 P.M. in the work room of the school.

President Jeremy Vaughan called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M.

Roll Call: Present: Jason Simpson

Dan Devous

Ryan Green

Tom Barton

Jeremy Gray

Jeremy Vaughan

Absent: Brandon Fry

Also Present: Julie Harrelson, Superintendent

Melanie Hill Tylar McKitrick

Jarrod Pruitt

Tom Barton made a motion to approve the March 19, 2024 regular meeting minutes and the April 9, 2024 special meeting minutes with no corrections noted. Second by Jason Simpson.

Voice Vote: Yea: Jason Simpson, Dan Devous, Tom Barton, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan

Nay: None Carried

Superintendent Julie Harrelson presented the Treasurer’s Report and current financial information. Bank balances as of March 31, 2024:

Fairfield National Bank Checking: $1,492,716.63

IPTIP: $1,027.42

Fairfield National Bank Money Market: $479,206.62

Fairfield National Bank CD: $520,199.99

Ryan Green made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Second by Tom Barton.

Voice Vote: Yea: Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan, Jason Simpson, Dan Devous, Tom Barton

Nay: None Carried

Jason Simpson made a motion to pay the bills with no additions or exclusions noted. Second by Dan Devous.

Voice Vote: Yea: Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan, Jason Simpson,

Dan Devous, Tom Barton, Ryan Green

Nay: None Carried

Negotiation committee met with the teachers for negotiation of the collective bargaining agreement. Topics will be discussed further in executive session but negotiations went well on both sides.

Mrs. Harrelson presented the Superintendent’s Report. School speech contest winners are Jonah Desanti 1st, Gretchen Hooper 2nd, and Kamden Vaughan 3rd. Jonah and Gretchen advance to the county speech contest to be held at New Hope on April 17th. Gym work will start in June and take 3 weeks to complete. This will most likely interrupt summer open gym plans. Statements of economic interests are due May 1st. Quarter 3 revenue and expenditure reports show revenue at 80% of budget and expenditures 63% of budget. Grades 3-5 spring musical will be on April 25th at the First Christian Church. Graduation is May 10th at 6:00 P.M. We will also take an updated board picture that evening. Vespers service is on May 5th at 2:00 P.M. at Center Street School. Academic awards ceremony will be on May 9th at 2:15 P.M. The spring concert will be held that evening at 6:00 P.M. The sports banquet is scheduled for May 14th at 6:00 P.M.

New Business:

1. Jason Simpson made a motion to renew IESA membership for 2024-2025. Second by Dan Devous.

Voice Vote: Yea: Jason Simpson, Dan Devous, Tom Barton, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan

Nay: None Carried

2. Dan Devous made a motion to adopt board policy update issue 114. Second by Ryan Green.

Voice Vote: Yea: Dan Devous, Tom Barton, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan, Jason Simpson

Nay: None Carried

3. Tom Barton made a motion to accept propane bid from Wabash Valley Service at a firm price of $1.60. Second by Jeremy Gray.

Voice Vote: Yea: Tom Barton, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan, Jason Simpson, Dan Devous

Nay: None Carried

4. Dan Devous made a motion to accept bus bid from Lewis Scrap Metal of $1,811.00 each. Second by Jeremy Gray.

Voice Vote: Yea: Tom Barton, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan, Jason Simpson, Dan Devous

Nay: None Carried

5. Jason Simpson made a motion to accept dairy bid. Second by Ryan Green.

Voice Vote: Yea: Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan, Jason Simpson, Dan Devous, Tom Barton

Nay: None Carried

6. Jason Simpson made a motion to approve Consolidated District Plan. Second by Dan Devous.

Voice Vote: Yea: Jeremy Gray, Jason Simpson, Dan Devous, Tom Barton, Ryan Green, Jeremy Vaughan

Nay: None Carried

7. Jeremy Gray made a motion to accept Katelyn Rodgers’ resignation as teacher. Second by Tom Barton.

Voice Vote: Yea: Jason Simpson, Dan Devous, Tom Barton, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan

Nay: None Carried

Dan Devous made a motion to enter executive session at 7:20 P.M. for negotiations and student discipline. Second by Ryan Green.

Voice Vote: Yea: Dan Devous, Tom Barton, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan, Jason Simpson

Nay: None Carried

Jason Simpson made a motion to return to open session at 8:06 P.M. Second by Dan Devous.

Voice Vote: Yea: Tom Barton, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan, Jason Simpson, Dan Devous

Nay: None Carried

8. Dan Devous made a motion to approve collective bargaining agreement effective August 2024-August 2027. Second by Ryan Green.

Voice Vote: Yea: Tom Barton, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan, Jason Simpson, Dan Devous

Nay: None Carried

Dan Devous made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 P.M. Second by Jason Simpson.

Voice Vote: Yea: Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan, Jason Simpson, Dan Devous, Tom Barton

Nay: None Carried
