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New Hope Consolidated Community School District #6 Board of Education met June 18

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Wayne County Courthouse in Fairfield | WikipediA

New Hope Consolidated Community School District #6 Board of Education met June 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The New Hope Board of Education met on June 18, 2024 at 7:00 P.M. in the work room of the school.

President Jeremy Vaughan called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M.

Roll Call:

Present: Jason Simpson

Dan Devous

Brandon Fry

Ryan Green

Tom Barton

Jeremy Gray

Jeremy Vaughan

Absent: None

Also Present: 

Julie Harrelson, Superintendent

Melanie Hill 

Scott Webb

Britany Pope 

Jarrod Pruitt

Jason Simpson made a motion to approve the consent agenda containing approval of May 21, 2024 regular meeting minutes, acceptance of the treasurer’s report as of May 30, 2024, approval to pay bills, and approval to destroy closed session audio recordings older than 18 months. Second by Ryan Green.

Voice Vote: Yea: Jason Simpson, Dan Devous, Brandon Fry, Tom Barton, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan

Nay: None Carried

Treasurer’s Report and current financial information. Bank balances as of May 30, 2024:

Fairfield National Bank Checking: $1.535.531.16

IPTIP: $1,036.65

Fairfield National Bank Money Market: $481.816.31

Fairfield National Bank CD: $520,199.99

Personnel committee met for the superintendent contract and days for Julie Harrelson negotiation. Items will be discussed in executive session.

Mrs. Harrelson presented the Superintendent’s Report. IAR scores are higher than the past two prior years, pandemic years. 5 Essentials Survey results included in board packets. Students in grades 4-8, teachers, and parent volunteers participated in the survey. Supportive and trustworthy environment are amongst the highest scoring sections. Community Eligibility Provision will be implemented this year giving free lunch and breakfast for all students. The threshold for qualifying for the CEP program was lowered from 40% low income to 25% low income. The program was approved for 4 years. Running this program could cost the district money but we have the ability to review the program on a year-year basis. The news has been announced to the community through TeacherEase and Facebook. The teachers attended the Energy Bus workshop recently in Carterville. New carpet has been installed in 4th, 5th, and 8th grade classrooms. New internet wiring and Wi-Fi is scheduled to be installed using grant money. Geothermal work has begun. Fiscal year 2024 board goals reviewed and achieved. Fiscal year 2025 goals will be set at next board meeting. Registration is July 16th 11:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. We are hoping to have online registration available this year. Most school supplies have been purchased with grant money. A sales representative for stage curtains is coming in on Monday to quote replacement of our current curtain. Gym floor work will be starting on Friday.

New Business:

1. Ryan Green made a motion to abolish working cash fund. Second by Jason Simpson.

Voice Vote: Yea: Brandon Fry, Tom Barton, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan, Jason Simpson, Dan Devous

Nay: None Carried

2. Jason Simpson made a motion to adopt press policy update issue 115. Second by Brandon Fry.

Voice Vote: Yea: Tom Barton, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan, Jason Simpson, Dan Devous, Brandon Fry

Nay: None Carried

3. Tom Barton made a motion to approve handbook changes for 2024-2025. Second by Ryan Green.

Voice Vote: Yea: Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan, Jason Simpson, Dan Devous, Brandon Fry, Tom Barton

Nay: None Carried

Dan Devous made a motion to enter executive session at 7:16 P.M. for personnel appointment, performance, employment, and compensation. Second by Brandon Fry.

Voice Vote: Yea: Jeremy Gray, Jason Simpson, Dan Devous, Brandon Fry, Tom Barton, Ryan Green, Jeremy Vaughan

Nay: None Carried

Jason Simpson made a motion to return to open session at 8:10 P.M. Second by Dan Devous.

Voice Vote: Yea: Jason Simpson, Dan Devous, Brandon Fry, Tom Barton, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan

Nay: None Carried

4. Dan Devous made a motion to accept Julie Harrelson’s resignation effective July 15, 2024. Second by Ryan Green.

Voice Vote: Yea: Dan Devous, Brandon Fry, Tom Barton, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan, Jason Simpson

Nay: None Carried

5. Jason Simpson made a motion to approve wages for non-certified staff for 2024-2025. Second by Brandon Fry.

Voice Vote: Yea: Brandon Fry, Tom Barton, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan, Jason Simpson, Dan Devous

Nay: None Carried

6. Tom Barton made a motion to hire Britany Pope as superintendent/principal for 2024-2025. Second by Jason Simpson.

Voice Vote: Yea: Tom Barton, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan, Jason Simpson, Dan Devous, Brandon Fry

Nay: None Carried

7. Ryan Green made a motion to advertise for junior high ELA teacher. Second by Dan Devous.

Voice Vote: Yea: Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan, Jason Simpson, Dan Devous, Brandon Fry, Tom Barton

Nay: None Carried

8. Jason Simpson made a motion to pay Julie Harrelson unused paid days post-employment at $125,000 annual salary rate. Second by Brandon Fry.

Voice Vote: Yea: Jeremy Gray, Jason Simpson, Dan Devous, Brandon Fry, Tom Barton, Ryan Green, Jeremy Vaughan

Nay: None Carried

Jason Simpson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 P.M. Second by Dan Devous.

Voice Vote: Yea: Dan Devous, Brandon Fry, Tom Barton, Ryan Green, Jeremy Gray, Jeremy Vaughan, Jason Simpson

Nay: None Carried
