Remember to put items curb side the evening before as their routes are run in the early morning hours. Do not place items in the alleys-Sunrise does not service the alleys.
We look forward to an even better, brighter and more "lit" parade than ever! As we partner with the Harrisburg Fire Department and City of Harrisburg to bring about this GREAT community event, we can't wait to see the lights on Main and see Santa Clause himself!
I come to you with a certain sadness to share the recent information from Bishop Beard, instructing us to suspend in person worship and all in building church meetings and gatherings of any size.
In the U.S., more than 16 million Americans are diagnosed with COPD and it is estimated that millions don’t realize they have it. Talk to your health care provider about getting tested for COPD.
The S.T.I.R. event this past June was a huge success and we wanted to bring it to you again! We would like to line downtown Main St. with gifts, jewelry, food and sweet treats from all your favorite local businesses!