
SE Illinois News

Thursday, March 6, 2025

White County Board approves hiring freeze

Webp meeting 07

White County Board met Monday, June 13.

Here are the minutes as provided by White County:


JUNE 13, 2016

9:00 A.M.

A regular meeting of the White County Board begun and holden this 13th day of June 2016 in the Courtroom of the White County Courthouse in the City of Carmi.

Chairman Trout called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

Clerk Dozier called the roll with Dosher, Ray, Usery, Puckett and Trout all present.

Chairman Trout asked the Board if they had received the minutes of the previous meeting and were there any additions, changes or deletions. Mr. Ray made a motion that the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting be waived and that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as proposed in writing. Motion seconded by Usery. Motion passed 5-0 on roll call vote.

Chairman Trout asked the Board to approve the payment of all current bills. Mr. Usery made a motion to pay all current bills, seconded by Puckett. Motion passed 5-0 on roll call vote.

Report from County Officers.

Mr. Adam Allen stated that the Ambulance had turned in $15,968.30. Mr. Allen stated that they have noticed that there was a price increase with the waste disposal and renegotiated their contract and should roughly save $2700.00 a year. He also presented the board with a copy of what the Ambulance will be submitting as a refusal bill for services. Mr. Allen also stated that they have been talking to Zoll medical about new monitors that they run on the trucks. They will need 2 new monitors and one spare, totaling to roughly $97000.00. He stated that with the trade in of the older monitors it would take the price down to roughly $90,000.00. The new monitors would allow them to upgrade to a 12 unit lead and would allow them better patient care and allows them to transmit the patient information to the hospital. This is just a proposal but is something that needs to be done. Mr. Allen stated the he appointed Mr. Chris James as Assistant Director and lead medic and has been working with him. Mr.

Allen then introduced Mr. Michael Funk from Deaconess Hospital, who he has been meeting with about the proposal of switching our EMS system to Deaconess from Heartland. Mr. Allen stated that Deaconess would work better for our service due to the fact of location and the number of times that service has been taken there. Working with Deaconess should save time and man power with the switching of medicines. Mr. Dosher stated that this was the Ambulance’s decision on switching resource hospitals and he and Mr. Usery thought that it would be beneficial to the County to hear the presentation from Deaconess. Mr. James said that using Deaconess as the resource hospital would allow them more control with patient care and more resources to help EMTs. Mr. Trout asked if there would be any additional cost that goes along with switching hospitals and Mr. Allen said that there may need to be some equipment updated, but that would have to be done evidently, but there was no cost associated with using Deaconess as a resource hospital. Mr. Funk stated they have several Southern Illinois Ambulance Services using them as a resource hospital and they can provide education to the EMTs. Dr. Porter thanked the board for allowing them the opportunity for them to address the board and he stressed the importance of Southern Illinois to the hospital and what they can do to help the county. Dr. Porter also informed the county that they have other resources that work with each other and it is nice that they can share those resources with the county. Dr. Porter also stated they would do everything they could help with looking into the cost of equipment. Mr. Allen stated that the Ambulance Service is currently running as an ILS service and by switching hospitals it would upgrade the service to a Paramedic Service and would upgrade protocol and providing better patient care. Mr. James stated that by being a Paramedic Service they are allowed to provide more patient care and time saved. Mr. Allen stated that they have issues with trucks in Norris City and that the Norris City Ambulance was currently put on hold while they are dealing with switching resource hospital. Mr. Maier stated that the jail had 21 Federal prisoners and that the jail income was $55,399.40.

Mr Maier further stated that they have entered into an agreement with the United States Marshall’s Office and they can now house federal inmates from the state of Indiana.

The next 9-1-1 meeting will be held on July 18, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the Courtroom.

Mrs. Sara Hon with the Tuberculosis Office stated that they were having a quiet year so far.

They have had some problems with the transition from Old National Bank to First Mid Illinois Bank & Trust, but everything has worked itself out. Mr. Chris Marsh stated that he has submitted his report and that there was questions of him having a new secretary and it is just a probation office employee that is using his office.

Mr. Randy Frashier came before the Board asking that several parcels be deeded to the Village of Maunie. Mr. Frashier stated that these parcels have been up for auction on the last two sales with no bids. Mr. Frashier stated that there is an abandoned garage on parcel of ground and old house on another. The Village would like to clean up the properties and sell them and get them back on the tax rolls. Mr. Frashier stated that he talked to Mr. Schrimpf with Joseph Meyers & Associates and they were willing to work with the board. Mr. Trout stated that he and Mrs. Dozier have done some research that Joseph Meyers & Associates were not willing to give up what they had invested in the parcels. Mr. Aud asked about what the tax implications would be for the school district on what happens with the property. Mr. Dosher wanted to make a request to table the decision for 30 days and let all the questions soak in because the decision that is made is going to set a precedent and more research needs to be done. Mr. Dosher made a motion to table the potential sale of the property for 30 days, seconded by Usery. Motion passed 5-0 on roll call vote.

Chairman Trout asked the Board to consider the annual Prevailing Wage Resolution:


Whereas, The State of Illinois has enacted “an Act regulating wages of laborers, mechanics and other workman employed in any public works by the State, County, City or any public body or any political subdivision or any anyone under contract for public works,” approved June 26, 1941, as amended, being Section 39s-1 through 39s-12, Chapter 48, Illinois Revised Statutes as amended by Public Acts 86-799 and 86-693 and  Whereas, the aforesaid Act requires that the County of White, State of Illinois, investigate and ascertain the prevailing rate of wages as defined in said Act for laborers, mechanics and other workmen in the locality of said County of White, State of Illinois, employed in performing construction of public works for said County of White, State of Illinois.


Section 1: To the extent and as requested an act regulating the wages of Laborers, mechanics and other workmen employed in any public works by the State, County, City or any public body or any political subdivision or by anyone under contract for public works,” approved June 26, 1941, as amended, the general prevailing rate of wages in this locality for laborers, mechanics and other workmen engaged in the construction of public works coming under the jurisdiction of this County of White, State of Illinois, is hereby ascertained to be the same as the prevailing rate of wages for construction work in the White County area as determined by the County Board of the County of White, State of Illinois, as of June 9, 2014, a copy of the determination being attached hereto as “Exhibit A” and incorporated herein by reference. The definition of any terms appearing is this Ordinance, which are also used in the aforesaid Act shall be the same as in said Act. 

Section 2: Nothing herein contained shall be construed to apply said general prevailing rate of wages as herein ascertained to any work or employment except public works construction of the County ofWhite, State of Illinois, to the extent required by the aforesaid Act.

Section 3: The White County Clerk shall publicly post or keep available for inspection by any interested party in the Office of the County Clerk, White County Courthouse, Carmi, Illinois, this determination of such prevailing rate of wage. A copy of this determination or of the current revised determination of prevailing rate of wages then in effect shall be attached to all contract specifications.

Section 4: The County Clerk shall mail a copy of this determination to any employer; and to any association of employers and to any person or association of employees who have filed, or file their names and addresses, requesting copies of any determination stating the particular rate and the particular class of workmen whose wages will be effected by such rates.

Section 5: The White County Clerk shall promptly file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the Department of Labor of the State of Illinois.

Section 6: The White County Clerk shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation within White County, and such publication shall constitute Notice that the determination of prevailing rate is effective and that this is the determination of prevailing wage of this public body.

PASSED THIS 13THday of June 2016.








Wes Trout, Chairman

White County Board

White County, Illinois


Paula Dozier, White County Clerk

White County, Illinois

Mr. Dosher made a motion to approve the Prevailing Wage Ordinance, seconded by Usery. Motion carried 5-0 on roll call vote.

Chairman Trout asked the Board to consider adoption of the following resolution appointing Mike Ray to the Board of Review for term beginning June 1, 2016 and ending May 30, 2018. Mr. Trout stated that Mr. Ray has done an excellent job at being on the board.


WHEREAS, the County of White, State of Illinois, is a county under township organization having a

population of less than one million, and; WHEREAS, 35 ILCS 200/6-5 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes requires a county under township organization with a population of less than one million to appoint a Board of Review, and;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE County Board of White County, State of Illinois that Mike Ray be appointed to the Board of Review for a term beginning June 1, 2016 and ending May 30, 2018. ADOPTED this 13th day of June, 2016. A.D.



Wes Trout: AYE Kenneth Usery: AYE

David Dosher: AYE Donald Puckett: AYE

Mike Ray: Abstain

APPROVED this 13th day of June, 2016 A.D.

Wes Trout, Chairman

White County Board


Paula Dozier, White County Clerk

Mr. Dosher made a motion to appoint Mike Ray to the Board of Review, seconded by Usery. Motion carried 4-0-1 with Mike Ray abstaining.

Chairman Trout asked the Board to approve the following EMA resolution:




WHEREAS, the County Board of White County, Illinois passed and approved an Ordinance on July 13, 1976 relating to Emergency Services and Disaster Agencies (ESDA);

WHEREAS, the Illinois Emergency Services and Disaster Agencies has been superseded by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act;



Section 1. Establishment. There is hereby created the White County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) to prevent, minimize, repair and alleviate injury or damage resulting from disaster caused by enemy attack, sabotage, or other hostile action, or from natural or man-made disaster, in accordance with "The Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act."

This EMA shall consist of the coordinator and such additional members as may be selected by the coordinator.

Section 2. Coordinator. The coordinator of the county EMA shall be appointed by the Chairman of the County Board and shall serve until removed by same.

The coordinator shall direct responsibility for the organization, administration, training, and operation of the EMA, subject to the Direction and control of the Chairman of the County Board as provided by statute. In the event of the absence, resignation, death or inability to serve as the coordinator, the Chairman of the County B lard or any person designated by him, shall be and act as coordinator until a new appointment is made as provided in this ordinance.

Section 3. Service as Mobile Support Team. All or any members of the county organization may be designated as members of a Mobile Support Team created by the direction of the StateEMA as provided by law.

The leaders of such Mobile Support Team shall be designated by the coordinator of the County EMA organization.

Any member of a Mobile Support Team who is a county employee or office while serving on call to duty by the Governor, or State Director, shall receive the compensation and have the powers, duties, rights and immunities incident to such employment or office. Any such member who is not a paid officer or employee of the county, while so serving, shall receive from the state reasonable compensation as provided by law.

Section 4. Function. The County EMA shall perform such EMA functions within the county as shall be prescribed in and by the State EMA plan and program prepared by the Governor, and such orders, rules and regulations as may be promulgated by the Governor, and in addition shall perform such duties outside the corporate limits as may be required pursuant to any Mutual Aid agreement with any other political subdivision, municipality, or quasi municipality entered into as provided by the "The Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act".

Section 5. Agreements with other Political Subdivisions. The Coordinator of EMA may negotiate Mutual Aid agreements with other counties or political subdivisions of the state, but no such agreement shall be effective until it has been approved by the County Board and by the State Director of EMA.

Section 6. Emergency Action. If the Governor proclaims that a disaster emergency exists in the event of actual enemy attack upon the United States or the occurrence within the Sate of Illinois of a major disaster resulting from enemy sabotage or other hostile action, or from manmade or natural disaster, it shall be the duty of the county EMA to cooperate fully with the State EMA and with the governor in the exercise of emergency powers as provided by law.

Section 7. Compensation. Members of the EMA who are paid employees or officers of the county, if called for training by the State Director of EMA, shall receive for the time spent in such training the same rate of pay as is attached to the position held; members who are not such county employees or officers shall receive for such training time such compensation as may be established by County Board.

Section 8. Reimbursement by State. The State Treasurer may receive and allocate to the appropriate fund, any reimbursement by the state to the County for expenses incident to training members of the EMA prescribed by the State Director of EMA, compensation for services and expenses of members of a Mobile Support Team while serving outside the county in response to a call by the Governor or State Director of EMA, as provided by law, and any other reimbursement made by the state incident to EMA activities as provided by law.

Section 9. Purchases and Expenditures; Authority to Accept Services, Gifts, Grants or Loans. The County Board may, on recommendation of the county coordinator of EMA, authorize any purchase or contracts necessary to place the county in a position to combat effectively any disaster resulting from the explosion of any nuclear or other bomb or missile, and to protect property, and provide emergency assistance to victims in the case of such disaster, or from man-made or natural disaster.

In the event of enemy caused or other disaster, the county coordinator o fEMA is authorized, on behalf of the county, to procure such services, supplies, equipment or material as may be necessary for such purposes, in view of the exigency without regard to the statutory procedures or formalities normally prescribed by law pertaining to county contracts or obligations, as authorized by "The Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act", provided that if the County Board meets at such time he shall act subject to the directions and restrictions imposed by that body.

Whenever the federal government or any agency or officer thereof, the State government or any agency or officer thereof, or whenever any person, firm or corporation shall offer to the county services, equipment, supplies, materials, or funds by way of gift or grant, for purposes of emergency management, the county, acting through the Chairman of the County Board or his designee, may accept such offer and upon such acceptance the Chairman of the County Board may authorize an officer, such as the coordinator, to receive such services, equipment, supplies, materials or funds on behalf of the county.

Section 10. Oath. Every person appointed to serve in any capacity in the county EMA organization shall, before entering upon his duties, subscribe the following oath, which shall be filed with the State Director or the county coordinator: "I, ___________________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend and bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the territory, institutions, and facilities thereof, both public and private, against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. And I do further swear (or affirm) that I do not advocate, nor am I, nor have I been a member of any political party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States or of this State by force or violence; and that during such time as I am affiliated with the White County EMA organization, I will not advocate nor become a member of any political party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States or of this State by force or violence."

Section 11. Office. The Chairman of the County Board is authorized to designate space in a county building, or elsewhere, as may be provided for by the County Board of the County EMA as its office.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Ordinance of the County of White, State of Illinois, establishing the White County Emergency Services and Disaster Agencies on July 13, 1976, be hereby repealed and of no further effect or operation, with the White County Emergency Management Agency fully superseding the White County Emergency Services and Disaster Agency, including but not limited to the absorption of all equipment, resources, personnel, records, etc.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval, as provided by law.

ADOPTED AT CARMI, ILLINOIS THIS 13th day of June, 2016.


Wesley "Wes" Trout Paula Dozier

White County Board Chairman White County Clerk

Mr. Aud stated that the EMA resolution is to update from the ESDA act that no longer exist to the EMA and everything conforms within the new resolution. Mr. Puckett made a motion to adopt the resolution, seconded by Usery. Motion carried 5-0 on roll call vote.

Chairman Trout stated that the next order of business was to appoint Roy Kissel and Jim Totten to the 9-1-1 Board for a four year term. Mr. Puckett made a motion to appoint Mr. Kissel and Mr. Totten to the 9-1-1 Board seconded by Usery. Motion carried 5-0 on roll call vote.

Chairman Trout asked for a motion to appoint Brian Ray to the 9-1-1 Board to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Terry McCormick. Mr. McCormick’s term will expire on May 2017. Mrs. Irwin stated that the Ambulance Director was thought to be on the board, but Mr. Trout replied that when he checked into the statue that it stated that it was not limited to that position and that Mr. Ray could be appointed. Mr. Dosher made a motion to appoint Brian Ray to the 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone System Board, seconded by Puckett. Motion carried 5-0 on roll call vote.

Chairman Trout asked the Board to consider lowering the rate for mileage to.54 cents and in that motion to have the county’s mileage adjusted each year to the Internal Revenue Service rate. Mr. Ray made a motion that White County use the Internal Revenue’s mileage amount each year and the current year is.54 cents per mile. Motion seconded by Usery. Motion carried 5-0 on roll call vote.

Chairman Trout asked the Board to consider a hiring freeze. Mr. Aud stated that with a constitutionally provided office, such as, the State’s Attorney, Sheriff, Coroner, etc. they have internal control of their office, but with offices that don’t have that the hiring freeze upon them and then a recommended hiring freeze across the board. Mr. Ray asked if a retiree could be replaced. Mr. Trout said that it was discussed and could be replaced. Mr. Aud said money is allocated to each office in specific line items and the offices can hire so long as they don’t proceed that amount allotted. Mr. Dosher made the motion for the hiring freeze, seconded by Ray. Motion carried 5-0 on roll call vote.

Mr. Dosher made a motion to discuss possible litigation and go into executive session, seconded by Ray. Motion carried 5-0 on roll call vote.

Mr. Ray made a motion to come out of executive session, seconded by Dosher. Motion carried 5-0 on roll call vote.

Chairman Trout stated that the next meeting will be July 12, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.

Mr. Usery made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Puckett. Motion carried 5-0 on roll call vote.



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