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Harrisburg City Council met November 2.

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Harrisburg City Council met Nov. 2.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

Mayor John McPeek presided over the meeting with Commissioners Beth Montfort, Richard Harper and Mike Weirauch answering roll call. Commissioner Natalie Miller was absent.

David Taylor led the group in prayer and the pledge.

Commissioner Harper made a motion to approve the following items under the Consent Agenda:

1. Regular Meeting of October 19, 2017.

2. Bill from Brown & Roberts for St Mary’s Drive C & I in the amount of $3,690.15 to be taken out of MFT.

3. Bill from Brown & Roberts for levee toe drain analysis in the amount of $801.99.

4. Bill from Brown & Roberts for the TIF legal description in the amount of $1,335.00 to be taken out of TIF. Commissioner Montfort seconded. By roll call vote, all voted yes. Motion carried.

Mayor McPeek stated several bids had been received for previously advertised properties. He opened a bid for 1204 South Ledford from Steve Quertermous in the amount of $1,600.00. Mayor McPeek opened a bid for 1204 South Ledford from Jeff Oestreich in the amount of $2,500.00. Commissioner Harper moved to accept the Oestreich bid of $2,500.00 for 1204 South Ledford. Commissioner Weirauch seconded. By roll call vote, all voted yes. Motion carried.

Mayor McPeek opened a bid from Steve Quertermous for 1205-1207 West Raymond in the amount of $1,600.00. Commissioner Weirauch moved to accept the Quertermous bid of $1,600.00 for 1205-1207 West Raymond. Commissioner Montfort seconded. By roll call vote, all voted yes. Motion carried.

Mayor McPeek opened a bid from Steve Quertermous for 209 West South in the amount of $500.00. Commissioner Weirauch moved to accept the Quertermous bid of $500.00 for 209 West South. Commissioner Montfort seconded. By roll call vote, all voted yes. Motion carried.

Mayor McPeek opened a bid from Steve Quertermous for 1202 West Raymond in the amount of $900.00. Commissioner Weirauch moved to accept the Quertermous bid of $900.00 for 1202 West Raymond. Commissioner Montfort seconded. By roll call vote, all voted yes. Motion carried.

Mayor McPeek opened a bid from Steve Quertermous for 121 West Sloan in the amount of $400.00. Commissioner Weirauch moved to accept the Quertermous bid of $400.00 for 121 West Sloan. Commissioner Montfort seconded. By roll call vote, all voted yes. Motion carried.

Mayor McPeek opened a bid from Steve Quertermous for 415 East Walnut in the amount of $700.00.

Commissioner Weirauch moved to accept the Quertermous bid of $700.00 for 415 East Walnut. Commissioner Montfort seconded. By roll call vote, all voted yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Harper moved to direct Attorney Todd Bittle to prepare the necessary paperwork to complete the sales. Commissioner Weirauch seconded. By roll call vote, all voted yes. Motion carried.

Jim Brown from Brown & Roberts reminded Council that Skuta Construction had been the contractor on the Dorrisville Watermain project that had used DCEO and IEPA funds. The project had been bid in April of 2015 but, because of funding being held up by the State, the Notice to Proceed had not been issued until September 30, 2015. A Pre-Construction meeting had been held on October 13, 2015 at which time a start date had been scheduled in three to four weeks. Emails to Skuta on November 11, December 2 and January 29 reminded Skuta that the clock was ticking. They did not start the project until February 23, 2016. The signed agreement states the project must be completed within 330 calendar days of the Notice to Proceed. The agreed to Liquidated Damages are $200.00 a day unless a Change Order is approved by Council. The project was completed 131 days past the original agreed completion date. The Damages total $27,500.00. Skuta’s letter outlines why he believes he should not be assessed any Damages. Brown stated that IEPA is wanting the project closed out and no other applications for funds will be approved by them until it is closed out. Commissioner Montfort confirmed that Skuta is asking for the $27,500.00. Brown stated that was correct but it was his recommendation that Council not approve a Change Order and the Damages be retained. He stated this was the first time it has ever happened.

Superintendent Kelly Hefner stated that it was Council’s decision but Skuta had not previously requested a Changer Order and had gone very much over the time. He stated there were some other issues but the time was the cause of the Damages. Commissioner Harper stated he wanted to close the project and retain the $27,500.00. He moved to not approve a Change Order for the project. Commissioner Weirauch seconded. By roll call vote, all voted yes. Motion carried.

Brown stated he would notify Skuta about Council’s decision and get the final paperwork sent to Skuta for their signature.

Mayor McPeek moved to hire Logan T. Leverett effective December 1, 2017 and Mychal Gooch effective February 1, 2018 as new Police Officers for the City of Harrisburg. Commissioner Montfort stated she had some concerns regarding the auditor that is to come in November to report about insurance. She wanted to know what would happen if it was determined that the City had to pay a lot of money, would it require someone to be laid off. She wanted to wait until December 1 to do any hiring. Commissioner Harper stated he thought Council had decided to hold off until they knew what was going on with the income in the next fiscal year because the City will not be getting as much from real estate taxes. Commissioner Montfort stated she would rather hire at the first of the year after insurance issue is reviewed. Mayor McPeek stated he had discussed the hiring with Treasurer George who had agreed with him as well as Chief Morris agreeing with him and possibly hiring another Officer in May. Commissioner Montfort stated she wanted to hire but not right now. Commissioner Harper stated that the money might be there but there was no guarantee of that. Mayor McPeek stated there was a motion on the table and asked if there was a second. Mayor McPeek stated it died for lack of a second. Commissioner Montfort restated she was still concerned about the money. After several verbal exchanges, David Taylor asked, from the audience, if the potential hires were PTI trained and was told they were and he stated that would save the City money when hired because they could immediately go to work.

Commissioner Montfort stated she had a question for the Merit Board as to why they did not also make a lateral list as she had requested. Commissioner Harper also wanted to know if there could be two lists. Merit Board Chairman Dan Wilson stated he was aware of making a lateral lists but it would not do anything to the current list because the first five are still the same. He stated that rather than trying to decide which list to hire from, one list created according to their excellence making it easier to provide the Merit Board’s recommendation. Commissioner Montfort stated she just wanted it done right. Wilson stated only one candidate would not have been in the first five. Commissioner Montfort stated she did not want any lawsuits and Wilson stated their list would stand up in court.

Commissioner Montfort stated the new Fireman is out of the academy and will start Sunday.

Commissioner Montfort stated Chief Morris has received an oral reprimand.

Commissioner Montfort stated a class called Culture Competency will be required by the State in two years but she and Chief Morris as well as the entire Police Department will soon be taking the class.

Chief John Gunning stated Council’s packets contained the contract with McClure Engineering to perform the Phase I study for the old junior high. He reminded Council the cost was $3,500.00 which could be paid out of TIF. Commissioner Harper moved to authorize the City Clerk to sign the contract. Commissioner Weirauch seconded. By roll call vote, all voted yes. Motion carried.

Citizen Simone Neal referred to the Chief of Police’s resent statement to the Southern Illinoisan where she quoted him as saying the good black people of Harrisburg are supporting him and the ones who are complaining are complaining because they have been arrested. She stated that if she was to dismiss people because of family records, there would not be anyone in the room; to dismiss them because of a family member is absurd.

She stated his Facebook post was symbol of a larger problem. It was systemic of racism and a lot in Harrisburg are simply fed up. She stated it was not a personal attack on the Chief because there were a number of issues that have gone on that have been spoken about in small circles among people but have never been fully addressed. She gave examples of a teacher slapping a black child, a school bus driver making comments to brown students about being deported and a City leader referring to citizens as niggers with the incident being swept under the rug. She stated she was not complaining just for the sake of it and the incidents were a slap in the face. She stated the environment discourages professionalism and common decency and encourages subtle and blatant racism.

Neal asked what it meant to future generations when Council members were allowed to refer to people as niggers and Police Chiefs were allowed to categorize people as good and bad blacks. She stated it told her that her life and the lives of her kids aren’t valuable in Harrisburg. She stated that on the behalf of all the bad blacks their collective outrage was not just for show. She stated their feelings are real and authentic. She stated that she continued to bring it up because there was no effort toward a response that supports the entire community. She stated it told her that it teaches kids that it’s ok to refer to people as niggers or little brown people and slap students. She stated it was not just a social justice warrior moment because it was real for them. She stated they are already outnumbered. She stated she could not ignore people in suits calling them niggers. She stated she would like a response and action.

Mayor McPeek stated he had spoken to her and Mark Hodge and wanted to be a part of the Saline County Black Caucus. He apologized for what the Chief said to the paper and he was sorry it happened. Neal stated she did not want it to be compartmentalized as a personal attack against David Morris but it was a larger issue that was being ignored.

Commissioner Montfort asked if the incident with the student had gone before the School Board. Neal stated the teacher had admitted to striking the child in anger but the mother’s dad had died a month later and she didn’t have the strength to deal with it. Commissioner Montfort suggested inviting teachers or anyone who wanted to attend the class that she and the Police Department were going to take. Neal stated that was a start but she did not want this to be dismissed or lumped in with in-fighting.

Commissioner Weirauch stated that he wanted to address Council and admitted to using that word. He acknowledged that it was a poor choice of words and he should not have done that. He witnessed from his front porch a fight between a black person and a white person who were using that word and a Police Officer who wasn’t doing anything. Neal pointed out that those fighting were not in a position of power in the City. Neal stated that some people did not want to come before Council because they were afraid of being targeted by Police or being made fun of. She stated there has to be a level of engagement and a level of decorum amongst the leaders. She stated it was wrong for City leaders to post insensitive material on social media, to say there are good and bad blacks, to say those who complain are doing so because of family members, to use that word or to ignore their best interest. She stated that for the larger black community it was not senseless complaining. She stated she would not have a job if she hit one of her students or called them a nigger.

Mark Hodge stated that what he had to say was probably redundant. He stated he did provide a statement for the Southern article in regards to Chief Morris’ posting. He stated his aunt had asked him if he thought that David was racist. He stated that he had never had a problem but Morris has still not taken ownership of his words. He stated that he expected more out of the City’s leaders. He acknowledged that Harrisburg was a diverse and good community. He stated that Morris’ comments to the Southern were divisive. Hodge stated that Facebook allowed people to hide behind who they really are. He stated that David’s first amendment right is also tied to his representation of the City and believed his freedom of speech is suppressed because of that. He asked what kind of example it set for his subordinates and pointed out again the lack of ownership and empathy.

Hodge asked the Board to consider, if a media statement is needed, it should come out of the Mayor’s office. He acknowledged that sometimes when a microphone is thrown in your face, the correct thing is not said. He stated the accountability is from top to bottom. He asked that the hiring process be transparent, in particular the summer help. He acknowledged hiring Police Officers who were already trained was a great savings to the City and spoke highly of the two who were proposed.

Hodge stated the creation of the Saline County Black Caucus seems to have created some issues which could be fear of the unknown. He stated the goal was not to bridge the line in the sand but to fill it in. He stated if people were adamant about change, they will be at the meeting.

Tony Chrisman wanted to clarify there were not going to be Police Officers hired at this meeting. Mayor McPeek stated that was correct. Chrisman wanted to know if Council was going to go by what the Merit Board recommends, top to bottom. Mayor McPeek stated that was why it was being put off because some wanted to investigate if the Merit Board did things correctly. Commissioner Montfort stated she was holding off until the after insurance meeting because she did not want to hire someone and the lay them off because there was no money to pay them. Mayor McPeek stated the insurance was self-funded and clarified with Commissioner Harper the amount in the fund was $2,300,000.00. He asked Treasurer George to address Council. Commissioner Harper stated the money is in a restricted fund. Treasurer George stated that Council was trying to intertwine two things. She stated she had asked that the fire rescue truck not be bought until after the insurance was looked at. She stated that now there is the issue where the City is really down on Police Officers which was not the case at the time of the request for the rescue truck but now it is. She had looked at it and there were funds for a Police Officer. She acknowledged the insurance was a concern and the City could do without the truck to help with the insurance. She didn’t understand why the insurance was being tied to the hiring of Police Officers. She stated the insurance will be what it is and the need for the Police Officers would still be there. Commissioner Harper stated the need for the Police Officers is there whether or not the money is there. Treasurer George stated the need for the rescue truck could be put off. Commissioner Montfort stated she wanted to wait one more meeting. Treasurer George stated it was because Commissioner Montfort wanted to look at the Merit Board. Commissioner Montfort stated she trusted what Dan had said. Chrisman clarified again that the list would not change and asked why the list was not obtained before the meeting. Commissioner Montfort stated she had asked for a lateral list but Wilson had stated that would not change the list.

Dan Wilson asked what the problem was with the Merit Board. Commissioner Montfort stated there was no problem because she was going to discuss it tonight but he had said there was no problem so it was over. Wilson stated they had the choice of having a lateral list also but had decided in August to not have a lateral list because it complicates the process more than it helps. The Merit Board would be choosing Officers from two lists and someone would always be upset with the decision. He explained that the people that would have been on a lateral list are in the top five of the posted list. Commissioner Harper asked if they would be in the same position with two lists. Wilson stated no because with two lists the choice would be to pick from either the lateral list or the other list. He continued that with everyone with experience on the same list, Council would want to hire them first but it allowed those without training to get a job later on. Wilson stated the Merit Board decides who is put forward for hiring.

Angela Stout was concerned about property that she was considering purchasing because the neighbors had two pot belly pigs and it smelled like a farm. She had spoken with Animal Control Officer Mike Sullivan who had told her they were trying to decide if they would be pets because there are no farm animals allowed in the City. She asked that it be taken care of and was told that it would be.

Stout announced that Bankston Ford Baptist would be having a recycling day on Saturday from 7:00 and to 11:00 am for aluminum cans, plastic #1 and #2 and paper products only.

David Taylor thanked Council for their hard work and stated there were a lot of the same problems as when he served on Council. He stated that personnel was a great expense because once people are hired for the City they are around for a long time. He asked if the Police Department was currently short- handed and was told yes by Mayor McPeek by three. He stated crime will not wait on Police Officers but he understood the City’s position and knew Council would make the right decision.

Commissioner Harper moved to adjourn for Personnel. Commissioner Weirauch seconded. By roll call vote, all voted yes. Motion carried.

Adjourned: 7:05 pm.

Reconvened: 8:13 pm.

Mayor John McPeek presided over the reconvened meeting with Commissioners Beth Montfort, Richard Harper and Mike Weirauch answering roll call. Commissioner Natalie Miller was absent.

Mayor McPeek stated there was no action on Personnel.

Commissioner Harper moved to adjourn. Commissioner Weirauch seconded. By roll call vote, all voted yes. Motion carried.

Adjourned: 8:13 pm.




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