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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Harrisburg City Council met April 18

Webp meeting 11

Harrisburg City Council met April 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

Swear in Mayor

Swear in New Council Members

Commissioner Positions determined

Consent Agenda

All matters under “Consent Agenda” are considered to be routine and will be entered by one motion. Unless requested by a Council Member or citizen, there will be no separate discussion on these items. If discussion is required regarding an item, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.


1. Regular Meeting April 4, 2019


1. Year-end Budget adjustments - Adjourned Meeting

2. Check Register and Warrant Report - April 2019 - Adjourned Meeting

3. Saline County Circuit Clerk Court Fees - $4,527.75


Harrisburg Lake:

Lease Renewal:

William and Cynthia Roberts - First Addition, Block 2, Lot 3

Marshall Ralph Lane, Jr. (1 year) - Second Addition, Block 1, Lot 8

Shannon and Patricia Cossey - Fourth Addition, Lot 8

Dennis W. Brooks - First Addition, Block 3, Lot 3

Carl and Symantha Banks - Fourth Addition, Lot 20

Richard and Pam Alecci - First Addition, Block 2, Lot 11

John and Lucy Hathaway - Second Addition, Block 2, Lot 10

Paul Schlenker - First Addition, Block 3, Lot 7

Dennis Wiseman - First Addition, Block 1, Lot 1

Steve Dowdy and Norma Thaxton (1 year) - Second Addition, Block 1, Lot 2

Steve and Barb Edwards - First Addition, Block 3, Lot 6

Ron and DeAnna Morse, Brandon Morse - Southeast Addition, Lot 3

Wayman and Cynthia Winters - First Addition, Block 1, Lots 6 & 7

Kevin L. Craig and Charlene Angelton - First Addition, Block 1, Lot 3

Old Business:

New Business:

1. Repeal Ordinance 1765 - (Superintendent of Public Works)

2. Brown & Roberts - MFT 2019 Municipal Estimate - $147,864.07

3. Brown & Roberts - MFT Resolution - $160,000.00

4. Brown & Roberts - MFT Engineering Agreement

Administrative Reports:

Accounts and Finances Commissioner:

1. Appoint City Clerk

2. Appoint Treasurer

3. Pay increases - Non-union, non-contractual employees

Public Safety Commissioner:

1. Appoint Police Chief

2. Appoint Fire Chief

Streets and Public Improvements, Public Property Commissioner:

1. Appoint Superintendent

2. Mobile Home Permit Application - 1114 Largent - Burroughs

3. Consideration - Petition to Vacate Alley

4. Banner request - CEO Trade Show - Monday, April 22 through Friday, April 26

Water/Sewer, Flood Control Commissioner:

1. Appoint Superintendent

Mayor John McPeek:

1. Appoint City Attorney

2. Appoint Code Enforcement Officer

Citizen Comments:

Kim Wright - Legal issue re: Commissioner/Employee

Executive Session:

Meeting Adjourned - April 30, 2019 - 8:00 AM
