
SE Illinois News

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

City of Mount Carmel City Council met July 1

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City of Mount Carmel City Council met July 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Invocation was given by Eli Musgrave.

Present on Roll Call: Mayor Joe Judge Commissioners - Tom Meeks, Eric Ikemire, Justin Dulgar, Rod Rodriguez

Also, Present: City Administrative Assistant Rudy Witsman, City Attorney Kelli Storckman


Mayor Judge requested a motion to approve the minutes of the last council meeting.

Mayor Judge acknowledged Wabash County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Leslie Hipsher, who was in attendance to address the council regarding the upcoming Ag Days Festival on Wednesday, July 31st through Saturday, August 3rd. Ms. Hipsher presented to the council the setup of the festival, which will be different this year, per a request from the fire department for the allowance of a more appropriate fire lane. Ms. Hipsher asked council permission for the closure of Market Street to begin on Tuesday, July 30th at 1:00 pm for the setup of the festival. Ms. Hipsher stated the Harris Pavilion located at the Merchants Park will serve as the stage for this year’s festival. Mayor Judge acknowledged Commissioner Ikemire, who announced the Kiwanis Downhill Derby has been rescheduled for the morning of Saturday, August 3rd and he was also seeking council approval for the closure of Market Street from Third Street to Railroad Street for the event. The council gave approval for both requests.

Mayor Judge announced the Fantastic Fourth Celebration starts tomorrow night, July 2nd, with the Twentieth Annual Wabash County Retail Merchants Duck Race at the city swimming pool along with a free swim as well as free hot dogs and free drinks; on Wednesday, July 3rd the WC Cafeteria and Senior Center will have its public fish fry with carry-outs starting at 11:00 am and the dining room will be open from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. Mayor Judge stated the Walk-Up Wednesday at the Merchants Park will also be held this Wednesday, July 3rd from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm with the Wabash County Retail Merchants hosting the lunch along with Beer Bones Barbeque. Mayor Judge reported beginning at 7:00 pm a “Freedom Celebration” will be held at the Merchants Park/Harris Pavilion, in the event of inclement weather the celebration will be held at Heartland Worship Center. Mayor Judge announced activities will on-going all day on Thursday, July 4th ; golfing all day at West Berwick Golf Course, with fees waived for veterans and active duty military; a “Veterans Thank You Breakfast” will be held from 7:00 am to 9:00 am at the WC Cafeteria and Senior Center; beginning at 10:00 am the ”Spirit of America” parade will be held along Market Street; the Wabash County Fair Board will be selling slabs of ribs beginning at 11:00 am at the merchants park along with the Handsome Rooster Coffee selling cold brew coffees and lemonade at Vintage Collections; a $1.00 swim will be available from 12:30 pm to 5:00 pm at the city swimming pool; the fireworks festivities at Riverview Stadium will be begin at 7:00 pm with the “Fireworks Over the Wabash” display starting at 9:00 pm. Mayor Judge continued with free golf for veterans and active duty military at West Berwick Golf Course on Friday, July 5th and a free movie night at the merchants park that evening at 8:00 pm. Mayor Judge stated the activities on Saturday, July 6th are golf fees waived at West Berwick Golf Course for veterans and active duty military; the Wabash County Farmers Market will be held from 8:00 am to 11:00 am on West Ninth Street; the Eleventh Annual Wicked Wheels Car Show will be held at Wabash Valley College from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm; the “Touch a Truck” event for kids will be held at 9:00 am to Noon in the three hundred block of Market Street; from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm free swimming at the city swimming pool; and a free family movie will be held at the merchants park starting at 8:00 pm. Mayor Judge stated on Sunday, July 7th the free golf for veterans event again at the golf course; the Fifty-Fifth Annual Rotary Corn Day will be held from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Mabel Courter 4-H Center.

Mayor Judge thanked Jonathan Leach and the TRIO Upward Bound Group for painting playground equipment at the city park this past week.

Mayor Judge announced the city will be starting an adult volunteer program by asking residents who have some free time and would like to make an impact on the community to assist with various fixing up and cleaning up duties throughout the city. Mayor Judge stated anyone wishing to volunteer in helping make the city a better place to live to please contact him or City Inspector Mike Gidcumb.

Mayor Judge reported clean up has started on the former Snap-On property by City Employee Bob Mayhue, some city officials, and himself. Mayor Judge affirmed the property is definitely starting to look better.

Mayor Judge reiterated City Inspector Gidcumb and himself investigated the Oak Meadows Subdivision and the Greathouse Creek drainage problems. Mayor Judge stated the Subdivision Developer Shad White will be clearing some brush on the north side of the bridge area in the subdivision, as was discussed at the previous council meeting, which will help alleviate part of the problem. Mayor Judge reported some other issues are being investigated, which should also help with the flooding of that area. Mayor Judge anticipates having more answers soon regarding the Oak Meadows Subdivision flooding issues.

Mayor Judge announced the city is still accepting donations for the July 4th fireworks display and thanked everyone who has already donated. Mayor Judge stated the city has received $6220.00 in donations to help offset the total expense of the $12,650.00 for the fireworks display.

Mayor Judge complemented the street department for the stop sign islands along Market Street and stated the islands are a great addition to the uptown area.



Commissioner Meeks reported the street department has been very busy today cleaning up from the storm yesterday evening.

Commissioner Meeks reiterated at the last council meeting the parking on both sides of the street in the Poplar Court area was discussed. Commissioner Meeks stated Street Department Superintendent Dave Easter and himself have looked into the issue and are recommending that the “no parking” be on the outside of the street of Poplar Court.

Commissioner Meeks reported in the last two weeks the street department cleaned intakes; continued to mow parks and ballparks; installed the stop sign island at the intersection of Fourth and Market Streets; hauled picnic tables back from the Wabash Roots-n-Que Festival; installed the flood gates; filled potholes; and cleaned up damage from the storms. Commissioner Meeks stated summer workers have been hired to help with the yard abatements and thus far thirty-nine yards have had to be mowed. Commissioner Meeks reported the summer workers have also maintained the mowing of the lift stations for the sewer plant; performed mowing at the water treatment plant; helped with the cleaning up of the number ten fairway on the golf course near the city park; and sprayed weeds along Oak Street as well as the alleys in the uptown area.


Statement of Receipts and Expenditures – See attached agenda with financials.

Commissioner Ikemire announced the WC Cafeteria and Senior Center will be closed on Thursday, July 4th and Friday, July 5th.

Commissioner Ikemire reported the city’s finances are holding steady and the general fund is down due to expenditures. Commissioner Ikemire stated City Comptroller Mick Mollenhauer brought to his attention that some of the city’s smaller money market accounts were not earning very much interest and local banks were notified in anticipation of investing those funds in some type of interest-bearing account with a more appropriate return.


Commissioner Dulgar stated the water treatment plant had issues with the Oak Street Booster Station due to the power outage and a new generator was purchased for the water treatment plant as the previous generator was outdated.

Commissioner Dulgar reported in the last two weeks the water maintenance department backwashed the filters at the city swimming pool; checked the river pumps; assisted Mount Carmel Public Utility with the installation of a new gas line; and performed its routine maintenance.

Commissioner Dulgar stated Lloyd Electric is on site at the wastewater plant to finish up the electrical portion of the aeration project and the digestor project will be starting soon.


Commissioner Rodriguez reported in the last two weeks the fire department had four runs and cleaned up an oil spill on Walnut Street between West Second and West Third Street.

Commissioner Rodriguez reiterated the Wicked Wheels Car Show will be held on Saturday, July 6th at Wabash Valley College. Commissioner Rodriguez reported this is the seventh year that the fire department and police/sheriff department along with himself will be grilling with all the proceeds being donated to the Shop with a Cop/Fireman Program. Commissioner Rodriguez stated last year fifty-one children were assisted through the program.

Commissioner Rodriguez thanked Terry Beckerman and the Wabash Roots-n-Que Committee for their hard work and efforts at the festival this past weekend.

Commissioner Rodriguez acknowledged Greg Locke and thanked him for doing the mosquito spraying for the city. Commissioner Rodriguez stated Mr. Locke will be spraying around the high school football stadium as well as the parking lot area prior to the fireworks display.


Police Chief Turner acknowledged Police Officer Gilbert Santos by presenting him with a life-saving award and by recognizing his outstanding efforts as well as his service to the community regarding an emergency that occurred on June 13th, 2019. Police Officer Turner stated Police Officer Santos is being honored with the life-saving award for his quick response; recognition of the severity of the medical emergency and for saving the life of Robin Crouch. Police Chief Turner thanked Police Officer Santos on behalf of the police department as well as the city council.


City Administrative Assistant Witsman presented the council with a request from the Knights of Columbus to collect donations at the designated intersections on September 20th and September 21st for their annual fundraising event.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman reiterated over the past years several discussions have been held regarding the levee. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated he has been in contact with an engineering company that is willing to do the work that is required as the city progresses toward getting certification for the levee again; which is a long, arduous, and expensive endeavor. City Administrative Assistant Witsman affirmed a study by Clark Dietz should be undertaken in hopes of getting approval by FEMA and the Corp of Engineers. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated there are shortcomings that the Corp of Engineers have identified with the levee but nothing is serious as far as construction and/or safety of the levee itself. City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported studies and updates have been requested by FEMA and the Corp of Engineers as far as the viability of the levee going forward for the next thirty to forty years. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated the proposal for the study will cost $174,830.00 and monies can be taken out of TIF funds to support this endeavor, as a TIF district is “attached” to the levee. City Administrative Assistant Witsman requested council approval to undertake the expense.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported Jeff Guisewite is required to obtain council approval for a transfer station at a location that is in close proximity to the city limits. Mr. Guisewite will be taking roofing material, building material as well as other types of materials at the site and will then separate the material to be hauled off to different locations. City Administrative Assistant Witsman acknowledged Mayor Judge, who stated Mr. Guisewite will accept materials that are not allowed at the city’s dump site and the transfer site will serve a huge purpose for Wabash County as well as the City of Mount Carmel. Mayor Judge reported by granting approval for the transfer station, Mr. Guisewite will be under the guidelines required by the State of Illinois and the EPA.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated City Inspector Mike Gidcumb and himself have been in contact with the company that currently handles the updates of the city’s ordinances in regard to the possible rebuilding of the city’s website. City Administrative Assistant Witsman presented to the council a proposal in the amount of $3950.00 a year for four years to rebuild the website as well as updating the website to keep it in compliance with state and federal regulations. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated he feels the city needs to undertake the website expense in order to satisfy the State of Illinois in regards to the different publications and notifications that city is required to make available on its website. City Administrative Assistant Witsman added the city is currently not ADA compliant.


City Attorney Storckman no report.


City Inspector Gidcumb no report.


Street Department Superintendent Dave Easter no report


Fire Chief Speth absent.


Commissioner Meeks motioned and Commissioner Ikemire seconded to approve the hiring of Municode to develop a new website and to make four yearly payments of $3950.00. All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Commissioner Ikemire motioned and Commissioner Dulgar seconded to approve the application for Jeff Guisewite for a transfer station at his company location. All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Commissioner Meeks motioned and Commissioner Ikemire seconded to approve the expenditure of $174,830.00 for Clark Dietz to do the initial step to study the levee for its long-term longevity. All present vote Aye by roll call vote.

Mayor Judge and the Council approved the Consent Agenda, as presented in the agenda dated July 1st, 2019. The consent agenda included approval of paying all bills bearing the proper signatures.

Meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m.
