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Carmi White County Community Unit School District 5 Board of Education met Oct. 21

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Carmi White County Community Unit School District 5 Board of Education met Oct. 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The regular meeting of the board of education of Carmi-White County Community Unit District No. 5 was held on Monday, October 21, 2019, at the Jefferson Attendance Center (new building). The meeting was called to order by Vice President Brent Hammell at 7:00 p.m.

Recital of Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.

Those present were board members Chapman, Fulkerson, Hammell, Hoskins, Mitchell and Scates. Others present were Superintendent Brad Lee; Amy Atteberry, Washington Attendance Center principal; Bart King, junior high school principal; Jarrod Newell, high school principal; Kathy Price, Brownsville principal; Clinton Wolff, High School Guidance Counselor; Kurt Simon, district athletic director; Pam Deig, Tom Knasel and Patrick Haskell, Brownsville School Foundation; Tyler Hoskins, SIC student; Rachel Blazier, unit secretary; Scott Mareing (WROY) and Nicole Behnke-Bullock, Editor (The Carmi Chronicle).

Consent Agenda Items Approved

Consent agenda items were presented to the board for its approval as follows:

1. Minutes of the September 16, 2019 regular board meeting of the board of education.

2. Board Members Estimated Expense Approval

School board members are required to fill out an estimated expense approval form for expense requests for travel, meals and/or lodging. It is estimated that the board members attending the school board conference in Chicago could be reimbursed up to $150.00 each. Hotel expenses will be paid by the district. Board members will not be reimbursed for their mileage.

It was recommended that the board approve estimated expenses.

3. Certified Staff Retirement

Amy Rice has submitted her irrevocable letter of retirement effective at the completion of the 2022-2023 school year. The retirement request meets and complies with the contractual language outlined in the district’s retirement incentive language.

It was recommended that the board accept the retirement of Amy Rice at the completion of the 2022-2023 school year.

4. Resignations

Erin Underhill has submitted a letter of resignation as the Head Cook at Washington Attendance Center effective September 30, 2019.

Mike Zaranti has submitted a letter of resignation as the 6th Grade Girls’ Basketball Coach effective immediately.

It was recommended that the board accept the letter of resignation of Erin Underhill as the Head Cook at Washington Attendance Center effective September 30, 2019 and the letter of resignation of Mike Zaranti as the 6th Grade Girls’ Basketball Coach effective immediately.

5. Donations

Brownsville Attendance Center has been the recipient of the following donations in support of its programs:

Mr. Gary Barbre................................................................$40.00

Oak Street Chiropractic................................................... $120.00

Patients of Oak Street Chiropractic..................................$200.00

(and school supplies)

Anonymous – In Memory of Leslea Goin..........................$150.00

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Whetstone.............................................$25.00

(In Memory of Leslea Goin)

Total Donations..................................................................$535.00

Motion by Scates, second by Mitchell, that the recommendations for consent agenda items as follows:

1. Minutes of the September 16, 2019 regular board meeting

2. Board Members Estimated Expense Approval

3. Certified Staff Retirement

4. Resignations

5. Donations

be approved. Roll call votes: Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Chapman, yes. Motion carried.

Bills Approved

An additional list of bills was presented to the board at the meeting for its consideration and approval.

Motion by Fulkerson, second by Hoskins, that the bills for the month of September 2019 be

approved as listed. Roll call vote: Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, Chapman, yes; Fulkerson, yes. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report Read and Approved

The treasurer’s report for the month of September 2019 was read as follows: Education Fund, $1,267,419; Building Fund, ($88,881); Transportation Fund, $537,716; Municipal Retirement Fund, ($40,283); Imprest Fund, $7,500; Tort Fund, $326,320; Debt Service Fund, $546,133; Working Cash Fund, $29,603; Fire Prevention and Safety Fund, $149,745; and Capital Projects, $371,529. Investments by Fund: Education Fund, $4,000,000; Building Fund, $600,000; Municipal Retirement Fund, $375,000; Working Cash Fund, $425,000; and Capital Projects, $1,000,000.

During the month of September 2019, the district received $328,485 in the Education Fund, $61,431 in the 1% Sales Tax Fund, $50,000 in the Building Fund, and $225,000 in the Transportation Fund – for a total of $665,000 in receipts for the month. Superintendent Lee reported that the district has not received any local taxes for this school year. He also reported that the State still owes the district $490,000 in categorical payments.

Motion by Mitchell, second by Chapman, that the treasurer’s report for the month of September 2019 be approved as read. Roll call vote: Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Chapman, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes. Motion carried.

Superintendent’s Report to the Board

Superintendent Lee reported the following items to the board:

1. Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week activities will begin October 21 and run through October 25, 2019 in the Carmi-White County Schools. The 2019 theme is “Elect to Be Drug Free”. This special time raises awareness concerning drugs and is coordinated by District Social Workers Leanett Lovell and Ashley Taylor.

2. Principal Appreciation Day

Principal Appreciation Day will be celebrated this year on Friday, October 25, 2019. This state-endorsed occasion honors the work and commitment of principals, assistant principals, and deans in schools throughout Illinois.

Superintendent Lee thanked district administrators for their dedication to their jobs and the work they do for the district.

3. Congratulations

Superintendent Lee congratulated the Lady Bullpups’ Junior High Softball Team and Coach Cindy Colman. They recently placed 4th in the Southern Illinois Junior High School Athletic Association Class L State Tournament in Centralia.

Superintendent Lee also congratulated the members of the high school boys’ golf team and their coach, Trey Mason. They won the 1A Sectional Tournament at West Frankfort Monday, October 14 and qualified for the State Tournament in Bloomington. This past weekend, they placed 4th in the 1A State Tournament. Team members include: Ty Barbre, Jace Burzynski, Kaden Carter, KaCee Fulkerson, Alex O’Daniel, and Oakley Gee (who was the medalist at the Sectional).

Superintendent Lee also congratulated the high school girls’ tennis team. Team member Marie Blankenberger placed 3rd in the Sectional held at Herrin and qualifies for the 1A State Tournament to be held in Buffalo Grove this weekend.

4. Board Member Recognition

Superintendent Lee recognized and congratulated Board Members Kelli Chapman, Marcie Hoskins and Barb Mitchell. They have received Master Board Member Level 1 Status by the Illinois Association of School Boards.

5. Annual Audit

Kemper CPA will be at the November 18 board meeting to review the 2018-2019 audit.

6. Website

The district has entered into an agreement with Apptegy, a company that designs school websites and apps. They will construct the district’s website and design it so that the district can do a better job of providing the necessary information for its parents and community members. The majority of the costs will be paid through grant money.

7. School Facilities

The district will be having Open Houses at three of its elementary buildings. These Open Houses will provide an opportunity for community members to tour the buildings, learn about the options for improving its facilities, as well as funding options. These come and go Open Houses are scheduled as follows:

- Monday, November 4, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. at Washington Attendance Center

- Thursday, November 7, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. at Jefferson Attendance Center

- Saturday, November 9, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at Lincoln Attendance Center

8. Dual Credit

Carmi-White County High School Guidance Counselor, Clinton Wolff provided information to the board concerning dual credit opportunities offered at the high school through SIC. Mr. Wolff reported that Career and Technical Education (CTE) Dual Credit classes offered at C-WCHS through SIC include: Computer Applications, Choir, Band, Varsity P.E., Volunteer Services, English IV and College Prep English, Ag Welding, and Customer Service Skills. These CTE Dual Credit classes often do not transfer as baccalaureate classes for a Bachelor’s Degree but do transfer to SIC or other community colleges.

Mr. Wolff provided a listing of Early College Program Dual Credit classes offered through SIC either online or on SIC’s campus for the Spring 2020 semester. These classes are also generally offered in the summer and fall semesters. High school students must meet the Early College Program requirements to enroll into these classes. These are baccalaureate transfer classes (i.e. English, math, psychology, history, etc.)

The required credentials to teach baccalaureate courses (from SIC’s board policy) states that the teacher must hold a master’s degree with graduate preparation in the content required. Mr. Wolf explained that most master’s degrees that are held by teachers in the district is in curriculum instruction, administration, and guidance counselor, and according to SIC, this is not uncommon in its region.

Huck’s Spirit Pump Program

Huck’s has recently developed a Huck’s Spirit Pump Program. They would like to partner with Carmi-White County Unit #5 and use our logo on one of their gas pumps. Three cents from each gallon sold, at the designated pump, would be donated to Unit #5 to help support the education of its students. Proceeds from the Spirit Pump would be distributed quarterly to the school district.

It was recommended to approve entering into an agreement with Huck’s for a Spirit Pump Program.

Motion by Hoskins, second by Mitchell, that the board of education approve an agreement with Huck’s to participate in the Huck’s Spirit Pump Program. Roll call vote: Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Chapman, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes. Motion carried.

Brownsville School Foundation

Members of the Brownsville School Foundation (Pam Deig, Tom Knasel and Patrick Haskell) gave an update on the playground at the Brownsville School. A “Brownsville School Foundation Inc. Playground Project” report was provided for each board member. Information in the handbook included a listing of Brownsville School Foundation board members, its mission statement, milestones, an update on Phase 1 of the project and future goals for Phase 2.

Appointment of IMRF Authorized Agent

The board is requested to appoint Laura N. Goemaat, district administrative secretary, as IMRF authorized agent to succeed District Bookkeeper Sheila D. Napier, due to her retirement from the district in mid-October. This appointment will be effective October 22, 2019. In this capacity, Mrs. Goemaat will be able to file a petition for nomination of an Executive Trustee of IMRF, cast a ballot for election of an Executive Trustee of IMRF, and perform any other powers and duties delegated to an Authorized Agent Pursuant to Section 7-135 of the Illinois Pension Code. Mrs. Goemaat is a current participant in IMRF.

It was recommended that the board make the necessary appointment.

Motion by Fulkerson, second by Chapman, that Laura N. Goemaat, district administrative secretary, be appointed as the IMRF authorized agent effective October 22, 2019. In this capacity, Mrs. Goemaat will be able to file a petition for nomination of an Executive Trustee of

IMRF, cast a ballot for election of an Executive Trustee of IMRF, and perform any other powers and duties delegated to an Authorized Agent Pursuant to Section 7-135 of the Illinois Pension Code. Roll call vote: Scates, yes; Chapman, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes. Motion carried.

Transportation Update

District Transportation Director, Mr. Bart King, gave an update of the district vehicles and the district’s current bus lease agreements. He reviewed the three year plan that the board agreed upon a couple of years ago, 3 year lease plans, district purchasing and building its transportation collateral and 5 year lease plans. In the three year plan, the district was going to purchase bus #38 in the third year and purchase a brand new special needs bus in 2020-2021. He feels that this plan should be altered and the district purchase bus #38 this year and enter into a new lease agreement for a special needs bus. In a 5 year lease, the district will see cheaper lease payments year to year.

Mr. King asked for the board’s approval to surplus school buses 28 and 32, which will be replaced, and a pickup, which will not be replaced. The board agreed to surplus these three vehicles and bid out two buses.

State and Federal Grants

Below is a summary of FY20 state and federal curriculum-related program applications that have been submitted to the state office by the deadline date of June 30, 2019. This agenda item was merely to provide the board with information regarding the district’s state and federal program grants.

Listed beside or below each state or federal program grant is the contact person. The contact person is the administrator/staff responsible for preparing the program applications and submitting various expenditure and evaluation reports during the year in regard to these programs. The efforts of the various program administrators/staff are appreciated.

These grants totaling approximately $1,185,876 provide for significant student opportunities and programs in our district and represents a substantial portion of our district’s total projected education fund revenue. District administrative/staff personnel will work to obtain additional competitive grant funds as there are opportunities available.

Federally Allocated Grants Submitted

Title I (Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged)


Title I BCH (Huggins).............................................................................................$45,306

Title II (Teacher Quality) (Huggins).........................................................................$60,315

Administrative Outreach—Medicare (Lee).............................................................$25,000

TAMES—Support Personnel Medicare (Lee).........................................................$300,000

Rural and Low Income (Huggins)...........................................................................$27,091

Perkins Equipment (Newell)...................................................................................$15,000

CTEI High School Program Improvement (Newell)................................................$35,000

Ag Supplemental Grant (Newell)............................................................................$3,235

Program of Study Grant (Newell)...........................................................................$4,250

Elementary Career Development (Newell).............................................................$950

State Request for Proprosal (RFP) Competitive

Grants Submitted Early Childhood Block Grant (Atteberry)..................................$283,033

Board Policy 6:125 – Definition of Service Animals and Therapy Animals

Attached is a board policy addressing the use of service animals and therapy animals in the district. The policy defines each type of animal and has procedures and requirements that must be followed. The policy has been reviewed by the school attorney. This is the first of two readings for policy adoption.

It was recommended that the board of education approve the first reading of Board Policy 6:125.

Motion by Hoskins, second by Chapman, that the first reading of Board Policy 6:125 – Definition of Service Animals and Therapy Animals be approved. Roll call vote: Chapman, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes. Motion carried.

Closed Session

Motion by Fulkerson, second by Mitchell, that the board meet in closed session at 7:58 p.m. for purposes of discussing appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of an employee or officer. Roll call vote: Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Chapman, yes. Motion carried.

Motion by Scates, second by Hoskins, that the board return to open session at 9:04 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

Closed Session Minutes Approved

Motion by Scates, second by Mitchell, that the board approve closed session minutes of the September 16, 2019 regular meeting of the board of education. Roll call vote: Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Chapman, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes. Motion carried.

David Mitchell Employed as Head Cook at Washington Attendance Center

Motion by Hoskins, second by Fulkerson, that David Mitchell be employed as the Head Cook at Washington Attendance Center for the 2019-2020 school year to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Erin Underhill. Roll call vote: Scates, yes; Chapman, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes. Motion carried.

Justice Stubblefield Employed as the Junior High School 7th Grade Boys’ Basketball Coach

Motion by Mitchell, second by Fulkerson, that Justice Stubblefield be employed as the Junior High School 7th Grade Boys’ Basketball Coach for the 2019-2020 school year to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Jonathan Goemaat. Roll call vote: Chapman, yes; Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes. Motion carried.

Brandon Smith, Brian Anderson, Bart King and Jeremy Belford Approved as High School Volunteer Assistant Wrestling Coaches for the 2019-2020 School Year

Motion by Scates, second by Mitchell, that Brandon Smith, Brian Anderson, Bart King and Jeremy Belford be approved as High School Volunteer Assistant Wrestling Coaches for the 2019-2020 school year. Roll call vote: Fulkerson, yes; Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Chapman, yes. Motion carried.

Kayla Sutton and Jason Craig Approved as High School Volunteer Assistant Girls’ Basketball Coaches for the 2019-2020 School Year

Motion by Fulkerson, second by Hoskins, that Kayla Sutton and Jason Craig be approved as High School Volunteer Assistant Girls’ Basketball Coaches for the 2019-2020 school year. Roll call vote: Hammell, yes; Hoskins, yes; Mitchell, yes; Scates, yes; Chapman, yes; Fulkerson, yes. Motion carried.


Motion by Scates, second by Mitchell, that the meeting be adjourned at 9:07 p.m.

Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.
