
SE Illinois News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Mount Carmel City Council met July 13

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City of Mount Carmel City Council met July 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Judge brought the City Council meeting to order.

Present on Roll Call: Mayor Joe Judge Commissioners

- Tom Meeks, Eric Ikemire

- Justin Dulgar, Chandler Madden

Also, Present: City Administrative Assistant Rudy Witsman


Mayor Judge requested a motion to approve the minutes of the last council meeting.

Commissioner Dulgar motioned and Commissioner Ikemire seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting held on June 29th, 2020. All present voted Aye by voice vote.


Mayor Judge acknowledged 911 Coordinator Kyle Smith, who was in attendance to inform the council of a new telephone/internet proposal from Midwest Telecom as the 911 facility is in need of a new system. Mr. Smith stated he will present the proposal to the city council once the Wabash County Board and the 911 Board have finalized their review of the proposal.

Mayor Judge acknowledged Marie and Troy Jacobs of Rosati’s Pizza and Sports Pub, who were attendance to announce their intent to purchase the former Hogg Heaven Barbeque Restaurant building. Marie stated they have been considering the purchase for approximately three years and if all goes well, they will open the restaurant in October. Marie further stated Rosati’s will employ sixty people for a variety of jobs and be open seven days a week. The Jacob’s also have a restaurant in Robinson, Illinois. Mayor Judge thanked Marie and Troy for choosing Mount Carmel as the place for Rosati’s and stated the city looks forward to working hand in hand with them in the new venture.

Mayor Judge acknowledged John Clancy, who was in attendance to present his proposal to build an “art-centric” community in Mount Carmel and asked the council to please review the proposal as any assistance from the council would be greatly appreciated.

Mayor Judge thanked everyone who made the all July 4th holiday events a success. Mayor Judge reported the fireworks display was longer this year as the fireworks company donated extra fireworks to the city due to some cancellations by other communities. Mayor Judge also thanked citizens for following the social distancing guidelines and for also wearing masks.

Mayor Judge reported he does not have any updates at this time regarding the grants that were applied for by the city and also by the hospital.

Mayor Judge stated the “Tow Mater” vehicle is currently parked in the one-hundred block of East Fifth Street, which is a FAU route as well as a snow route, and unfortunately the inoperable “vehicle” cannot be parked in that location as it is an ordinance violation. Mayor Judge reported he has been working with the owner of “Tow Mater” and stated he is asking council approval to move the “vehicle” to the city park. The council agreed to the moving of “Tow Mater” to the park.

Mayor Judge reported the “BYOB” Ordinance will be revisited at the next council meeting. Mayor Judge stated he has a better understanding of the request and will be presenting it for further discussion by the council.



Commissioner Meeks reported in the last two weeks the street department continued to mow city parks and properties; cleaned the boat ramp; patched roadways in preparedness of the chip/seal program, which is scheduled for July 29th and July 30th with the fog seal scheduled for the following week; finished the parking lot work at the Pickle Ball courts; trimmed low lying tree limbs; replaced the burnt-out traffic light at Ninth and Market Streets; assisted the water maintenance department with the repairing of a water leak at East Eleventh and Cherry Streets; and taped off a “no parking” area.


Statement of Receipts and Expenditures – See attached agenda with financials.

Commissioner Ikemire stated the annual fish fry at the WC Cafeteria and Senior Center on Thursday, July 2nd was a great success. Commissioner Ikemire thanked Street Department Superintendent Dave Easter, Mayor Judge and the senior center employees for their assistance in making it a nice event.

Commissioner Ikemire reported the city’s finances are stable and stated the Motor Fuel Tax account has $692,540.00, which will fund the upcoming chip/seal program. Commissioner Ikemire reported sales tax revenues are down; state income tax revenues are on target; and video gaming revenues are significantly behind, however the city did recently receive $5000.00 of gaming monies from the state. Commissioner Ikemire added the video gaming revenues should be increasing as local establishments have opened back up and the city receives five percent of video gaming revenues.


Commissioner Dulgar reiterated the communications system as well as the tank mixer went down at the Risley Avenue water tower. Commissioner Dulgar stated the repairs have been made on the communications system, however the tank mixer will be replaced or repaired this fall when the tower is drained.

Commissioner Dulgar reported Donohue, Three I Design, and himself will attend the zoning board meeting on Tuesday, July 14th, which is conducted by City Inspector Mike Gidcumb. Commissioner Dulgar stated the proposed new water treatment facility plans have to be brought before the zoning board for their recommendation.

Commissioner Dulgar stated the water maintenance department repaired a water line on Cherry Street. Commissioner Dulgar reported the anerobic digestor project is progressing at the wastewater plant and should be completed in the next few months. Commissioner Dulgar stated a new/used truck was purchased by Mayor Judge through the federal surplus program for the wastewater plant. Commissioner Dulgar acknowledged Mayor Judge, who stated the 2010 truck was purchased at Springfield, Illinois for $2000.00 and the truck came with a canine unit cage, which was given to the police department. Mayor Judge affirmed the federal surplus purchases are huge savings for the city.


Commissioner Madden reported in the last two weeks the fire department responded to fifteen runs.

Commissioner Madden stated the renovations at city hall are ongoing with the drywall work being done at this time and the construction/concrete work on the outside of city hall is also progressing.

Commissioner Madden stated the mosquito spraying continues and reminded residents to please eliminate any standing water in their yards to help alleviate mosquitos.

Commissioner Madden reported the hot weather can cause heat related health illness and asked citizens to please check on friends as well as family members, especially the elderly. Commissioner Madden stated to also please make sure outside pets have plenty of water and access to shade.


City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported requests for the proposal for the city’s health insurance was presented as a public notice on Friday, July 10th and he has received two requests, thus far. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated the availability of requests for the insurance proposal will continue for the next few weeks.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman reminded residents that Tuesday, September 8th is the day that water bills must be paid in full. City Administrative Assistant Witsman affirmed if a water bill is not current by September 8th, that water service is subject to being shut off and there will be no exceptions. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stressed that water customers have had five months to pay on their bill and to please make a payment before that date.


City Attorney Storckman absent.


City Inspector Gidcumb absent.


Street Department Superintendent Easter no report.


Police Chief Turner reminded residents to please lock the doors and take the keys out of their vehicles as there has been a spike in individuals getting into unlocked vehicles.


Fire Chief Speth thanked everyone in the community for staying safe over the July 4th holiday.

Fire Chief Speth also thanked the police department for their assistance at a recent house fire on East Eighth Street.


Commissioner Ikemire motioned and Commissioner Dulgar seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. The consent agenda included approval of the paying of all bills bearing the proper signatures. All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Meeting adjourned at 5:31 pm
