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Fairfield Public School District 112 Board of Education met June 19

Fairfield Public School District 112 Board of Education met June 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Regular Board of Education Meeting; June 19, 2023

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of Fairfield Public School District No. 112, Wayne County, Illinois, held in the District Board Room, 200 West Center, Fairfield, Illinois, on Monday, June 19, 2023.

AGENDA #1 – Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by President Amy Sager, who directed the Secretary to call the roll.

AGENDA #2 – Roll Call – The Secretary called the roll and the following members answered to their names as called and were found to be present:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

There being a quorum present, the President declared the Board of Education to be in session for the transaction of business.

OTHERS PRESENT: April Smith, North Side Principal; Joshua Kissen, Center Street Principal; Rhonda Clark, Center Street Assistant Principal/Technology Coordinator; Tom Matthews, Wayne County Press

AGENDA #3 – Public Hearing – A motion was made by member Brandon Berghaus to Open the Public Hearing on the 2022 – 2023 Amended Budget. The motion was seconded by member Jason McCulley, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

3.1 Public Comments - None

3.2 A motion was made by member Jason McCulley to approve the 2022 – 2023 Amended Budget as presented. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

3.3 A motion was made by member Jason McCulley to Close the Public Hearing on the 2022 – 2023 Amended Budget. The motion was seconded by member Brandon Berghaus, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jamie Jones, Jason McCulley, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

AGENDA #4 – Citizens Non-Agenda Items - None

AGENDA #5 – Approval of Minutes

5.1 A motion was made by member Jason McCulley that the Board of Education minutes for the Regular and Closed Session Meetings held Monday, May 15, 2023 be approved as prepared and made available to all Board of Education members. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

AGENDA #6 – Financial Reports

6.1 Treasurer’s Report – The Treasurer’s Report, dated May 31, 2023 was presented as follows:

Education Fund $4,361,542.25

Building Fund $741,096.80

Debt Services Fund $141,581.19

Transportation Fund $243,524.40

IMRF Fund $369,737.43

Capital Projects $ 16,359.56

Working Cash Fund $1,284,870.36

Tort Fund $338,139.07

Fire Prevention/Safety Fund $236,865.58

Total $7,733,716.64

There being no additions or corrections, the President declared the Treasurer’s Report will stand approved as presented.

6.2 Payroll – Member Erica Burris made a motion that the salaries for the District for the month of June be approved and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by member Jason McCulley and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

6.3 Monthly Bills – Current bills, as listed, were presented for payment. After examination of the listed bills, member Erica Burris made a motion to approve the bills for payment. The motion was seconded by member Brandon Berghaus, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

AGENDA #7 – Superintendent’s Report

7.1 Revenue to Expense Report

7.2 Food Service Report

7.3 Transportation Report

7.4 Final Reading of FY24 Student Handbook Changes

7.5 FY24 Board Meeting Dates

7.6 Abolish Petty Cash

7.7 FY24 School Fees

7.8 Food Service Interagency Agreement

7.9 Intergovernmental Agreement with Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services

7.10 First Reading of PRESS Policy 112

7.11 Authorization of the District to Expend Funds

7.12 Employment History Review Checks through Bushue

7.13 School Treasurer Bond

7.14 School Auditor Proposals

7.15 Joint Annual Conference

AGENDA #8 – Action Items

8.1 A motion was made by member Amy Sager to approve the FY24 Handbook Changes as presented. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

8.2 A motion was made by member Jamie Jones to approve the FY24 Board Meeting Dates as presented. The motion was seconded by member Erica Burris, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

8.3 A motion was made by member Brandon Berghaus to Abolish Petty Cash for the FY23 school year. The motion was seconded by member Jason McCulley, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

8.4 A motion was made by member Jason McCulley to approve the FY24 School Fees as presented. The motion was seconded by member Erica Burris, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

8.5.1 A motion was made by member Erica Burris that the Board approve the Interagency Food Service Contract with Geff School as presented. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

8.5.2 A motion was made by member Jamie Jones that the Board approve the Interagency Food Service Contract with St. Joe Olney School as presented. The motion was seconded by member Brandon Berghaus, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

8.5.3 A motion was made by member Amy Sager that the Board approve the Interagency Food Service Contract with Clay City School as presented. The motion was seconded by member Erica Burris, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

8.6 A motion was made by member Jason McCulley that the Board approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services as presented. The motion was seconded by member Erica Burris, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

8.7 A motion was made by member Amy Sager to authorize the District to expend funds in order to cover the costs of salaries, materials and supplies until the annual budget is adopted. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

8.8 A motion was made by member Jamie Jones to authorize Bushue to Perform the Employment History Review Checks as presented. The motion was seconded by member Erica Burris, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

8.9 A motion was made by member Jason McCulley to approve the School Treasurer Bond for the period of July 1, 2023 – July 1, 2024 as presented. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

8.10 A motion was made by member Jamie Jones to obtain the Services of Dennis Rose and Associates as the District Auditor for $19,500 for the FY24 school year. The motion was seconded by member Brandon Berghaus, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

AGENDA #9 – Principals’ Reports

9.1 Center Street

Custodians have all of the rooms waxed and cleaned. Rooms have also been painted, and items placed back into the classrooms.

Custodians have cleared out all of Gayle McGehee’s room and moved her down to the current Multipurpose Room. Her vacant room will be the new PASS room; Jan Bagwell will begin bringing her things in.

The playground equipment that was purchases for Center Street should arrive in July, and will hopefully be set up for the students to use once school begins.

Bathroom remodels are underway, and custodians have completely cleared out all the urinals and stalls. Tile work should begin this week.

9.2 North Side

Maintenance crews are hard at it. All rooms that have teachers moving locations have been moved. Multiple rooms are already cleaned, painted, and waxed. Start our playground project in July.

Secretaries are working on closing out the old year and formatting the new school year. We are almost done with class lists.

IPA Egyptian Region held its Secretary Luncheon on June 6th. We enjoyed giving our secretaries some well-deserved recognition.

AGENDA #10 – Board Members Request/Report

10.1 Amy Sager shared the Board Committee Members for the current term

AGENDA #11 – Closed Session to Discuss Information Regarding Appointment, Employment, Retirement or Dismissal of an Employee (5ILCS 120/2a)

11.1 A motion was made by member Brandon Berghaus that the Board enter Closed Session at the hour of 6:39 P.M. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

11.2 A motion was made by member Jason McCulley that the Board end the Closed Session at the hour of 7:40 P.M. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

AGENDA #12 – Action Items

12.1 A motion was made by Amy Sager to approve the Special Education Coordinator Ten-Month Contract as presented. The motion was seconded by member Jason McCulley, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

12.2 A motion was made by Jason McCulley to accept the Resignation of Lori Ellis as Head Softball Coach. The motion was seconded by member Erica Burris, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

12.3 A motion was made by member Jason McCulley to accept the Resignation of Greg Downes as Band Director. The motion was seconded by member Erica Burris, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

12.4 A motion was made by member Brandon Berghaus to approve the FY24 Substitute List as presented. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

12.5.1 A motion was made by member Erica Burris to hire Whitney Allison as paraprofessional for the FY24 school year, pending background screening results. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

12.5.2 A motion was made by member Brandon Berghaus to hire Ashley Shreve as paraprofessional for the FY24 school year, pending background screening results. The motion was seconded by member Erica Burris, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

12.5.3 A motion was made by member Amy Sager to hire Geri Oliver as paraprofessional for the FY24 school year, pending background screening results. The motion was seconded by member Erica Burris, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

12.6 A motion was made by member Brandon Berghaus to hire Luke Ahlfield as North Side Physical Education Teacher, pending background screening results. The motion was seconded by member Jason McCulley, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

12.7 A motion was made by member Jamie Jones to hire Alex Brake as Band Director, pending background screening results. The motion was seconded by member Erica Burris, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

12.8 A motion was made by member Brandon Berghaus to hire Audrey Jay as Certified Teacher for the FY24 school year, pending background screening results. The motion was seconded by member Erica Burris, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

12.9 A motion was made by member Brandon Berghaus to hire Jayzale O’Neal as Head Basketball Coach for the FY24 school year, pending background screening results. The motion was seconded by member Erica Burris, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

12.10 A motion was made by member Jason McCulley to hire Bryce Kovacich as Head Softball Coach for the FY24 school year. The motion was seconded by member Erica Burris, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

12.11 A motion was made by member Amy Sager to hire Jayla Scott as Cheerleading Coach for the FY24 school year. The motion was seconded by member Erica Burris, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

12.12 A motion was made by member Amy Sager to hire Amelia Lingafelter as Cross Country Coach for the FY24 school year. The motion was seconded by member Erica Burris, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

12.13 A motion was made by member Jason McCulley to hire Kyle Reel as Boys Track Coach for the FY24 school year. The motion was seconded by member Brandon Berghaus, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed.

AGENDA #13 – Informational Items – None

AGENDA #14 – Adjournment – A motion was made by member Erica Burris that the meeting adjourn at 7:52 P.M. The motion was seconded by member Jamie Jones, and on a roll call vote the following members voted yea:

Amy Sager, Heather Trent, Jason McCulley, Jamie Jones, Erica Burris, Brandon Berghaus

Members absent: Jessica Oliver

The President declared the motion passed
