Melissa Kuhlmann, GS Principal | Carrier Mills-Stonefort CUSD #2
Melissa Kuhlmann, GS Principal | Carrier Mills-Stonefort CUSD #2
Carrier Mills-Stonefort Community Unit School District #2 Board of Education met Dec. 16.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Recognize Visitors: Please remember that any comments concerning Unit #2 employees must be made in closed session.
IV. Approve Consent Agenda- November 18, 2024 minutes, Activity Fund, Bills, Treasurer’s Report, and the Destruction of 19 month old audio closed session minutes.
V. Reports
A. High School Principal’s Report
B. Grade School Principal’s Report
VI. Action Items
A. Consider FY24 Annual Financial Report
B. Consider Engagement Letter with Kemper CPA Group, LLP
C. Consider Transportation Contract with Robinson Transport, Inc
D. Consider Trash Service Contract with Perfect Solution Disposal
E. Consider Steel Door Replacement Project at Both Buildings
VII. Non Action Items
A. Sales Tax Payments
B. Property Tax Payments
C. January Board Meeting: January 27, 2025 at 6:45 pm
VIII. Closed Session: Items #1, 2, 9, 10, 11, and 14 under the Open Meetings Act (see attached)
IX. Action on Closed Session Items
A. Consider Resignations
B. Consider Employment
C. Consider Non-Certified Personnel Description of Salary and Benefits
D. Consider Salaries for Non-Certified Personnel
X. Adjourn