The Eldorado Community Unit No. 4 School District met Tuesday, April 12.
The Eldorado Community Unit No. 4 School District is located at Illinois Ave., Eldorado, Illinois. The district includes an elementary school, a middle school and a high school.
Here are the minutes as provided by Eldorado Community Unit No. 4 School District:
April 12, 2016
Board Vice President, Keith Oglesby, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Board members present and answering roll call were: Stacy James, Preston Justice via phone, Keith Oglesby and Larry Parks. Absent: David Bartok, Ron Bradley and Jason Kasair. Present: Supt. Ryan Hobbs, Rick Cox, Blake Bradley, Billy Tippett, Cody Cusic and Kim Butler, recording secretary.
Others: Matt Allen (EEA President), Tara Artman, Jeff Cox, Beta Club members and parents.
Recognize visitors for public comment: None.
Larry Parks made a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes for 31716 (Ref to Doc Reg EE128). Stacy James seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: James, Justice, Oglesby and Parks. Voting no: None. Absent: Bartok, Bradley and Kasiar.
Stacy James made a motion to approve the March, 2016 Treasurer’s Report (Ref to Doc Reg EE129). Larry Parks seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: James, Justice, Oglesby and Parks. Voting no: None. Absent: Bartok, Bradley and Kasiar.
Larry Parks made a motion to approve the payment of Unit #4 bills (Ref to Doc Reg EE130). Stacy James seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: James, Justice, Oglesby and Parks. Voting no: None. Absent: Bartok, Bradley and Kasiar.
Stacy James made a motion to approve the second reading and adoption of board policies 6:50, 6:65 replacing 665, 6:120AP1,E2, 6:120AP2, 6:120AP1,E1, 6:120AP3, 6:120AP3,E1, 6:120AP4, 6:130 replacing 630.02, 6:140 replacing 6.140, 6:140AP replacing 6:140AP, 6:145 replacing 6.145 and 6:150 replacing 630.04 (Ref to Doc Reg EE519). Larry Parks seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: James, Justice, Oglesby and Parks. Voting no: None. Absent: Bartok, Bradley and Kasiar.
Larry Parks made a motion to approve the first reading of board policies 7:150, 7:150AP, 7:190, 7:190AP2, 7:190AP3, 7:190AP4, 7:190AP7, 7:190AP8, 7:190E1, 7:190E3, 7:190E4, 7:200, 7:200E1, 7:200E2, 7:210, 7:210E1, 7:220, 7:230, 7:240, 7:240AP2,E1, 7:305, 7:305AP (Ref to Doc Reg EE520). Stacy James seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: James, Justice, Oglesby and Parks. Voting no: None. Absent: Bartok, Bradley and Kasiar.
Stacy James made a motion to approve an out of state FFA trip to Murray State Kentucky on April 13th and Math trip to St. Louis Missouri on June 1st (Ref to Doc Reg EE1110). Keith Oglesby seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: James, Justice, Oglesby and Parks. Voting no: None. Absent: Bartok, Bradley and Kasiar.
Stacy James made a motion to approve an out of state Beta trip to the National Convention in New Orleans with school providing use of the white bus for transportation (Ref to Doc Reg EE1111). Larry Parks seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: James, Justice, Oglesby and Parks. Voting no: None. Absent: Bartok, Bradley and Kasiar.
Stacy James made a motion to approve publishing a notice to amend the 2015-2016 school budget (Ref to Doc Reg EE630). Larry Parks seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: James, Justice, Oglesby and Parks. Voting no: None. Absent: Bartok, Bradley and Kasiar.
Larry Parks made a motion to approve applying for a district credit card through Legence Bank to replace the current WalMart credit card (Ref to Doc Reg EE631). Stacy James seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: James, Justice, Oglesby and Parks. Voting no: None. Absent: Bartok, Bradley and Kasiar.
Stacy James made a motion to go into closed session at 7:55 p.m. regarding discussion involving employment, compensation and disciple of district personnel. Larry Parks seconded the motion. All aye. Absent: Bartok, Bradley and Kasiar.
The board came out of closed session at 9:01 p.m.
Stacy James made a motion to approve closed session minutes as read in closed session. Larry Parks seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: James, Justice, Oglesby and Parks. Voting no: None. Absent: Bartok, Bradley and Kasiar.
Stacy James made a motion to adopt a resolution authorizing reassignment of part-time, nontenured teacher, Linda Hancock from 4/7 to 3/7 (Ref to Doc Reg EE327). Larry Parks seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: James, Justice, Oglesby and Parks. Voting no: None. Absent: Bartok, Bradley and Kasiar.
Keith Oglesby made a motion to adopt a resolution authorizing honorable dismissal of full-time educational support personnel Ashley Griffin, Cindy Bergman, Kaela Bradley, Blair Melvin, SuAnn Mitchell, Kim Payne, Ashley Rash and Gail Christian (Ref to Doc Reg EE328). Larry Parks seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: James, Justice, Oglesby and Parks. Voting no: None. Absent: Bartok, Bradley and Kasiar.
Keith Oglesby made a motion to adopt a resolution authorizing nonemployment of full-time nontenured teacher not in last year of probationary service Taylor Barr and Christina Couty as presented (Ref to Doc Reg EE329). Stacy James seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: James, Justice, Oglesby and Parks. Voting no: None. Absent: Bartok, Bradley and Kasiar.
Larry Parks made a motion to adopt a resolution authorizing honorable dismissal of part-time, nontenured teacher Angie Cox (Ref to Doc Reg EE330). Stacy James seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken and motion carried. Voting yes: James, Justice, Oglesby and Parks. Voting no: None. Absent: Bartok, Bradley and Kasiar.
Stacy James made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m. Larry Parks seconded the motion. All aye. Absent: Bartok, Bradley and Kasiar.