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Illinois Workforce Innovation Board develops unified plan

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The Illinois Workforce Innovation Board met Feb. 25 to develop a unified state plan.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

Illinois Workforce Innovation Board Bruce Rauner, Governor John Rico, Co-Chair Sean McCarthy, Co-Chair Illinois State Library 300 South 2nd Street Springfield, Illinois 62701 February 25, 2016 IWIB Welcome/Roll Call The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. Roll call was taken and a quorum was present. Present: John Rico, James Schultz, Dr. James Applegate, Elba Aranda-Suh, Tom Ashby, Julie Courtney, Debra Day, Elizabeth Dickson, Victor Dickson, Pat Fabijanski, Daniele Ferrari, Joe Forbs, Jennifer Foster, David Friedman, Thomas Hacker, Karen Hunter-Anderson, Alicia Martin, Angela Mason, Michael Massie, Marlon McClinton, Sandeep Nain, Barbara Oilschlager, Terri Payne, Eloy Salazar, John Sigsbury, Kris Smith, Andrew Warrington, Thomas Wendorf, Michael Williams Present by Proxy: Jeffrey Mays (Jim McDonough), Michael Perry (Frank Prochaska), Juan Salgado (Katarzyna Sanchez), Tony Smith (Dora Welker) Absent: Gena Atchison, Henry Beards, Leah Bolander, Mike Conley, C.D. Davidsmeyer, James Dimas, Mike English, Scott Frick, Kirk Gadberry, Vicki Haugen, Donnie Robinson, Margie Schiemann, Mary Steinbrueck, Aaron Tennant, Mike Uremovich, Keith Wagner, Larry Walsh, Grover Webb, Sylvia Wetzel, Terry Wilkerson, Seth Wilson Approval of December 8, 2015 Minutes Co-Chair John Rico requested the board members to review the December 8, 2015 minutes as provided in the meeting packet. Mr. Eloy Salazar noted that the second paragraph of the Welcoming Remarks should reflect “…a review of the Unified State Plan outline…” instead of “…a review of the United State Plan outline…” Ms. Barbara Oilschlager made a motion to approve the minutes with Mr. Salazar’s statement of correction; Mr. Tom Ashby seconded the motion. With no further discussion, the motion passed. Welcoming Remarks Co-Chair Rico welcomed the board members and thanked Director Anne Craig of the Illinois State Library and her staff for their hospitality with hosting the board meeting. Additionally, Co-Chair Rico thanked 2 Ms. Barb Oilschlager, Trustee of the College of Lake County, for her generosity in providing the meeting refreshments. Co-Chair Rico briefly provided an overview of the agenda, which included: a brief presentation by the core partners with regard to the Illinois Unified State Plan, followed by board member discussion and approval of the plan; survey results of board orientation and proposal to strengthen the board membership; review and approval of the IWIB by-Laws; presentations for two statutory reports (Measuring Progress: Benchmarking Workforce Development in Illinois” and “Disadvantaged Youth Task Force Report,” with both seeking the Board’s approval; update on WIOA Policy regarding the MOU/OneStop certification timelines; a brief report from the attendees at the WIOA National Convening, National Governors Association Winter Meeting; and several announcements regarding the National Governors Association Summer Meeting, Illinois Workforce partnership Awards Luncheon, and the June IWIB quarterly board meeting. Co-Chair James M. Schultz expressed appreciation to Director Ann Craig for hosting the board meeting and acknowledged Ms. Oilschlager for her continued support of the work she has provided the board and for providing the meeting’s refreshments. Co-Chair Shultz emphasized the important opportunity that the IWIB board has to move Illinois forward through the transition under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act. Additionally another new direction Illinois has taken under Governor Rauner is the formation of the Illinois Business and Economic Development Corporation (ILBEDC). The Corporation will be molded from best practices of many other successful state and local economic development organizations. Co-Chair Shultz stated that the Corporation would be dedicated to increasing Illinois’ competitiveness for job creation and investment as Illinois has many great resources to offer businesses. Co-Chair Shultz thanked all the board members for their continued support and involvement at all levels in the Illinois’ workforce systems and looks forward to working with the Board. Illinois Unified State Plan – Action Item The Interagency Workgroup including the core partners, Title IB – Workforce Development, Title II – Adult Education and Literacy, Title III – Wagner-Peyser, and Title IV – Vocational Rehabilitation, provided a brief overview of the meeting materials, including the “Illinois WIOA Unified State Plan,” and the “WIOA Unified State Plan Approval Processes.” The Interagency Workgroup emphasized that the WIOA of 2014 requires the governors of each state to outline a four-year strategy for the workforce development system by preparing either a Unified State Plan encompassing the following federal programs: WIOA Title IB, Title II-Adult Education, Title III-Wagner-Peyser, and Title IV-Vocational Rehabilitation Services; or a Combined State Plan that includes these partners, plus at least one of certain other partner agencies. Illinois chose to submit a Unified State Plan approach, which will be submitted in accordance with guidelines published by the U.S. Departments of Labor and Education. The Core Partners stated that the initial draft of the Unified State Plan was released for public comment on January 25, 2016, with a closing date of February 24, 2016. A timeline was developed that outlined additional meetings to review comments received, recommended additional changes to the initial draft of the Unified Plan, and finalize a Plan to be submitted to the U.S. Departments of Labor and Education. These meetings will involve the Interagency Work Group and the IWIB Executive Committee. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration announced a one-month extension for Plan submittal to April 1, 2016. 3 A brief discussion was held among the board members regarding the importance of having the Executive Committee to review and include agriculture as one of the key elements to the United State Plan as required by the regulations, as well as an explanation of the public comment procedures and general topics of the received public comments. Ms. Oilschlager stated that the Board acknowledged the efforts that have been performed by the Interagency Work Group in developing the Illinois Unified State Plan and understood there may be additional measures to be taken to finalize the Unified State Plan. She acknowledged that these measures may require incorporation of additional changes to the initial draft State Unified Plan as a result of the comments received during the public comment period which ended at 5:00pm on Wednesday, February 24, 2016; furthermore, the Board recognized final approval and submission of the plan must occur prior to April 1, 2016. Ms. Oilschlager made a motion to provide authority to the Executive Committee to review and approve all final changes to the Illinois Unified State Plan in accordance with the outlined timeline. Mr. Sandeep Nain seconded the motion; with no further discussion, the motion was passed. Executive Committee Updates IWIB “Adopt-a-Member” - Mr. Tom Ashby requested Mr. Mark Burgess, a staff member of the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Office of Employment and Training and IWIB’s designated board staff member, to provide a brief report of the outcomes of the IWIB orientation survey that was taken in December of 2015. Mr. Burgess stated that a common theme among the board members’ surveys was the request for more direction on connecting the roles and responsibilities with the strategies of the Board. Additionally, the board members requested some history of the board in order to understand what issues have been addressed through task force and work groups, what issues need additional review and what trending issues need to be addressed. Mr. Burgess stated that the common themes were being reviewed by the Executive Committee for possible sessions at the proposed June retreat. Mr. Ashby stated with the information received following the orientation, survey and meetings with members, he was proposing an “Adopt-A-Member” plan for the IWIB. He emphasized that mentoring newer board members would allow the opportunity to strengthen the unity of the board as well as identify board members with a specialized expertise or an interest to help serve on various task forces, work groups and initiatives; all of this would strengthen the board’s vision of supporting Illinois’ workforce development systems. The board members held a brief discussion regarding to the “Adopt-AMember” proposal and a majority agreed that it would be beneficial to all members. IWIB By-Laws - Mr. Ashby requested Mr. Burgess to provide a synopsis of the proposed changes of the IWIB By-Laws. Mr. Burgess referenced the meeting materials entitled, “Draft -- Illinois Workforce Innovation Board: ByLaws, Adopted: February 25, 2016” and “By-Laws – Synopsis of Changes.” He briefly informed the board members that the Board composition would be in compliance with the requirements of WIIOA which has streamlined the Board by reducing the number of required members with a majority of business and workforce/labor members to meet the needs of Illinois businesses. Additionally, he highlighted the new quorum requirements, the role and responsibility of the Executive Committee, clarification of conflict of interest provision, and all Board, standing committees and task forces must be incompliance with the Illinois’ Open Meetings Act requirements. Mr. Ashby stated that the Board acknowledges the need to revise its current By-Laws to ensure its operational structure meets the goals and responsibilities outlined in the new Workforce Innovation and 4 Opportunity Act and has prepared to act upon critical decisions in an expeditious manner. Mr. Ashby made a motion is made to approve the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board By-Laws as amended. The motion was seconded by Dr. Karen Hunter-Anderson and without further discussion the motion was passed. IWIB Act Update - Mr. Burgess stated that Senate Bill 3010 was introduced on February 18, 2016 by Senator Chuck Weaver, 37th District. The bill would amend the current Illinois workforce Investment Board Act to reflect changes required by Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Specifically, the bill removes the benchmarks currently required to be reported in an annual Benchmarking Workforce Development in Illinois and replaces with benchmarks that are specific to WIOA. The bill would be effectively immediately once signed by the Governor. Statutory Reports Measuring Progress: Benchmarking Workforce Development in Illinois – Eleventh Annual Report - Ms. Diana Robinson, Director of the Center for Governmental Studies at Northern Illinois University and Mr. Brian Richard and the Assistant Director of the Center for Governmental Studies at Northern Illinois University provided a presentation of the meeting materials entitled “Measuring Progress: Benchmarking Workforce Development in Illinois: 111th Annual Report.” Ms. Robison provided a brief background stating that the state legislation requires the IWIB to report to the General Assembly on the status and progresses of the ten major benchmarks for the Illinois workforce development system which are divided into three general categories (workforce quality, earnings, and competitive business advantage). She stated the Annual Benchmark Report, like past reports, has data issues and limitations due to the data sources not being updated or the lack of data being collected. She emphasized that hopefully next year’s report would have benchmarks included that would be pertinent as outlined in the WIOA regulations as the state moves forward with revising the methods for measuring progress of the state’s workforce development system. Mr. Richard provided a brief overview of the work that has done with regard to identifying benchmark measures that will be beneficial to the state officials, governmental agencies and other key stakeholders. A discussion among board was held with regard to how and who will determine the new benchmark measures. Deputy Director Julio Rodriguez, Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Office of Employment and Training, stated that the newly defined benchmarks will follow the WIOA regulations, as well as information collected from the longitudinal data system. Mr. Mike Williams made a motion for the Illinois Workforce Investment Board to accept the data and analysis presented in the 2015 Benchmark Report and to approve the report for submission to the General Assembly. Ms. Elba Aranda-Suh seconded the motion and with no further discussion the motion passed. Disadvantaged Youth Task Force Report Mr. Mike Massie, Chair of the Illinois Disadvantaged Youth Task Force and Mr. Matt Hillen, staff member with the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Office of Employment and Training provided a presentation on the findings and recommendations as outlined in the meeting materials, entitled, “Report of the Illinois Disadvantaged Youth Task Force.” Mr. Massie stated that the Task Force used the vision and principles of the WIOA Unified State Plan to frame recommendations for creating sustainable career pathways for youth throughout the state. With a focus on the needs of young people who were not in school and not working, the report recognized 5 the need to provide opportunities for youth to connect to meaningful education, training, and employment. Additionally, Mr. Massie briefly reviewed the Task Force’s recommendations as the following: 1) reinvigorate cross-agency and cross-sector statewide support for career pathway system development under the framework of Illinois Pathways; 2) continue the work of the Youth Task force as a function of the IWIB; and 3) create regional opportunity youth systems.. Mr. Marlon McClinton stated that the Board acknowledged the needs and strategies identified by the Disadvantaged Youth Task Force and made a motion to approve the Final Report and its recommendations including the creation of a Youth Standing Committee. Mr. Mike Williams volunteered to be a committee member of the Youth Standing Committee. Mr. Ashby seconded the motion and without further discussion the motion passed. Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act Policy Update MOU/ One-stop Center Certification Timelines Ms. Lisa Jones, Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Office of Employment, Policy Unit’s manager provided a brief overview of the meeting materials entitled, “Proposed Extended Timeline for MOU’s and Certification of Comprehensive One-Stop Centers. She stated that the Executive Committee reviewed and revised the timeline to provide additional time needed per the request of the board membership at the last meeting. Deputy Director Rodriguez emphasized the importance of the board members’ understanding of the many different sequencing of the components and the mechanics at the local level; therefore, the Executive Committee has proposed that this issue be addressed at the June retreat. A brief discussion was held regarding the possibility of renaming the one-stop centers and how the public notification has been handled. Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act WIOA National Convening Deputy Director Rodriguez reported that the Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration held a held a National Convening of workforce leadership for implementing the WIOA on January 26-28, 2016 in Washington, D.C. He stated that Illinois was represented by the state’s core partners, Co-Chair John Rico, and business partners, as well as other stakeholders. Additionally, he stated that a majority of the fifty states and territories attended with state partners connecting with other national, state and local leaders to share best practices. Deputy Director Rodriguez reported that Illinois appears to be more advanced in the transition and implementation of WIOA than other states, with a few states ahead of Illinois mainly in the compliance area. Co-Chair Rico, Mr. Jim McDonough with the Illinois Department of Employment Security, Ms. Kris Smith with the Illinois Department of Human Services, Vocational Rehabilitation Services, and Ms. Jennifer Foster with the Illinois Community College Board emphasized the importance of attending the various training sessions and breakout groups where the Illinois delegation learned best practices and were able to build better relationships with other counterparts at a national level. National Governors Association (NGA) Winter Meeting Deputy Director Rodriguez provided a brief overview of the National Governors Association Winter Meeting that he attended, which included the State Workforce Board Chairs Meeting, which Co-Chair Rico attended and the National Association of State Liaisons for Workforce Development Partnerships. The meetings provided an opportunity to participate in discussions with officials from the Administration and Congressional members and staff with regard to implementation of WIOA and other workforce policy issues. The meeting also provided attendees an opportunity to interact with leading 6 workforce experts, discuss the key issues facing states, network with peers from across the nation on pressing workforce issues facing states and innovative solutions, and share strategies on implementing WIOA. National Governors Association (NGA) Summer Meeting Deputy Director Rodriguez announced that Illinois has been chosen to host the National Governors Association Summer Meeting during the week of July 31 through August 5, 2016 in Chicago. He thanked Co-Chair Rico for his efforts in submitting a successful bid as it has been over two decades since Illinois has hosted the meeting. Additionally, Deputy Director Rodriguez emphasized the importance to showcase the success stories of Illinois. Announcements Illinois Workforce Partnership Awards Luncheon Ms. Julie Courtney, President of the Illinois Workforce Partnership, announced that the annual Illinois Workforce Partnership Awards Luncheon would be held on April 7, 2016 at the Hoagland Center for the Arts in Springfield. Ms. Courtney mentioned that the board members were emailed invitations and encouraged board members to attend. June IWIB Meeting Mr. Burgess briefly provided a brief overview of the tentative agenda for the June IWIB meeting and retreat. He stated on June 15th the Executive Committee, standing committees, and task forces will meet and Woodward Aerospace will provide a tour for all the board members followed by a reception. The IWIB retreat will begin the morning of June 16th and continue into the early afternoon, and ending the day with the quarterly board meeting. Additionally, he stated that the Executive Committee has been identifying the topics for the retreat resulting from the board members survey responses. Public Comment Co-Chair Rico requested that the newly appointed board members to introduce themselves. Mr. Andrew Warrington, President of United Conveyer in Waukegan, stated he currently is a Lake County board member and is pleased to be a member of the Illinois state board. Mr. John Sigsbury, President of the St. Mary’s Hospital of Centralia, stated he has been in the healthcare administration field for almost forty years. He stated he was looking forward to working with the board as this is the first time he has participated in a statewide effort with such a wide span of industries and stakeholders at one table. Dr. James Applegate, Executive Director of the Illinois Board of Higher Education, announced that the Illinois General Assembly passed House Joint Resolution 52 to create the Higher Education Commission on the Future of the Workforce. The Commission is comprised of legislators, presidents of institutions, and representatives of business and industry with the general purpose to analyze workforce needs and educational degree production in each economic development region of the state. He encouraged the board members to visit the Illinois Board of Higher Education’s website for further information. Adjournment Co-Chair Rico asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Tom Ashby made a motion to adjourn the meeting and the motion was seconded by Mr. Mike Williams. With no further discussion, the motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.


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