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Crawford County Board of Commissioners met May 25


Crawford County Board of Commissioners met May 25.

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

The Regular Meeting of the Crawford County Board of Commissioners was called to order by

Chairman, Dave Stephenson, at 10:00 a.m. in the Crawford County Building, Grayling, Michigan

on the 25th day of May, 2017.

Invocation by Commissioner Stephenson.

Pledge of Allegiance led by Commissioner Anderson.

Roll Call: Anderson, Jamison, Lewis, McClain, Pinkelman, Priebe, and Stephenson.

Absent – None.

Sandra Moore, County Clerk-Register of Deeds – Present.

Paul Compo, County Controller – Absent.

Others present at various times: Kirk Wakefield, Doug Pratt, Joe Wakeley, Sara Sircely, Ilene

Geiss-Wilson, Abigail Ertel, Lynnette Corlew, Jodi Coors, Karin Ruley, Jeremie Mead and Dan


Approval of the Regular Board Minutes

Motion by Jamison, second by McClain, to approve the Minutes for the April 20,

2017 Regular Board Meeting as presented. Ayes (7) seven, nays (0) none, absent

(0) none, Motion Carried.

Approval of the Agenda

Motion by Lewis, second by McClain, to amend the agenda to add Sara Sircely

from Northern Michigan Regional Entity to make a presentation and add the

NEMCOG 2018 Community Corrections Grant Application to the agenda. Ayes

(7) seven, nays (0) none, absent (0) none, Motion Carried.

Conflict of Interest Declare – None.

Brief Public Comment – None.

Open Invoice Report and Prepaid Vouchers

Motion by Lewis, second by McClain, to authorize payment of the following


General Fund:                                                                   Building & Zoning Fund

Balance from "Open Invoice Rep"          $53,558.39        Balance from "Open Invoice Report"        $1,923.14

Prepaid Invoices                                   $177,958.75         Prepaid Invoices                                         $137.98

Gross Payroll                                       $258,864.62          Gross Payroll                                            $6,632.21

Total General Fund                              $490,381.76          Total Building & Zoning Fund                   $8,693.33

Millage/Road Patrol Fund                                                  Sobriety Court

Balance from "Open Invoice Report"      $3,088.18          Balance from "Open Invoice Report"          $700.12

Prepaid Invoices                                    $2,525.95            Prepaid Invoices                                    $13,095.80

Gross Payroll                                       $34,341.31            Gross Payroll                                         $11,634.62

                                                             $39,955.44            Total Sobriety Court Fund                     $25,430.54

Tri-County 46th Trial Court                                                 MSU Cooperative Extension Fund

Prepaid Invoices                                     $1,604.75             Balance from "Open Invoice Report"           $0.00

Gross Payroll                                       $14,928.60             Prepaid Invoices                                           $0.00

Total Tri-County Court                          $16,533.35            Gross Payroll                                            $423.29

                                                                                           Total MSU fund                                         $423.29

Friend of the Court

Balance from "Open Invoice Report"        $480.23             Central Dispatch Fund

Prepaid Invoices                                       $344.76             Balance from "Open Invoice Report"     $3,697.31

Gross Payroll                                       $20,925.47             Prepaid Invoices                                       $681.49

Total Friend of the Court                      $21,750.46             Gross Payroll                                      $26,100.04

                                                                                            Total Central Dispatch Fund               $30,478.84

Bankhead Jones Fund

Prepaid Invoices                                   $6,532.18               Courthouse Preservation Fund

Total Bankhead Jones Fund                 $6,532.18               Balance from "Open Invoice Report"         $0.00

                                                                                             Prepaid Invoices                                $11,657.50

DHD#10 Fund                                                                     Total Courthouse Preservation Fund  $11,657.50

Prepaid Invoices                                      $678.50

Total DHD#10 Fund                                 $678.50               Law Library Fund

                                                                                             Balance from "Open Invoice Report"     $127.00

Airport Fund                                                                         Prepaid Invoices                                    $306.00

Balance from "Open Invoice Report"        $36.00                Total Law Library Fund                          $433.00

Prepaid Invoices                                     $328.86

Gross Payroll                                            $65.03                Family/Probate Court

Total Airport Fund                                  $429.89                 Balance from "Open Invoice Report"         $0.00

                                                                                             Prepaid Invoices                               $28,581.94

Family Counseling Fund                                                      Gross Payroll                                    $16,000.48

Prepaid Invoices                                    $196.00                  Total Family/Probate Court               $44,582.42

Gross Payroll                                     _________

Total Family Counseling Fund                $196.00                 Sheriff's Youth Services Fund

                                                                                              Balance from "Open Invoice Report"    $595.00

Landfill/Maintenance Fund                                                   Prepaid Invoices                                 $3,310.95

Balance from "Open Invoice Report"    $1,645.85               Total Sheriff's Youth Services Fund     $3,905.95

Prepaid Invoices                                        $48.79

Gross Payroll                                        $3,815.60                 Veterans Service Relief Fund

Total Landfill/Maintenance fund            $5,510.24                 Balance from "Open Invoice Report" $1,388.47

                                                                                                Prepaid Invoices                               $5,465.37

COPS in Schools Fund                                                           Gross Payroll                                    $3,650.69

Balance from "Open Invoice Report"          $0.00                  Total Veterans Service Relief Fund  $10,504.53

Prepaid Invoices                                         $0.00

Gross Payroll                                        $5,729.21                  GIS Fund

Total COPS Fund                                  $5,729.21                  Balance from "Open Invoice Report" $1,772.50

                                                                                                 Prepaid Invoices                                      $0.00

2014 HSGP Fund                                                                    Total GIS Fund                                  $1,772.50

Prepaid Invoices                                     $600.00

Total 2014 HSGP Fund                          $600.00                    Sports Complex Fund

                                                                                               Balance from "Open Invoice Report"    $150.00

Social Services Fund                                                              Prepaid Invoices                                  $322.21

Prepaid Invoices                                     $270.00                  Total Sports Complex Fund                   $472.21

Total Social Services Fund                     $270.00

Roll Call: Anderson – aye, Jamison – aye, Lewis – aye, McClain – aye, Pinkelman

– aye, Priebe – aye, Stephenson – aye, Motion Carried.

Approval Correspondence

Motion by McClain, second by Jamison, to accept the correspondence as

presented. Ayes (7) seven, nays (0) none, absent (0) none, Motion Carried.


1. MAC - Legislative updates for April 28, & May 5 & 12, 2017.

2. Cherry Health Promotion Services – Concerns regarding Marijuana Public Acts 281, 282

& 283.

3. May 31, 7 -9 pm – Marijuana Dispensary Impact Discussion at Rose Township Hall in


4. Grayling Charter Township Supervisor – Invitation to Fish Farm Information Meeting on

May 31, 7 pm at CASD High School Auditorium. Commissioners Pinkelman and

McClain indicated they both plan to attend the meeting at the High School.

Northern Michigan Regional Entity

Sara Sircely from Northern Michigan Regional Entity advised that NMRE serves 21 northern

Michigan counties and manages the Medicaid funding for the behavioral health services in the region.

This includes contracts with Community Mental Health Service Programs (CMHSPs) which provide

mental health services to adults with a severe and persistent mental illness, children with a severe

emotional disturbance, and individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities. NMRE manages 10

Prepaid Health Care Plans (PHCP) for 21 counties and Ms. Sircely indicated services are offered

to manage and coordinate prevention and recovery services to help county residents with a

substance abuse disorder. The NMRE has media campaigns running on both 7 & 4, and 9 & 10

networks to identify the issues and are effectively using social media is gain awareness to

residents. Crawford County has an active coalition, which allows Liquor Tax Funding to be used

for Coalition Training. Crawford County Coalition does not however, have enough funds to

meet the treatment needs. The present fund balance is $96,886. The County is working with

Catholic Human Service Agency with 50% funding to them and 50% to the County General

fund. Ms. Sircely indicated there is an application process that gets submitted and anyone with

questions can call the mental health or substance use number at 800-834-3393. Substance Abuse

is an epidemic and members reviewed the impact of prescription overdoses and the effects it may

have on emergency personnel.

Library Board Update

Lynnette Corlew, Jodi Coors, Connie Meyers and Karin Ruley appeared on behalf of the Library

Board to review the future plans for the Crawford County Library. The Vision Committee has

been working on the expansion project and wanting County Board approval to add a 46 X 82 foot

addition onto the facility. Ms. Corlew explained programs have expanded so much that the

library needs 2 conference rooms; separate kitchen area, teen area and added staff work area.

The Library board would now like to proceed and hire an architect. Library Director, Connie

Meyers advised she and Deb Friedman meet with Leslie Deveraux and Ms. Deveraux is thrilled

to continue to be a part of the future of the Library. The library board anticipates this addition

may cost $750,000 with hopes to include a new roof on the entire facility. County Treasurer Joe

Wakeley indicated the Library board may request the County Board to place a bond issue

proposal on the 2018 ballot. A needs assessment was done 5 years ago and the need to expand

was then and continues today. Library Director Meyers advised the security system is being

updated this year. Treasurer Wakeley advised the fund balance is enough for them to continue

their operational funds without going for an additional millage.

Consensus to allow the Library Board to proceed with their addition plans for the Library.

Brownfield Interview

Abigail Ertel interview conducted.

Department Reports

Sheriff Wakefield submitted the yearly comparison road patrol activity report. The Sheriff

advised 300 pounds of pills has been turned into the prescription medical receptacle container

(which has doubled from past years). Half of the crimes have increased from prior years. STING

is working in our community and the Sheriff noted he doesn’t have a deputy on the force working

with STING. M-72 highway will be increased to 65 MPH by deer season and the Sheriff

remarked there is zero tolerance for those that speed. The Sheriff advised there are 33 inmates

presently in the jail and 10% are mental health patients. The Sheriff reviewed his 2016 Annual

Report. Most concerning was the school liaison report and this continues to warrant a deputy in

the schools. The Sheriff remarked that 594 shift hours have been covered by his deputies to

cover for the City.

Northeast Michigan Community Corrections Grant

Motion by Pinkelman, second by McClain to approve the Northeast Michigan

Community Corrections Advisory Board, FY 2018 Community Corrections Grant

Application in the annual amount of $307,200.00 for programs and services

#05222017. Roll Call: Jamison – aye, Lewis – aye, McClain – aye, Pinkelman –

aye, Priebe – aye, Stephenson – aye, Anderson – aye, Motion Carried.

Clerks Report

Veterans Service Council Appointment

Motion by Pinkelman, second by McClain, to reappoint the following members to

the Veterans Service Council:

Shawn Kraycs (1 year term ending 6-1-18)

Kirk Wakefield (2 year term ending 6-1-19)

Rick Anderson (3 year term ending 6-1-20)

Ayes (7) seven, nays (0) none, absent (0) none, Motion Carried.

Unfinished Business – None.

Commissioner’s Report

Commissioner Jamison – The Commissioner reported the County Collaborative Body will meet

soon and review what services are available.

Commissioner Priebe – The Commissioner advised the Hanson Hills Program Book is out and

she placed the Michigan Trails Magazine and Canoe Marathon Celebrating 70 years on file. The

Commissioner placed the NE MI Community Service Agency 2016 Annual Report on file.

Commissioner Pinkelman – The Commissioner reported her 1 law enforcement committee

recommendation was previously completed (NEMCOG Resolution). The Commissioner

announced she has ended her obligations with Michigan Association of Counties (MAC).

Commissioner McClain – The Commissioner advised MI Works met and finalized their

strategic Plan, they had 118 job seekers which is up 80% from prior years. The Commissioner

indicated ARAUCO has hired a hiring recruiter.

Commissioner Stephenson – The Commissioner advised NE MI Council of Government invites

Joint Land Use Study members to the Camp Grayling and Alpena Combat Readiness Training

Center JLUS Installation Tours and Issues Identification Discussion June 1, in Alpena and June

5, in Grayling. Chairman Stephenson advised he will review the appointment process for the

Joint Land Use Study Group. Chairman Stephenson placed the Tri-County Convention Facilities

Tax/4% State-Wide Liquor Tax letter on file.

Commissioner Anderson – The Commissioner reported his Personnel & Labor Committee

Recommendation. The Commissioner advised the VSO is looking at employment applications.

Jury Commission Reappointment

Motion by Anderson, second by Lewis, to reappoint Clairene Jorella to the Jury

Commission for a 5 year term ending April 30, 2022. Ayes (7) seven, nays (0)

none, absent (0) none, Motion Carried.

Commissioner Lewis – The Commissioner reported his Ways & Means Committee


Grayling Fish Hatchery Updates

Motion by Lewis, second by McClain, to authorize the Grayling Fish Hatchery to

repair some damaged concrete along 1 raceway with expanded galvanized catwalk

material. Ayes (7) seven, nays (0) none, absent (0) none, Motion Carried.

Motion by Lewis, second by Pinkelman, to approve the Tourism Activity Report

for the Grayling Fish Hatchery for the 2016 open season. Ayes (7) seven, nays (0)

none, absent (0) none, Motion Carried.

Historical Society/Siding for Military Annex Building

Motion by Lewis, second by Pinkelman, to authorize the Board to fund 50% of the

estimated supply costs ($820.33) for siding the Military Annex Building for the

Crawford County Historical Society (CCHS). Total amount of siding is $1,640.67.

Roll Call: Jamison – aye, Lewis – aye, McClain – aye, Pinkelman – aye, Priebe –

aye, Stephenson – aye, Anderson – aye, Motion Carried.

FY 2018 Budget Schedule

Motion by Lewis, second by McClain, to establish the following County Fiscal

Year 2017 / 2018 Budget Schedule:

May 11 – Board receives Budget Schedule

May 25 – Board approves Budget Schedule

June 9 – Department Heads receive budget information

June 30 – Budget proposals are returned to Administrator/Controller

July 13 – Department heads may elect to present their proposals to the

Ways & Means Committee.

As needed – Audit Committee may choose to meet with select Department

heads for clarification purposes.

Aug 10 & 24 – County Board receives budget update 2017 – 2018 Budget

Sept 5 – Clerk publishes Public Hearing notice concerning Budget &

Millage rates for Truth & Taxation

Sept 14 – County Board Ways & Means Committee receives the Audit

Committee’s recommended FY 2018 proposed Budget.

Sept 14 – County Board Ways & Means Committee accepts budget to be

presented at the September 28, 2017 Public Hearing.

Sept 28 – Public Hearing and adoption of 2017 – 2018 fiscal year budgets.

Ayes (7) seven, nays (0) none, absent (0) none, Motion Carried.

Commissioner Anderson excused at 11:50 a.m.

New Business

Sgt 1st Class Jeremie Mead attended the meeting on behalf of Camp Grayling to assist with

questions regarding the current groundwater investigation regarding areas at and near the

Grayling Army Airfield. Sgt. Mead indicated Dan Sanderson from the Crawford County

Avalanche was the only one to report the story accurately and appreciated the fine coverage.

Appointment to Brownfield Authority

Motion by McClain, second by Lewis, to appoint the following members to the

Brownfield Authority: Paul Compo – 3 year term (ending 7-01-2020)

Joe Wakeley – 3 year term (ending7-01-2020)

Lynn Porritt-McConnell - 1 year term (ending 7-01-18)

Abigail Ertel - 2 year term (ending 7-1-19)

April Hehir - 3 year term (ending 7-1-2020)

Erik Podjaske - 3 year term (ending 7-1-2020)

Ayes (6) six, nays (0) none, absent (1) one, Motion Carried.

Citizens to Speak – None.


Commissioner Pinkelman advised the Commission on Aging may want to look at the dynamics

of expansion much like the Library Board did.

EMS Director, Doug Pratt advised he has been making home visits and dispersed several Pac &

Plays as the Women Infant Children (WIC) program from the Health Department has contacted

him with various family needs.

Chairman Stephenson advised he will address the Fish Farm Education Information Meeting on

Wednesday, May 31st at Grayling High School at 7:00 p.m.


Motion by Pinkelman, second by McClain, to adjourn the meeting at 12:01 p.m.

Ayes (6) six, nays (0) none, absent (1) one, Motion Carried.




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