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Fairfield Community High School District 225 Board met July 18

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Fairfield Community High School District 225 Board met July 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Fairfield Community High School District #225 met in the study hall for regular session on Thursday, July 18, 2019 at 6:00 P.M. The following members answered to roll call:

Carter, Jeremy Absent     McDuffee, J. C. Present

Conrad, Tony Present      Merkle, Scott Present

Ellis, Brent Present           Miller, Chris Present

Gilbert, Dana Absent

Also in attendance were: Jill Fulkerson, Superintendent/Principal; Rhonda Koker; Ken Otey, WFIW; Amy Vaughan, Wayne County Press; Clifford Reever and Alexia Gonzalez.

Motion by Scott Merkle, seconded by Tony Conrad to approve the consent agenda which includes the prior month’s board minutes, monthly financial report and payment of bills.

Merkle, Scott Yea            Gilbert, Dana Absent

Conrad, Tony Yea            McDuffee, J. C. Yea

Carter, Jeremy Absent     Miller, Chris Yea

Ellis, Brent Yea

Motion carried.

Motion by Tony Conrad, seconded by Scott Merkle to approve board policies 4:10, 4:15, 4:80, 4:110, 4:150, 4:170, 5:10, 5:90, 5:100, 5:220, 5:240, 5:250, 5:290, 6:50, 6:60, 6:150, 6:300, 6:310, 6:340, 7:10, 7:15, 7:20, 7:70, 7:180, 7:190, 7:250, 7:275, 7:305, 7:340.

Conrad, Tony Yea            Gilbert, Dana Absent

Merkle, Scott Yea            McDuffee, J. C. Yea

Carter, Jeremy Absent     Miller, Chris Yea

Ellis, Brent Yea

Motion carried.

Motion by J. C. McDuffee, seconded by Brent Ellis to approve the bus driver handbook.

McDuffee, J. C. Yea         Conrad, Tony Yea

Ellis, Brent Yea                 Gilbert, Dana Absent

Merkle, Scott Yea             Miller, Chris Yea

Carter, Jeremy Absent

Motion carried.

Motion by Scott Merkle, seconded by Tony Conrad to approve the student handbook changes.

Merkle, Scott Yea              Gilbert, Dana Absent

Conrad, Tony Yea              McDuffee, J. C. Yea

Carter, Jeremy Absent       Miller, Chris Yea

Ellis, Brent Yea

Motion carried.

Motion by Scott Merkle, seconded by J. C. McDuffee to approve the Pepsi contract.

Merkle, Scott Yea               Ellis, Brent Yea

McDuffee, J. C. Yea           Gilbert, Dana Absent

Carter, Jeremy Absent       Miller, Chris Yea

Conrad, Tony Yea

Motion carried.

Motion by Scott Merkle, seconded by Tony Conrad to approve fees for the 2019-2020 school year.

Merkle, Scott Yea              Gilbert, Dana Absent

Conrad, Tony Yea              McDuffee, J. C. Yea

Carter, Jeremy Absent       Miller, Chris Yea

Ellis, Brent Yea

Motion carried.

Motion by J. C. McDuffee, seconded by Scott Merkle to approve the dual-credit agreement with Illinois Eastern Community College.

McDuffee, J. C. Yea           Ellis, Brent Yea

Merkle, Scott Yea              Gilbert, Dana Absent

Carter, Jeremy Absent       Miller, Chris Yea

Conrad, Tony Yea

Motion carried.

Motion by Tony Conrad, seconded by Brent Ellis to approve the Athletic Trainer Services Agreement with Wabash General Hospital,

Conrad, Tony Yea               Merkle, Scott Yea

Ellis, Brent Yea                   Carter, Jeremy Absent

Gilbert, Dana Absent          Miller, Chris Yea

McDuffee, J. C. Yea

Motion carried.

Motion by Scott Merkle, seconded by J. C. McDuffee to adjourn at 6:13 P.M.

Merkle, Scott Yea                Ellis, Brent Yea

McDuffee, J. C. Yea             Gilbert, Dana Absent

Carter, Jeremy Absent         Miller, Chris Yea

Conrad, Tony Yea

Motion carried.

The undersigned Secretary and President of the Board of Education of Fairfield Community High School District #225 approve and hereby sign the above minutes.
