
SE Illinois News

Monday, September 30, 2024

New Hope Community Consolidated School District 6 Board of Education met October 15

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New Hope Community Consolidated School District 6 Board of Education met Oct. 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

President Jason Simpson called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Roll Call: Present: Dan Devous

Jason Simpson

Derek Smothers

Nate Carter

Ryan Green

Rhonda Clark

Absent: Ryan Duckworth

Also Present: Julie Harrelson, Superintendent

Melanie Hill Kendall Green

Kaci Richardson Megan Spitzner

Rhonda Clark made a motion to approve the September 17, 2019 regular meeting minutes with no corrections noted. Second by Ryan Green.

Voice Vote: Yea: Dan Devous, Jason Simpson, Derek Smothers, Nate Carter, Ryan Green, Rhonda Clark

Nay: None


Superintendent Julie Harrelson presented the Treasurer’s Report and current financial information. Bank balances as of September 30, 2019.

Fairfield National Bank Checking: $823,637.49

IPTIP: $937.72

Fairfield National Bank Money Market: $738,875.19

Derek Smothers made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Second by Dan Devous.

Voice Vote: Yea: Ryan Green, Rhonda Clark, Dan Devous, Jason Simpson, Derek Smothers, Nate Carter

Nay: None


Rhonda Clark made a motion to pay the bills with no additions or exclusions noted. Second by Derek Smothers.

Voice Vote: Yea: Rhonda Clark, Dan Devous, Jason Simpson, Derek Smothers, Nate Carter, Ryan Green

Nay: None


Call to order

Roll call

Motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting with no changes noted.

Motion to pay the bills with no additions or exclusions noted.

Mrs. Harrelson presented the Superintendent’s Report; Transportation committee met on Friday. We are short one driver and the subs from last school year are not interested in driving. Mrs. Harrelson has contacted several different individuals and neighboring districts to no avail. The shortage of bus drivers shows all around us. October 21st is the PTO chili supper at 5:00 P.M. with the Halloween masquerade starting at 6:00 P.M. Science assessment scores show an improvement from last year. Fiscal year 2020 first quarter expenditure and revenue reports were included in the board packet. White County taxes update tells that after meeting with the White County Clerk, 5 taxing bodies were figured in error due to using the wrong EAV number to figure tax allotment. White County was able to stop the billing in time to correct the error. TRS creditable earnings error discussed at last month’s meeting was cleared of any penalties against the district. After contacting TRS, Melanie was informed that since the error does not affect a retired member and it is from so long ago, TRS is not willing to go back and correct it. The IASA Global Service Project flyer included in packet is something Mrs. Harrelson would like to do but requires a board member to attend. Rhonda Clark said she would volunteer as long as there was someone to back her up if she should not be able to attend due to family issues. The architect is estimating the cost of fixing the basement leak at $75,000 to remove and replace the drainage and another $62,000 for flooring. If we were to just fix the north side of the building during the construction process, the cost would be approximately $35,000 and could come from our Health, Life, Safety fund. Teachers are working on plans for E-Learning days in the event of snow days. However, the Regional Superintendent has stated she will not approve any plans until ISBE has set guidelines. Due to the regulations of time, it is possible E-Learning days will not be in place for this school year. Christmas dinner will be for the board, staff, and families this year. Due to the EAV increase of 9%, it is necessary to have a Truth In Taxation this year. This is required when requesting more than a 5% increase on the tax levy but does not mean an increase in property taxes. Having the Truth In Taxation would allow us access to the increase in revenue due to the increase of the EAV. McTeacher Night is scheduled for November 5th.

New Business:

1. Ryan Green made a motion to accept Shari Berger’s resignation as Scholastic Bowl Coach. Second by Derek Smothers.

Voice Vote: Yea: Ryan Green, Rhonda Clark, Dan Devous, Jason Simpson, Derek Smothers, Nate Carter

Nay: None


2. Nate Carter made a motion to appoint Ardis Barbre as Scholastic Bowl Coach. Second by Rhonda Clark.

Voice Vote: Yea: Dan Devous, Jason Simpson, Derek Smothers, Nate Carter, Ryan Green, Rhonda Clark



3. Derek Smothers made a motion to update Risk Management Plan. Second by Ryan Green.

Voice Vote: Yea: Jason Simpson, Derek Smothers, Nate Carter, Ryan Green, Rhonda Clark, Dan Devous



Nate Carter made a motion to enter executive session at 7:40 P.M. for student discipline, personnel employment and compensation, and negotiations. Second by Ryan Green.

Voice Vote: Yea: Derek Smothers, Nate Carter, Ryan Green, Rhonda Clark, Dan Devous, Jason Simpson.



Dan Devous made a motion to return to open session at 8:35 P.M. Second by Nate Carter.

Voice Vote: Yea: Nate Carter, Ryan Green, Rhonda Clark, Dan Devous, Jason Simpson, Derek Smothers



Dan Devous made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 P.M. Second by Nate Carter.

Voice Vote: Yea: Nate Carter, Ryan Green, Rhonda Clark, Dan Devous, Jason Simpson, Derek Smothers


