Jasper Community Consolidated School District #17 Board of Education met Feb. 20.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
1.1 Roll Call
2. Public Recognition
2.1 There are no requests to address the board.
3. Consent Agenda
3.1 Approval of the regular BOE minutes of January 16, 2019
3.2 Approval of treasurer’s report
3.3 Approval of monthly bills
3.4 Destruction of closed session recordings 18 months and older
4. Superintendent Report
4.1 Finance and Legislative Update
4.2 Personnel Update
4.3 Grant updates
4.4 Health/Life Safety work items
5. Principal Report
5.1 Athletic Updates
5.2 Spelling Bee Winners Caleb Caldwell, Runner up Alex Basnett
5.3 Gym dedication
5.4 3rd quarter mid-term
6. Board Committee Reports or Board Member Requests
6.1 No requests
7. Board Discussion/Action Items
7.1 Approve 2020-21 School calendar
7.2 Approve graduation date
7.3 Rehire administrators for 2020/2021 school year (C. Ellis, E. Basnett, J. Julius)
7.4 Set 8th grade promotion date
7.5 Appoint delegate to attend the Wayne White Electric annual meeting on March 20
8. Closed Session
8.1 Consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine validity
8.2 Consider Student Discipline
8.3 Superintendent Performance Goals
8.4 Superintendent Evaluation
9. Informational Items
10. Adjournment