
SE Illinois News

Monday, September 30, 2024

Edwards County Community Unit School District 1 Board met April 20

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Edwards County Community Unit School District 1 Board met April 20.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1.0 Call to Order

2.0 Roll Call

3.0 Pledge of Allegiance

4.0 Motion to approve consent agenda

4.1 Motion to approve the minutes of the open and closed session for the March 16, 2020 Regular School Board Meeting and the March 24, 2020 Special School Board Meeting.

4.2 Treasure’s Report

4.3 April’s Bill List

4.4 Destroy closed session audio recordings older than 18 months

5.0 Communications

5.1 Public Participation – Due to COVID-19 social distancing restrictions, the public is encouraged to use the call feature. To join the meeting, follow the steps below:

1) Call – 1-978-990-5000

2) When prompted enter the access code – 843221#

5.2 Thank you letters/cards

6.0 Spotlight --- No Spotlight

7.0 Unfinished/Old Business

7.1 Second reading and adoption of policies

7.11 2.70 Vacancies on the School Board – Filling Vacancies

7.12 2.100 Board Member Conflict of Interest

7.13 2.105 Ethics and Gift Ban Act

7.14 2.110 Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Members

7.15 5.250 Leave of Absence

7.16 5.330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves

7.17 5.50 Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace

7.18 5.90 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting

7.19 6.15 School Accountability

7.2 Discussion regarding previously discussed maintenance work with possible action

8.0 New Business

8.1 Motion to approve the 2020 – 2021 Consolidated District Plan

8.2 Motion to approve bus bid

8.3 Motion to approve athletic camps

9.0 Administrative Reports

9.1 Superintendents Report – David Cowger

9.11 Graduation/Baccalaureate

9.12 Cafeteria Report

9.13 School Closure Meals

9.2 Albion K-12 Principal – Preston Nelson

9.3 West Salem Grade School Principal – Dale Schmittler

9.4 EC Special Education Coordinator & Assistant Principal – Carrie Wells

9.5 K-12 Dean of Students – Joe Rivers

10.0 Personnel Considerations

10.1 Resignations

10.2 Employment Considerations

10.21 Cafeteria Manager

10.3 Recognize Volunteers

10.4 Leave of Absence

10.41 Professional Leave

10.42 FMLA

11.0 Closed Session

 Consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine validity.

 Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees

12.0 Motions following closed session (items tabled and/or to be considered following closed session)

13.0 Open Discussion

14.0 Adjournment
