
SE Illinois News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Mount Carmel City Council met March 9

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City of Mount Carmel City Council met March 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Invocation was given by Reverend Tony Hodgson.

Mayor Judge brought the city council meeting to order.

Present on Roll Call: Mayor Joe Judge Commissioners - Tom Meeks, Eric Ikemire,

Chandler Madden

Also, Present: City Administrative Assistant Rudy Witsman, City Attorney Kelli Storckman


Mayor Judge requested a motion to approve the minutes of the last council meeting.

Commissioner Ikemire motioned and Commissioner Madden seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting held on February 24th, 2020. All present voted Aye by voice vote.


Mayor Judge reiterated at the January 27th council meeting he had briefly discussed the upcoming strategic planning for the city in the fall of 2020. Mayor Judge introduced Gisele Hamm from Western Illinois University, who gave an overview of the community driven strategic planning program and stated the group works only in areas in rural Illinois with a population of twenty-five thousand people or less. Ms. Hamm affirmed there is rural energy and growth in this region. Ms. Hamm explained a committee is formed and can consist of up to eighty or more people from the community. Ms. Hamm stated innovative approaches are explored for community needs, issues and ideas while in turn solutions are implemented. Ms. Hamm explained the necessary agencies/organizations throughout the state with the proper resources will be contacted to help with solutions as well as assist with the implementing of community goals. Ms. Hamm stated the final step of strategic planning is to make the committee’s vision a reality and achieve community goals. Ms. Hamm continued by stating the three guiding principles for the program are: volunteers are the heart of positive community change; structure planning is essential; and focusing on community assets is very important. Ms. Hamm affirmed it is vital to have a clear, detailed plan of action; to have everyone work together towards the same goals; to keep the citizens informed as well as involved; and to have strong leadership involved with the program. Ms. Hamm thanked the council for the opportunity to present the program and turned the meeting back over to the mayor. Mayor Judge stated, in the near future, federal and state agencies, especially those that provide funding and/or grant monies will require communities to have some type of strategic plan in place.

Mayor Judge extended condolences to the Beth Beckerman family. Mayor Judge stated Terry Beckerman works on a lot of the volunteer boards within the City of Mount Carmel. Mayor Judge asked for prayers for the Beckerman family.

Mayor Judge announced ADG has released the plans for the expansion of city hall, which are available to be picked up at ADG and the application for the bid packet is also available on the city’s website.

Mayor Judge reported on Friday, March 6th, Wabash County Health Department Agency Administrator Judy Wissel, Wabash County EMA Coordinator Gerald Brooks and himself had a telephone conference call with Illinois Governor Pritzker and several others regarding the coronavirus issue. Mayor Judge introduced Ms. Wissel, who was in attendance at the council meeting to help make the community more aware of the virus. Ms. Wissel stated the current risk to Illinoisans is low, however, Governor Pritzker has announced the adoption of a disaster proclamation, which will help with the assistance of receiving federal funds should the need arise. Ms. Wissel affirmed the county’s emergency plan has been set up with WEMA and Wabash General Hospital. Ms. Wissel reported information has been dispersed to the schools, businesses, long-term care facilities, the news media and the community promoting prevention. Ms. Wissel stated citizens should wash their hands for at least twenty seconds; cover your cough or sneeze; avoid touching your face; clean surfaces often; and to stay home if not feeling well. Ms. Wissel reported the symptoms for the coronavirus are fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Ms. Wissel encouraged residents to still get a flu shot even though it does not prevent the coronavirus; it can help reduce the strain on the medical system. Ms. Wissel reported the Illinois Department of Public Health has set up a hot line phone number as well as an email address for anyone with questions and/or concerns. Ms. Wissel stated anyone with questions should feel free to contact her at the health department, as well.



Commissioner Meeks reported in the last two weeks the street department continued to fill potholes in streets and alleyways; replaced the exhaust system and the battery on one of the trucks; cleaned up around the outside of the street department shop; removed the salt boxes from the dump trucks; repaired storm sewers; installed a bed on one of the department trucks, which will house the telescopic crane; and cleaned out the ditch on East Fourth Street to alleviate drainage problems.


Statement of Receipts and Expenditures – See attached agenda with financials.

Commissioner Ikemire reported, overall, the city finances are holding steady with approximately two months left in the fiscal year. Commissioner Ikemire stated he sent a “recap” report to each of the commissioner of the city’s budget thus far in preparedness for the upcoming new fiscal year.


Commissioner Dulgar absent.


Commissioner Madden reported in the last two weeks the fire department responded to twelve runs.

Commissioner Madden stated Daylight Savings Time is a good reminder that residents should check the batteries/expiration dates on their smoke alarms and carbon dioxide detectors.

Commissioner Madden reported the Guns and Hoses Event was a great success and was proud to report the “Hoses” won. Commissioner Madden thanked Rod Rodriguez for organizing the event for sixteen years and stated all the proceeds this year will be donated to the Merchants Park.

Commissioner Madden reminded residents the Spring Fix-Up/Clean-Up week is April 6th through April 10th. Commissioner Madden stated refrigerators, electronics, televisions, microwaves, cans of paint unless it is dried up with cat litter and/or sand, construction lumber, mattresses and box springs unless they are completely wrapped in plastic will not be picked up. Commissioner Madden reported if Republic Services does not pick up items, it is the residents’ responsibility to remove those items in a timely manner. Commissioner Madden stressed items should be set out during the pick up week on the regular trash day and not before. Commissioner Madden stated residents’ cooperation is greatly appreciated and anyone with questions should call city hall.


City Administrative Assistant Rudy Witsman presented to the council for approval a façade grant application for 425 N. Market Street. City Administrative Witsman stated the entire front of the building will be remodeled and the amount of assistance is $1000.00, which will be taken out of TIF funds.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman presented to the council Ordinance 2029, which regulates cannabis in the City of Mount Carmel and Ordinance 2030, which states the different zoning districts within the city where cannabis will be allowed to be either sold, grown, or assimilated into a product. City Administrative Witsman reported the city has a right to control cannabis “businesses”, per the State of Illinois, therefore the city is asking to only allow cannabis “businesses” within the B-1 zoned areas or the industrial section. City Administrative Assistant Witsman affirmed however, none of the businesses will be allowed within the main business district along Market Street or within the residential areas of the city. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated this council meeting constitutes the first reading of both ordinances.

City Administrative Assistant Witsman reported within the consent agenda are Ordinance 2027 and Ordinance 2028, which are the two ordinances vacating different streets and alleyways as discussed at a prior council meeting. City Administrative Assistant Witsman stated this meeting constitutes the second reading of the ordinances as well as the passing of the ordinances, per the approval of the consent agenda.


City Attorney Storckman no report.


City Inspector Gidcumb absent.


Street Department Superintendent Dave Easter absent.


Police Chief Turner reiterated Commissioner Madden’s comments that the Guns and Hoses event was a success.


Fire Chief Speth reminded residents there is no opening burning and/or burning of yard waste in the city and if burning in a fire pit to please keep it contained.


Lead Operator Art Kimmel reminded residents yard waste/ limbs are no longer picked up in alleys and the brush crew will be pick up loose leaves on Friday afternoons, if residents have them sitting out in front of their houses next to the street.


Commissioner Ikemire motioned and Commissioner Madden seconded to approve the Façade Application to improve the front wall covering at 425 N. Market Street. The city will contribute $1000.00 to the project. All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Commissioner Meeks motioned and Commissioner Ikemire seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. The consent agenda included Ordinance 2027 – Vacating Plum St from Third Street South to Pear Street; Ordinance 2028 – Vacating the alley adjacent to Storage Express; and the paying of all bills bearing the proper signatures. All present voted Aye by voice vote.

Meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m.
