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City of Harrisburg City Council met March 5


City of Harrisburg City Council met March 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The Harrisburg City Council met on March 05, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Room of City Hall, Harrisburg IL.

Mayor John McPeek called the meeting to order. Mayor John McPeek presided over the meeting with Commissioners Raymond Gunning, Rupert Johnson, Roger Angelly and Ron Morse answering roll call.

Pastor Laurie Fields of the First United Presbyterian Church led the group in prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor John McPeek read the following statement: I would like to remind Council, employees and myself that words matter. We should all make sure that we represent the City and ourselves in a positive light. The things we say and do are scrutinized. I ask that we all maintain a higher degree of professionalism. Rumors lead to speculation and untruths, and I’ve heard more that I can stand lately. Remember we are all on the same team. Thank you.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to approve the consent agenda.

Regular Meeting Minutes February 20, 2020

TIF Meeting Minutes – February 25, 2020

Special Meeting Minutes – February 27, 2020

Check Register and Warrant Report – February 2020

SI Workwear – Council Contingency – FD New Hire Gear – W. Woolard - $119.97

SI Workwear – Council Contingency – FD New Hire Gear – W. Woolard - $132.99

WKI – Cabinet - $2055.00 – TIF

Bryant Construction – Job 19-035-10 – 2014 Water main Rehab Phase I - $123,304.21

Brown & Roberts, Inc – Job 2019-035-10 – 2014 Water man Rehab Phase I - $10,953.71

Seconded by Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Attorney Kolby Smithpeters presented the ordinance to amend the engines and motors at Harrisburg Lake. Attorney Kolby Smithpeters stated the ordinance change consist of changing from 10 horsepower to up to 150 horsepower with a maximum speed limit of 25 mph. Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to approve Ordinance 1807 to amend the engines/motors horsepower at Harrisburg Lake. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Jim Brown from Brown and Roberts Inc. presented an IDOT Utility Permit. He stated this is for crossing of Il Route 13 and Il Route 34 for the Phase II Water main Reconstruction Project. Commissioner Ron Morse made the motion to approve the IDOT Utility Permit. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Jim Brown with Brown and Roberts Inc. discussed the IDOT Resolution. He informed Council the new NPDES Permit is getting ready to be put out for public notice. The sewage treatment discharges have a NPDES Permit. This is redone about every five years. It is coming up for renewal. The major things affecting the City are phosphorus standards. This is going to be more stringent. There are several conditions of the NPDES Permit that will need to be addressed once it is issued. The City will be one of the entities allowed to comment and once it hits the public notice period, he will let Council know.

Jim Brown from Brown and Roberts Inc. presented the Sloan Street DCEO Sidewalk Improvement Bid Sheet and possible award. There was a bid opening of February 28, 2020 with five bidders. The low bid was S & L Industries. Their bid was in accordance with the advertisement. The bid is awarded to the lowest competent bidder. Commissioner Rupert Johnson made the motion to accept the bid and issue the award bid from S & L Industries for $44,382.50. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning for the award bid. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek stated Fire Chief John Gunning has requested to go into Executive Session to discuss property acquisition.

Commissioner Ron Morse stated Wal-Mart has contacted the City for an upcoming event in April. This will be an all-day event in conjunction with Master Built Grills and Kingsford Charcoal. More information will be presented during the next meeting.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning informed Council the company that was hired to recoup the back fines and collections has currently collected $2,098.37. He mentioned that he forgot to add during the last meeting that the new firefighter started March 02, 2020 and his starting salary is under the fire contract of $14.55 an hour.

Commissioner Roger Angelly requested to go into Executive Session to discuss Personnel.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson announce the 2020 Spring Clean Up. Spring Clean will be held beginning March 23 and ending April 04, 2020. The information will be posted in City Hall. Commissioner Rupert Johnson made the motion to approve Spring Clean Up from March 23 to April 04, 2020. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried. Mayor John McPeek encourages all citizens to take advantage of Spring Clean Up. Please clean your yards and we will come and pick it up.

Mayor John McPeek discussed the demolition of dilapidated homes. There are currently four or five homes in need of tearing down. Previously it has been done in-house, but there are contractors interested in tearing down house. We could look at putting their names in hat, drawing out the names and whoever is first, let them tear down that particular house and then do a rotation list based on the order of how the names are drawn. We need input on this because it is that time of year to start tearing down houses. Commissioner Roger Angelly suggest we determine the cost of tearing down the house and then ask the contractor if they are able to tear down the house at what the City states it will cost. If the contractor cannot do it for our price, we go to the next contractor. If no contractor can meet our cost estimate, then it will be tore down in house. We are not in the demolition business. We need to get started on this process. There are some things that we will need to work out before we get started, but everyone needs to put their heads together to come up with a system.

Mayor John McPeek announced the budget is coming up. He asked the Commissioners and Superintendents to meet with Treasurer David Cox. The budget will be presented March 19, 2020 and will sit out for ten days. It will then be approved at the April 02, 2020 meeting for the budget to go into effect May 01, 2020.

Mayor John McPeek would like to come up with a long-term plan for new City equipment. We should begin replacing old City equipment to help improve our town. We need ideas for a long- term plan.

Mayor John McPeek stated the City of Cookeville, TN was hit by a tornado. They are being overlooked because everyone is sending everything to Nashville, TN. Cookeville Putnam County has set up a Tornado Relief fund. Monetary donations can be made at 19 locations of the Bank of Putnam County. Updates are being made to the Putnam County EMA Facebook page. They are only taking non-perishable foods, shampoo, conditioner, soap, razors, toothbrushes/paste, hair brushes/combs, contact solution, deodorant, hand sanitizer, feminine products, diapers, formula, baby food, wipes, batteries, flashlights, first aid items, work gloves, and latex gloves. Items can be taken to the Cookeville Community Center or local churches. These items will be distributed to families in need. We need to help this community out. Southern Outlaw is working to gather items as well.

Mayor John McPeek stated in the month of February there was 19 work days. In those 19 working days, the City Clerk received 13 different electronic FOIA request. If you have questions, please come to City Council and things will be addressed.

Citizen Joe Hutchison discussed the hiring policy. He asked about the nepotism policy. Mayor John McPeek stated immediate family cannot be hired. Joe Hutchison stated the Illinois Human Rights Acts states it protects from discrimination. The anti-nepotism policy is perfectly legal, but it also has to justify as a good faith business decision. It does not matter what Council decides, there are rules to laws which needs to be applied. Mayor John McPeek stated he believes the he applies the rules.

Joe Hutchison asked what Commissioner Raymond Gunning’s policy was for employing people. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated he would answer all his questions with one statement once Joe Hutchison was finished. Joe Hutchison then asked Commissioner Rupert Johnson if he had a policy for hiring. Mayor John McPeek stated there was not individual policies. We are all under the same policy. Each department does not have their own policy. Joe Hutchison asked if everyone who hires, hires under the same terms and conditions. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated the Merit Board has a different system for hiring for the police and fire. Commissioner Rupert Johnson state each department pick their own people and brings it to Council and it is voted on. Joe Hutchison ask Commissioner Rupert Johnson if his process was to pick someone by qualifications/credentials. Commissioner Rupert Johnson answered no, not entirely. Joe Hutchison asked if it was part of his process. Commissioner Rupert Johnson answered yes it is part of it. Joe Hutchison asked what the other part of the process was. Joe Hutchison asked Commissioner Rupert Johnson if he Vet people. Commissioner Rupert Johnson answered yes. Joe Hutchison asked if the people who in his department are qualified and they are hired to be on the payroll as qualified employees. He asked if we had first year apprentice. Commissioner Rupert Johnson stated we do not have apprentice. Joe Hutchison asked if our guys were a member of a local. Commissioner Rupert Johnson answered yes, but no apprenticeship program. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated we are Class B which is different. Class A has an apprentice and Class B does not. Joe Hutchison asked what determines pay. Mayor John McPeek stated a union contract.

Joe Hutchison asked if anyone would have a problem with your family working for your department. Commissioner Rupert Johnson stated he does not have any family working for his department. His family does not work for the City or the County. Joe Hutchison stated he is just asking do you have a problem if you had family working for the City, would that be a personal issue for you. Commissioner Rupert Johnson stated no. Joe Hutchison asked Commissioner Roger Angelly if he had a family member working for the city, an immediate family member, would that be an issue for him. Commissioner Roger Angelly stated he does not have. Joe Hutchison said it was a hypothetical question. Commissioner Roger Angelly stated he does not have an answer for a hypothetical question. Joe Hutchison asked if he had a problem with his personal family member working for the City. Commissioner Roger Angelly asked if his grandson decided to be a fireman and he went to work for Harrisburg, would he have a problem with that. Joe Hutchison said his question is if he went to work in his department. Commissioner Roger Angelly stated he would not work in his department as it would stir up too much trouble. Joe Hutchison stated that was a fair answer. Joe Hutchison stated the same question for Commissioner Raymond Gunning. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated Joe Hutchison will hear his answer.

Mayor John McPeek stated that every employee that has been hired here with this new Council, Joe Hutchison interrupted and said for 100 years, Mayor John McPeek said the process has been done for 100 years. Everyone that has been hired since he has been the Mayor and this Council has been elected, he believes have been some of the best employees we have ever hired in the City. Commissioner Ron Morse said the nepotism policy has not been in effect for 100 years. It has been in effect for about 20 years. Mayor John McPeek said the 100 years is in regards to the Commissioners hiring their own employees, which is what Joe Hutchison is referring.

Joe Hutchison asked Commissioner Rupert Johnson if he has hired in his department. Commissioner Rupert Johnson said that is a matter of record. Joe Hutchison said he does not have to FOIA who a City employee is. Commissioner Raymond Gunning asked Joe Hutchison if he has a problem with who has been hired. Joe Hutchison stated he has a problem with the hiring process. Commissioner Rupert Johnson stated he believe Joe Hutchison is a racist. Joe Hutchison asked if this is how you are going to act as a Councilman. Mayor John McPeek announced the meeting is over. Commissioner Rupert Johnsons stated Joe Hutchison didn’t say anything when he hired white people.

Mayor John McPeek made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Ron Morse made the corrective motion to go into Executive Session for Property Acquisition and Personnel. Seconded by Commission Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken will present voting yes. Motion carried.

Adjourn: 6:25 p.m. Reconvene: 6:47 p.m.

Mayor John McPeek made the motion to return to open session. Seconded by Commissioner Raymond Gunning. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Mayor John McPeek announced no action was taken regarding Property Acquisition or Personnel.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated he assumed Joe Hutchison was wanting his resignation. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated that from October 11 to the current day, he has received 113 text messages from Joe Hutchison. Today the text messages from Joe Hutchison started out with the nepotism restrictions. The next one stated “Good faith business decisions? Come on Ray you are better than this. A Deacon should not act like this. There are other qualified applicants that never had a chance. This is opposite of transparency”. Then he sent an employment of relative’s website. Joe Hutchison sent a text message stating “Can we privately talk?” The reason Commissioner Raymond Gunning did not receive some of the text was because he had Joe Hutchison blocked. Joe Hutchison responded with okay. Commissioner Raymond Gunning said then Joe Hutchison’s text stated “The lack of transparency in our local government has always been a problem for our community. Your sister-in-law and your nephew Dustin would only make sense that as a community would deserve better and this type of secrecy. If I am correct, we are in the community have huge Federal and State problems pertaining to our hiring process. Let us discuss this in the public forum tonight. We need leaders with integrity. I have tried to get your cooperation and the PD’s help. They City will find out what I have been threatening about redress. I wanted to work this out simply, but it looks like I will start asking for your resignation at the next Council meeting for failure to perform your job. We will start the process with the Merit Board against the officers at their next meeting, the first Monday in March.”

Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated he has something he would like to talk to Joe Hutchison about and he would like to take this time to respond and address the concerns that Joe Hutchison has brought forward to the City Council and by other concerned citizens. He would like to address his hiring practice for the police secretary position. He would like to advise the public of his decision as the Police Commissioner, it is his sole right to fill this position, hire who he chooses without violating City Ordinance 1729 of the nepotism policy which states: The term “immediate family” as used herein shall mean the persons who are included within any person’s natural, step, foster, or adopted relationship with the following persons: husband, wife, mother, father, brother, sister, child, grandchild, grandfather, and grandmother. It states nothing about in- laws. Joe Hutchison stated “Dr. Genius, are you familiar with Federal Law”? Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated Federal Law does not supersede all City ordinances.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated with approval of this Council, he hired Jill Bennett which has the following skills: leadership skills, loyalty, problem solving, hard-working, self- motivated, organized, multi-tasking, people skills along with computer and typing skills. She has worked for the Sheriff’s Department supervising the staff, inmates, responsible for daily operations, safety and security of inmates and staff. She worked at the Vienna Correctional Center maintain control of inmates, responsible for safety of inmates, and control inmate movement. She then worked again for the Saline County Sheriff’s Office as second in command of a 110 bed facility, supervise all staff, coordinate transfer of inmates, maintain jail records, staff documents, scheduling staff and worked with all offices of the Judicial System and Law Enforcement Agencies. She has a degree as well. He chose Jill Bennett who is qualified. Joe Hutchison stated she is Commissioner Raymond Gunning’s sister in law. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated that is correct and he stands by his decision. Before this decision was made, after going through over 30 applicants, Commissioner Raymond Gunning offered this job to four other people before she was hired. Joe Hutchison asked him to name those four people. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated the four people were Brian Healy, Ray Lindsey, Courtney Bennett and Nicole Apple. He considered four others before he made his decision. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated in his opinion he believes this is unnecessary rhetoric and harassment in this matter and nothing more than to humiliate him in public, but this is not working, even being a Christian Deacon was thrown into this.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated he is doing his best to serve this City and the Citizens to best of his ability and he will continue to do so and ‘no” he will not resign. This conflict started the day he took office, wanting and demanding meetings, wanting officers fired, suspended and reprimanded. He has also received numerous calls at all hours, text, voice mails left on his phone from Joe Hutchison about his concerns. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated to Joe Hutchison that he is not sure who feeds him this information or aggravates him to this point, but it seems he is not a happy person but Commissioner Raymond Gunning hopes Joe Hutchison finds closure in all the matters that concern him. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated Joe Hutchison has great knowledge of the average State and local law, City Ordinances, operation of the City, so use those gifts that you have to benefit the City in a positive way by running for City Council in three years. Commissioner Raymond Gunning urged him to be a productive Council member and to correct what Joe Hutchison thinks is wrong and make it right.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated this is a notice that due to the unnecessary harassment, Joe Hutchison is not allowed to contact Commissioner Raymond Gunning, his wife, at his home, call his personal cellphone, leave personal text messages or voicemails on his personal cellphone. Joe Hutchison is to contact Commissioner Raymond Gunning through the City Clerk’s Office or through the City Council meetings. The City Clerk will notify Commissioner Raymond Gunning when a request is made. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated that as citizen with rights, these are his wishes that he will firmly stand with and any violations of his wishes will result in a procedure with a complaint to the proper authorities for prosecution. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated that it doesn’t have to be this way and he never wanted it to be this way, but he had no other choice to stop unnecessary harassment from Joe Hutchison.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Ron Morse. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Adjourn: 6:53 p.m.




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