
SE Illinois News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Grayville Community Unit School District 1 Board Met August 19

Meeting 02

Grayville Community Unit School District 1 Board met Aug. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


A regular meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Stephanie Hatcher.


Members Present:

__X__ Risley         __X__ Hall                      __X__ Rhinehart

__X__ Browning   __X__ Hatcher

__X__ Campbell   __X__ Kleinschmidt

Others Present:

__X__Harrelson   __X__Johnson


Guests in attendance included: M. Greathouse, M. Morris, A. Carter, S. Lucas,

Navigator-Amy Winter



● Wednesday, July 15, 2020 - Regular Meeting Minutes

● Wednesday, July 15, 2020 - Closed Meeting Minutes

● Destroy Closed Session Audio Tapes Older Than 18 Months

● Financial Reports – Bank Reconciliation

Fund Balance Report

Activity Fund Report

Imprest Fund Report

Bills Exclusive of Payroll

1% Facility Tax Report

Motion by Risley, second by Browning to approve the consent agenda.

Roll Call:

__X__ Rhinehart    ___X___ Campbell      __X__ Kleinschmidt

__X__ Risley          ___X___ Hall

__X__ Browning    ___X___ Hatcher

There being __7___ yeas and __0__ nays, the motion carried.


A. Recognition of Visitors / Public Comments

B. Board Members

C. Committee Reports

D. Staff

E. Administrative Reports

1. Mr. Johnson

2. Mr. Stendeback

3. Mrs. Harrleson

● JH/HS Enrollment

● Remote Learning

● Back-to-School Night

● FFA Award


A. Motion to Accept Resignation Letter from Stacey Tate

Motion by Risley, second by Campblell to accept resignation letter from Stacey Tate

Roll Call:

__X__ Kleinschmidt       ___X__ Browning       __X__ Hatcher

__X__ Rhinehart            ___X__ Campbell

__X__ Risley                  ___X__ Hall         

There being __7___ yeas and __0__ nays, the motion carried.

B. Motion to Accept Resignation Letter from Brandi Ballard

Motion by Browning, second by Risley to accept resignation letter from Brandi Ballard

Roll Call:

__X__ Hatcher              ___X__ Risley           __X__ Hall

__X__ Kleinschmidt      ___X__ Browning

__X__ Rhinehart           ___X__ Campbell

There being __7___ yeas and __0__ nays, the motion carried.

C. Motion to Approve Supervised Agricultural Experience

Motion by Kleinschmidt, second by Browning to approve Supervised Agricultural Experience as presented.

Roll Call:

__X__ Hall                     ___X__ Rhinehart      __X__ Campbell

__X__ Hatcher              ___X__ Risley

__X__ Kleinschmidt      ___X__ Browning

There being __7___ yeas and __0__ nays, the motion carried.

D. Motion to Approve Memorandum of Understanding with Grayville Education Association

Motion by Hall, second by Risley to approve Memorandum of Understanding with Grayville Education Association as presented.

Roll Call:

__X__ Campbell      ___X__ Kleinschmidt      __X__ Browning

__X__ Hall               ___X__ Rhinehart

__X__ Hatcher        ___X__ Risley

There being __7___ yeas and __0__ nays, the motion carried.

E. Motion to Approve Levi Stockton as Volunteer Assistant JH Baseball Coach

Motion by Browning, second by Risley to approve Levi Stockton as Volunteer Assistant JH Baseball Coach, as presented.

Roll Call:

__X__ Browning      __X___ Hatcher                __X__ Risley

__X__ Campbell      __X___ Kleinschmidt

__X__ Hall               __X___ Rhinehart

There being __7___ yeas and __0__ nays, the motion carried.

F. Motion to Approve Cole Neeley as Volunteer Assistant JH Baseball Coach

Motion by Risley, second by Browning to approve Cole Neeley as Volunteer Assistant JH Baseball Coach, as presented.

Roll Call:

__X__ Risley            ___X__ Hall                     __X__ Rhinehart

__X__ Browning      ___X__ Hatcher

__X__ Campbell      ___X__ Kleinschmidt

There being __7___ yeas and __0__ nays, the motion carried.

V. CLOSED SESSION: Matters relating to:

(1) Appointments, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees

Motion by Campbell, second by Kleinschmidt to enter into closed session at 6:50p.m. for matters related to Appointments, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of Specific Employees and Collective negotiating matters and deliberations concerning salary schedules.

Roll Call:

__X__ Rhinehart      __X__ Campbell      __X__ Kleinschmidt

__X__ Risley            __X__ Hall

__X__ Browning      __X__ Hatcher

There being __7___yeas and __0___ nays, the motion carried.

Motion by Browning, second by Kleinschmidt that the Board return to open session at 7:21p.m. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.


A. Approval of Certified Staff Employment

1. Motion by Hall, second by Risley to approve of certified staff employment of Matt Polett for District Music Teacher, as presented.

Roll Call:

__X__ Kleinschmidt      __X___ Browning      __X__ Hatcher

__X__ Rhinehart           __X___Campbell

__X__ Risley                 __X___ Hall

There being __7__ yeas and __0__ nays, the motion carried.

2. Motion by Hall, second by Rhinehart to approve of certified staff employment of Nikki Labuwi for 6th Grade, as presented.

Roll Call:

__X__ Hatcher              __X__ Risley           __X__ Hall

__X__ Kleinschmidt      __X__ Browning

__X__ Rhinehart           __X__ Campbell

There being __7__ yeas and __0__ nays, the motion carried.

B. Approval of Non-Certified Staff Employment

1. Motion by Hall, second by Risley to approve of Non-Certified Staff Employment of Lisa Kurtz as Assistant Cook, as presented.

Roll Call:

__X__ Hall                     __X___ Rhinehart      __X__ Campbell

__X__ Hatcher              __X___Risley

__X__ Kleinschmidt      __X___Browning

There being __7__ yeas and __0__ nays, the motion carried.

2. Motion by Risley, second by Campbell to approve of Non-Certified Staff Employment of Colleen Bell as Dishwasher, as presented.

Roll Call:

__X__ Campbell       __X___ Kleinschmidt      __X__ Browning

__X__ Hall                __X___Rhinehart

__X__ Hatcher         __X___Risley

There being __7__ yeas and __0__ nays, the motion carried.

C. Approval of Non-Certified Compensation

Motion by Campbell, second by Hall to approve of Non-Certified Compensation for Lisa Kurtz, as presented.

Roll Call:

__X__ Browning      __X___Hatcher                __X__ Risley

__X__ Campbell      __X___ Kleinschmidt

__X__ Hall               __X___ Rhinehart

D. Approval of Non-Certified Post-Retirement Incentive

Motion by Hall, second by Risley to approve of Non-Certified Post-Retirement Incentive for Stacey Tate, as presented.

Roll Call:

__X__ Risley            __X__ Hall                     ___X__ Rhinehart

__X__ Browning      __X__ Hatcher

__X__ Campbell      __X__ Kleinschmidt

There being __7__ yeas and___0___ nays, the motion carried.



Motion by Hall, second by Risley to adjourn the meeting at 7:28p.m.

Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.
