
SE Illinois News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Jasper Community Consolidated School District #17 Board of Education Met October 15

Jasper Community Consolidated School District #17 Board of Education met Oct. 15.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Public Input

a. None Requested

4. Executive Session

5. Approval of Executive Session Minutes

6. Finance Report

a. Bills and Payroll

b. Treasurer’s Report

c. Cafeteria Report

7. Discussion Items

a. Policy Updates 2nd reading- Policy #s 2:150AP, 2:250-E2, 2:260; 2.260-AP2, 2:265; 2:265AP1; 2:265AP2, 2:265-E, 4:180-AP1, 4:180-AP2, 5:10, 5:20, 5:90- AP, 5:100, 5:200, 5:220, 5:330, 7:10, 7:20, 7:20-AP, 7:180, 7:185, 7:190-E, 7:345-AP

b.Tax Levy Considerations

c. Parking Lot Update

d. FY19 Audit

e. FY21 Title I School wide plan

8. Administrative Reports

a. Principal Reports

b. Superintendent Report

1. Refinancing Bonds

2. Covid Update

3. Tax Levy

4. Connectivity Grant

5. Administrator and Teacher Salary Report

6. Fire Alarm Panel

9. Consent Agenda

a. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes from September 17, 2020

b. Dispose of executive session minutes from April, 2019 and keep same minutes closed

10. Action Items

a. Approval of Bills and Payroll- October 2020

b. Approval of Updated/New Policies #

c. Approval of Child of noncertified staff member to attend JGS

11. Executive Session

12. Approval of Executive Session Minutes

13. Additional Discussion

14. Adjournment
