
SE Illinois News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Jasper Community Consolidated School District 17 Board of Education Met October 15

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Jasper Community Consolidated School District 17 Board of Education met Oct. 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Jasper School Board of Education was called to order by Board President Derek Demaret and Beth Titzer taking the minutes. 

Present at the hearing: Derek Demaret, Lachelle Thompson, Lance Hinkle, Beth Titzer

Absent at the hearing: Chris Barbre, Andrew Weaver & Rennie Cates

The consent agenda, which includes minutes of previous regular board meeting, executive session and destruction of closed session minutes were then approved on a motion by Lance Hinkle and seconded by Lachelle Thompson. The votes were as follows:

Derek Demaret – yes                Lance Hinkle – yes

Lachelle Thompson –yes          Andrew Weaver – absent

Rennie Cates –absent              Beth Titzer – yes

Chris Barbre – absent

A motion was made by Lance Hinkle and seconded by Beth Titzer to approve the bills and payroll for October 2020 as presented. The votes were as follows:

Derek Demaret – yes               Lance Hinkle – yes

Lachelle Thompson –yes         Andrew Weaver – absent

Rennie Cates –absent             Beth Titzer – yes

Chris Barbre – absent

A motion was made by Lance Hinkle and seconded by Lachelle Thompson to approve policy #’s: 2:150AP, 2:250-E2, 2:260; 2:260-AP2, 2:265; 2:265AP1; 2:265AP2, 2:265-E, 4:180-AP1, 4:180-AP2, 5:10, 5:20, 5:90-AP, 5:100, 5:200, 5:220, 5:330, 7:10, 7:20, 7:20-AP, 7:180, 7:185, 7:190-E, 7:345-AP. The votes were as follows:

Derek Demaret – yes                Lance Hinkle – yes

Lachelle Thompson –yes          Andrew Weaver – absent

Rennie Cates –absent              Beth Titzer – yes

Chris Barbre – absent

A final motion was made by Beth Titzer and seconded by Derek Demaret to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. The votes were as follows:

Derek Demaret – yes                Lance Hinkle – absent

Lachelle Thompson –yes          Andrew Weaver – yes

Rennie Cates –absent              Beth Titzer – yes

Chris Barbre – absent
