
SE Illinois News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Jasper Community Consolidated School District #17 Board of Education Met January 21

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Jasper Community Consolidated School District #17 Board of Education Met Jan. 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order 

2. Roll Call 

3. Public Input 

a. None Requested 

4. Executive Session  

5. Approval of Executive Session Minutes 

6. Finance Report 

a. Bills and Payroll 

b. Treasurer’s Report 

c. Cafeteria Report 

7. Discussion Items 

a. Sara Hanks- Leymone/Hardcastle Audit Presentation 

b. 2nd Reading of Press Policy Changes/Updates/New Policies: 2:20-E, 3:40, 3:40-E, 4:10, 4:55, 4:60-AP1, 4:80, 4:90, 4:120AP, 4:150, 4:175, 4:175-AP1, 5:30, 5:30-AP2, 5:185-AP, 5:190, 5:270, 6:15, 6:20, 6:40, 6:235-E5, 6:280, 6:300, 6:300-E2, 6:300-E3, 6:310, 6:310-E, 4:60-AP1, 4:80, 4:90, 4:120-AP, 4:150, 4:175, 4:175-AP1, 5:30, 5:30-AP2, 5:185-AP, 5:190, 5:270, 6:15, 6:20, 6:40, 6:235-E5, 6:280, 6:300, 6:300-E2, 6:300-E3, 6:310, 6:310-E, 6:310, 6:320, 6:340, 7:100, 7:140, 7:140-E, 7:300, 7:325, 7:340-AP1, 7:340-AP1 E1, 7:340-AP2, 7:340 AP2 E1. 

c. FY22 School Calendar

d. 3rd Grade Position for FY22

e. Graduation Date

8. Administrative Reports

a. Principal Reports

b. Superintendent Report

1. Covid/Remote Learning Update

2. Legislative Update

3. Finance Update

4. Board Petitions

5. County Spelling Bee

9. Consent Agenda

a. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes from December 17, 2020 

b. Dispose of executive session minutes from July, 2019 and keep same minutes closed.

c. Approval of New/Updated Policies #2nd Reading of Press Policy Changes/Updates/New Policies: 2:20-E, 3:40, 3:40-E, 4:10, 4:55, 4:60-AP1, 4:80, 4:90, 4:120AP, 4:150, 4:175, 4:175-AP1, 5:30, 5:30-AP2, 5:185-AP, 5:190, 5:270, 6:15, 6:20, 6:40, 6:235-E5, 6:280, 6:300, 6:300-E2, 6:300-E3, 6:310, 6:310-E, 4:60-AP1, 4:80, 4:90, 4:120-AP, 4:150, 4:175, 4:175-AP1, 5:30, 5:30-AP2, 5:185-AP, 5:190, 5:270, 6:15, 6:20, 6:40, 6:235-E5, 6:280, 6:300, 6:300-E2, 6:300-E3, 6:310, 6:310-E, 6:310, 6:320, 6:340, 7:100, 7:140, 7:140-E, 7:300, 7:325, 7:340-AP1, 7:340-AP1 E1, 7:340-AP2, 7:340 AP2 E1.

10. Action Items

a. Approval of Bills and Payroll- December 2020

b. Faculty/Staff Seniority List

c. Adopt New Federal Mileage Reimbursement Rate (56 cents per mile) 

d. Employment of PE Teacher for 2021-2022 School Year

11. Executive Session

12. Approval of Executive Session Minutes

13. Additional Discussion

14. Adjournment
