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City of Harrisburg City Council met March 17

City of Harrisburg City Council met March 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Harrisburg City Council met at 6:00 a.m. in the Council Room of City Hall, Harrisburg, IL.

Mayor John McPeek called the meeting to order. Mayor John McPeek presided over the meeting with Commissioners Raymond Gunning, Roger Angelly, Rupert Johnson and Ron Morse answering roll call.

Pastor Chris Wilson from McKinley Baptist Church led the group in prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to approve the consent agenda.

Regular Meeting Minutes – March 03, 2022

Illinois Department of Transportation - $8,282.73 - #124434 – MFT

Earth Services - $168,000 - #20220218-1 - TIF

Womack’s Concrete Construction - $8600.00 - #0109 – TIF

DPS Properties - $3,157.26 – TIF

Morello’s Restaurant - $283.71 – TIF

Wooded Hills - $5,796.33 – TIF

The Villas of Hollybrook - $92,882.81 – TIF

Barnett Ready-Mix, Inc. - $643.50 - #64875 – TIF

Barnett Ready-Mix, Inc. - $715.00 - #64821 - TIF

Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Citizen Lucinda Rogers spoke to council about some concerns and issues at Harrisburg Lake. She requests better communication between the city council and Harrisburg lake lessees. She said there are several rumors regarding the lake such as selling the lake and timbering the area. People want the trees for shade and privacy.

She has heard the city has discussed installing water and sewer lines. She said most of the leaseholders have already invested and installed a water system on their lots. These systems are not cheap and she does not believe anyone from the lake wants a water bill.

She discussed breach of contract. Many of the properties at Harrisburg Lake are not in compliance with the contract. The contract states that all lots and premises shall be kept free of all garbage and rubbish of every kind and character. The lake shall be kept in a sanitary condition and subject to inspection and approval of the Commissioner of Public Property. All lessees shall keep all necessary repairs of structure on the property to keep the property in safe and sanitary condition. There is a lot of rubbish around the lake, in the lake and on some properties. There are tires, barrels, containers that collects water causing mosquitos to breed. There are docks falling into the water. The docks are rotting and floating in the lake.

This not to be a full-time residency. The burden should not be on all the city workers. The leaseholders should do their part to keep it clean and nice. A beautification effort can be organized to include trash receptacles, no littering signs, possibly imposing fine if caught littering. There needs to be a clean-up Saturday and a dock removal day. Commissioner Rupert Johnson stated they will strive to do better.

Citizen Angie Henson spoke to council about a drainage issue at the corner of McKinley and Mable. The water drains down onto her property. The only help she has received from the city is when they come and put hard pack in and roll it around. After about two rains, it washes away. She will email pictures to the City Clerk. The drainage is horrible.

Commissioner Roger Angelly said he will talk to the city engineer about this issue. He said this will be an expensive project to correct it. She stated Superintendent Kenny Mayhall has looked at the problem. She knows there is not a lot that can be done without costing a lot, but it really needs to be addressed.

Citizen Angie Henson said due to the water, sometimes she is unable to mow it and she has been tagged by the Code Enforcer. She hopes she does not get tagged for not mowing as a result of the water issue. Commissioner Roger Angelly stated they will look into the problem and try to help.

Citizen Web Bebout asked Commissioner Rupert Johnson why the decision was made to timber at Harrisburg Lake. Commissioner Rupert Johnson said it will help the forest. He stated trees are dying for lack of light. Commissioner Rupert Johnson also stated it would be a source of revenue. He can build a pole barn, buy equipment and have a crew at Harrisburg Lake for improvements.

Citizen We Bebout asked if the mess will be cleaned up after the timbering is completed? Commissioner Rupert Johnson said it will not be clear cutting. Citizen Wes Bebout said it will be a mess. Commissioner Rupert Johnson assured Citizen Wes Bebout the mess will be taken care of.

Citizen Wes Bebout said the city cannot lease all the lots at Harrisburg Lake now, so why cut timber to add spots. He stated the areas that are marked, spots cannot be made as they are on banks and hills. He asked why people are able to live there year-round as according to the lease, it is prohibited from living at the lake year-round. He thinks the lease needs to be changed and updated. Commissioner Rupert Johnson said there is a lot that needs to be changed. Commissioner Rupert Johnson said the city has let the area go for a long time. Citizen Wes Bebout said Harrisburg Lake will never be Lake of Egypt; however, Harrisburg Lake can be nicer if cleaned up. Commissioner Rupert Johnson agreed and said it has been let go for years.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning asked if there are any issues with the boats and the increased horsepower. Citizen Wes Bebout said yes it washes out the shoreline. They are going too fast. It’s a small lake and they don’t need a motor that big. It only takes two minutes to get from one end to the other. Commissioner Rupert Johnson said the speed limit is only 25 mph. Citizen

Web Bebout said nothing is enforced at Harrisburg Lake. Commissioner Rupert Johnson said that is because there isn’t a full crew out there. Commissioner Rupert Johnson is working to having a full crew at Harrisburg Lake. Citizen Wes Bebout suggested no wake buoy to put in the water due to washing out the shoreline. The trees will eventually be in the water due to erosion.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson says he has a skeleton crew. He needs a crew at Harrisburg Lake to take care of the problems. Citizen Lucinda Rogers asked how the City can afford these extra employees? Commissioner Rupert Johnson said by cutting trees. Citizen Lucinda Rogers said it seems like it would be an astronomical expense to employee a full-time crew at Harrisburg Lake. Commissioner Rupert Johnson said it will pay for itself with the timbering and lease fees. Commissioner Rupert Johnson said two employees would cost roughly $99,000 a year.

Citizen Lucinda Rogers said she just doesn’t understand how the leases are going to pay for employee considering the leasees are not allowed to live there year-round. Commissioner Rupert Johnson said he is trying to not raise the lease by doing the timbering; however, there is a possibility of a lease increase. Citizen Lucinda Rogers said she would like to see a five-year plan. She doesn’t want to spend additional money on her cabin and her lease is going to continue to go up. Commissioner Rupert Johnson said it isn’t Lake of Egypt where their leases are $3,000. Citizen Lucinda Rogers said if the City is paying for a crew, the money has to come from somewhere.

Commissioner Roger Angelly said Commissioner Rupert Johnson is putting a plan together and he will present his plan. Commissioner Roger Angelly said he thinks Commissioner Rupert Johnson has some good ideas. Commissioner Roger Angelly stated there may be another townhall meeting so Commissioner Rupert Johnson can present his plan. The leaseholders should give input into the lake.

Citizen Wes Bebout said some of the leaseholders need to clean their property and get the junk out. He said once the dumpsters were gone, no more clean-up took place. He said there are old boats, junk cars, and tires. Commissioner Roger Angelly asked if the Code Enforcer can tag the properties? Commissioner Rupert Johnson said he will send the Code Enforcer to the lake. Fire Chief John Gunning will send letters about dangerous buildings giving them thirty days to clean up.

Commissioner Ron Morse made the motion to authorize Mayor John McPeek to sign the purchase contract with Casey’s General Store. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Attorney Kolby Smithpeters approached council about obtaining the property located a 22 W. Walnut. The city cleaned up the property and the expense are $6,158.49. The woman who owns this property is willing to deed it over to the city. It has been suggested the city acquire the property and in turn advertise the property for sale “as is”. Superintendent Kenny Mayhall believes the surrounding neighbors might purchase this lot. Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to authorize Attorney Kolby Smithpeters to draw a deed for property at 22 W. Walnut. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Treasurer Alex Jackson presented the 2023 Budget. She stated the budget will sit in the City Clerk’s Office and the Treasurer’s Office for viewing. She encouraged council to come see her if they have any questions. The budget will need to be passed during the April 21, 2022 council meeting.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning said it has been roughly fifty years since the City of Harrisburg has had an ambulance service. The Fire Department is hoping to expand to Fire Department with EMT in order to transport.

Fire Chief John Gunning discussed with council the proposed estimate of the cost and revenue. He used a variety of numbers as comparison. He stated there is a good chance they will make up to 2400 calls this year. Commissioner Raymond Gunning stated they would work in coordination with Deaconess. They will not be violating the contract, but they will be there to help.

Commissioner Roger Angelly asked about training for this service. Fire Chief John Gunning stated he has met with Gary Little who teaches through Rend Lake. He will come to the Fire Department for class/training. Fire Chief John Gunning stated at a call last week, Deaconess only had one staff member show up. The Fire Department assisted, got in the rig and help with the patient and Fire Chief John Gunning drove the Deaconess ambulance to the hospital. The Fire Department is ready to move forward with this service.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to hire Logan Shaw as a full-time firefighter at the rate of $16.15 an hour effective April 01, 2022 pending the passing of his physical and drug screen. Seconded by Commissioner Rupert Johnson. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Police Chief Michael Riden state using part-time officers will give them more staffing and will not take away from any union position. The part-time officer will only be used when help is needed and will be good for the City and the department.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to approve Ordinance 1845 for Part-Time Police Officers. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Commissioner Roger Angelly thanked Commissioner Rupert Johnson for putting up the sign on Rick Lane Drive.

Commissioner Rupert Johnson announced 2022 Spring Clean-Up will be held starting April 18, 2022 and going through April 30, 2022. There will be a Spring Clean-Up at Harrisburg Lake in May. The date has yet to be determined, but will be announced during an April council meeting.

Mayor John McPeek discussed a proposal from Clearwave. Clearwave would like to install residential fiber throughout the City of Harrisburg. A meeting is being held next week with Clearwave to address some concerns about the project before allowing the project to begin. Mayor John McPeek stated he will report back to council with more details.

Mayor John McPeek announced the city will begin the mural projects this spring. There will be some improvements in the downtown area as well. There will be a pancake fundraiser on April 09, 2022 from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Mayor John McPeek asked the citizens to make sure house numbers are visibly clear on homes. This assist Harrisburg Police Department, Harrisburg Fire Department and EMS when making emergency calls.

Mayor John McPeek reminded citizens to please, please, please stop littering.

Commissioner Raymond Gunning made the motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Roger Angelly. A roll call vote was taken with all present voting yes. Motion carried.

Adjourn: 6:40 p.m.




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