
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

White County Board met Feb. 14

White County Board met Feb. 14.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Roll Call

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Approve the minutes of the previous meeting.

4. Approve the payment of all county bills.

5. Report from County Officers.

6. Visitors

7. Communications

8. Consider the appointment of Ronald Cowles as a replacement for Wayne McKenzie on the 911 board.

9. Consider changing the evening County Board Meeting to begin at 6pm instead of 7pm.

10. Consider changing the monthly board meeting to the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

11. Consider the approval of adopting a building committee and the appointment of board members to that committee.

12. Discussion and approval on getting bids on a new telephone system for the Courthouse and Annex buildings.

13. Consider the resolution to pay Johannes Construction Inc. for the 2nd part of the renovation of the former Carmi Times building.

14. Discussion and approval of the change order to add the data cabling for the former Carmi Times Building.

15. Consider changing the amount to $10,000 from $30,000 on departments requiring a bid.

16. Statement of support for Denton Aud and Jordan Weiss on their firearm stance.

17. Consider fuel bids for the Highway Department.

18. Consider Federal Aid Agreement & Resolution. Resurfacing with aggregate shoulders & pavement marking Epworth Road – from 1300 North to 100 North (Section 19-00131-00RS).

19. Consider the Resolution/Acceptance for 2023 Maintenance bid proposals (Sections 23-00000-00-GM & 23-xx000-00GM).

20. Consider the approval of Interagency agreement between the White County Sheriff Department and the Ambulance Department. (TABLED ITEM)

21. Consider an amendment on the Health Care Plan to change the inpatient hospital admission. (TABLED ITEM)

22. Consider Resolutions from County Tax Trustee for Parcel No 13-13-251-003 to Stacey Woolsey for $815.00, Parcel No 01-20-326-005 to Joshua D. West for $1000.00, Parcel No 05-20-228-007 to Wyatt S. Hatcher for $5055.55, Parcel No 12-09-351-009 to Sarah J. Clark for $2000.00, Parcel No 13-06-001-100 to Lina Reynolds for $850.00, Parcel No 13-01-226-025 to Clarence W. Lucas for $1000.00, Parcel No 13-14-227-005 & 006 to Shannon E. Lard for $1238.00, and Parcel No 05-20-228-007 to James L Stinson Trust for $15,258.02.

23. Consider the approval letter in support for the New Harmony Bridge.

24. Consider to increase the Treasurers budget from $0 to $13,000 for publishing/printing and also $0 to $1,000 for travel expenses.

25. Consider appointees to the Board of Review.

26. Consider purchase of TrueRoll program for the Supervisor of Assessments.

27. Executive Session for (Personnel and/or Litigation )

28. Other business (Next meeting will be March 14, 2023 at 7:00 P.M)

29. Adjourn
