
SE Illinois News

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Edwards County Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education met April 3

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Edwards County CUSD #1 Board Members: Front row (L to R): Jayare Buerster(vice president), Dale Woods (president), Lawrence Speir, Jr. (secretary) Back row (L to R): Wayne Doelling, Jo Rector, Mark McDaniel, and Kayla Bell. | Edwards County CUSD #1

Edwards County CUSD #1 Board Members: Front row (L to R): Jayare Buerster(vice president), Dale Woods (president), Lawrence Speir, Jr. (secretary) Back row (L to R): Wayne Doelling, Jo Rector, Mark McDaniel, and Kayla Bell. | Edwards County CUSD #1

Edwards County Community Unit School District #1 Board of Education met April 3.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Edwards County K-12 Atelier by President, Dale Woods. The following members were present: Wayne Doelling, Jo Rector, Mark McDaniel, Kayla Bell, Jayare Buerster, and Lawrence Speir Jr.

Motion was made by Wayne Doelling and seconded by Mark McDaniel that a Closed Session be called at 7:02 p.m. to discuss the following:

• Consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine validity

• Consider student discipline

Speir, Rector, McDaniel, Bell, Doelling, Buerster and Woods voted yes. Motion passes

Motion was made by Mark McDaniel and seconded by Jo Rector that the Board come out of Closed Session at 8:15 p.m.

Buerster, Doelling, McDaniel, Rector, Speir, Bell and Woods voted yes. Motion passes

Motion was made by Mark McDaniel and seconded by Jo Rector in regards to Disciplinary Case ECHS 2023-2024 #3 as follows:

I move that, based upon and after the Board’s consideration of the evidence and testimony of the expulsion hearing held on April 3, 2024, the Board of Education finds that Student No. ECHS 2023-2024 #3 is guilty of gross misconduct as charged by the Ditsrict’s Administration in that Student No. ECHS 2023-2024 #3, has had repeated violations of Board Policy 7:190, Student Behaviors and his blatant disregard to follow established school rules has been detrimental to the educational process and it is determined that his continued presence on the ECHS Campus would continue to lead to the disruption of the educational process

I move that the Board of Education expel Student No. ECHS 2023-2024 #3 from Edwards County Community Unit School District No.1 for one (1) calendar year beginning April 4, 2024 through April 2, 2025, but that the expulsion be held in abeyance and student ECHS 2023-2024 #3 be administratively transferred to an alternative school (ROE 20 Lab School in Norris City) pursuant to Article 13A of the Illinois School Code. Once the expulsion expires, student ECHS 2023-2024 #3 would complete the remainder of the second semester at the alternative school. The expulsion being held in abeyance is contingent upon the student’s full participation in the alternative school program, including regularly attending school; complying with attendance policies, school rules, and any referrals for services or counseling made by the alternative school; and successfully completing the alternative school’s curriculum.

I move that should Student No. ECHS #3 fail to fully participate in the alternative school program and the alternative school refer the student back to the District, or fails to enroll in the alternative school program, Student No. ECHS 2023-2024 #3 shall be immediately expelled from Edwards County Community Unit School District No.1 for the remainder of the District Administration’s recommended expulsion duration, through April 3, 2025. Prior to considering a recommendation for expulsion, the District’s Administration attempted other behavioral and disciplinary interventions and determined there are no other appropriated and available behavioral and disciplinary interventions. The interventions previously attempted with the student included: detentions, in-school suspensions, out-of-school suspension, and parent contacts. Removing Student No. ECHS 2023-2024 #3 from the learning environment is in the best interest of the school because this student’s continued presence in school would substantially disrupt, impede or interfere with the operation and educational process of the school. The duration of Student No. ECHS 2023-2024 #3’s expulsion is appropriate based upon the gravity of the misconduct, safety concerns and/or disruption caused by the misconduct, the student’s past disciplinary history and prior behavioral and disciplinary interventions to support the student and promote acceptable behavior.

McDaniel, Speir, Doelling, Bell, Rector, Buerster and Woods voted yes Motion passes

Motion was made by Jo Rector and seconded by Mark McDaniel to employ Kaeli Moore as ECHS Head Volleyball Coach for the 2024-2025 school year.

McDaniel, Bell, Speir, Rector, Doelling, Buerster and Woods voted yes. Motion passes

Motion was made by Jayare Buerster and seconded by Jo Rector that the meeting be adjourned at 8:19 p.m.

McDaniel, Bell, Buerster, Rector, Doelling, Speir and Woods voted yes. Motion passes
