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City of McLeansboro Township Board met Nov. 12.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
On November 12th, 2024, the regular monthly meeting of the McLeansboro Township Boardwas called to order by Supervisor Clydus Gray. The meeting was held at the local Townshipbuilding.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
As requested by the Supervisor, minutes from the October 2024 meeting were read by theClerk. As no questions or corrections were made to those minutes, a motion to approvethemas written was made by Becky Cross and seconded by Dennis Johnson. Motion carried.
Old Business:
- Supervisor Gray said no additional tax levy payments have been received since the first twopayments were deposited. At least one additional payment is expected in the near future.
- Eva Lynn Gray is still in the process of collecting items that have been approved for disposal. The actual process of the that disposal is still under consideration.
New Business:
- A discussion was held regarding the 2024-2025 tax levy that is due to be submitted inDecember of this year. Supervisor Gray indicated a state statute limits an overall increasetoany levy at 4.99% of the prior year’s extended levy. It is his recommendation that, due totherising costs of materials and equipment, the upcoming levy be increased by the maximumamount. A motion was made by Becky Cross and seconded by Bob Brockett to approve theproposed increase. Motion carried.
- Richard Woods gave an overview of the upcoming caucuses that will be held on December 3rdof this year. The Republican caucus will be held at 6:00 P.M. with the Democrat caucus heldimmediately following at 6:30.
- It was noted a new culvert has been installed at the Odd Fellows Cemetery which will allowaccess to excess dirt that has accumulated at the South end of the cemetery. The CemeteryBoard is grateful for Road Commissioner Bob Drake’s completion of that project.
Monthly Claims: Road and Bridge Fund, Building and Equipment Fund and Permanent RoadFund claims were presented for review. Motion by Bob Brockett and seconded by Dennis Johnson to pay those bills. Motion carried.
Town Fund and Social Security Fund claims were also presented to the Board. Motionby BeckyCross and seconded by Bob Brockett to also pay those bills. Motion carried.
As there was no further business on the monthly agenda, a motion to adjourn was made by Becky Cross and seconded by Bob Brockett. Motion carried.