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New Hope Consolidated Community School District #6 Board of Education met December 17.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Meeting Called to Order and Roll Call
II. Consent Agenda Approval
1. Regular Meeting Minutes - November 19, 2024
2. Treasurer's Report
3. Bills
III. Opportunity for Visitors to Speak
IV. President's Prerogative
1. Committee Reports
V. Superintendent's Report
1. FOIA Requests for Employee contact information
2. Fund Balances
3. PTO Fundraiser
4. Brain Games
5. Benefit Concert
6. Sports Boosters Tournament and Banners
7. Superintendent Evaluation
8. Maintenance Grant Update
VI. New Business
1. Motion to Approve Tax Levy
2. Motion to Approve Cardiac Emergency Rescue Plan
VII. Executive Session for Student Discipline
VIII. Right to Revert to Prior Order
IX. Adjourn